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Everything posted by Mareblu

  1. I had very mild shingles two years ago. Fortunately, I’d had the vaccination, which I don’t recall being at all painful. It doesn’t give you complete protection, but like covid vax, usually dramatically reduces the effect of the attack. I certainly wouldn’t want to have a full-blown episode. Please don’t hesitate to take advantage of its availability. We are indeed fortunate.
  2. Great pic of a lighthouse on a cliff, and I’m thinking maybe New Zealand?
  3. Didn’t you get that downpour on Monday? We had torrential rain for about 3 hours. Then Wednesday some, and more forecast later today. Tomorrow looks like quite heavy rain and storms. We certainly needed it though.
  4. Oh, that's wonderful to hear, Les. Contact you soon re Raymonds next week to celebrate the rain🍜
  5. I’m a NSW girl. Packed a port for hols or school, and swam in togs. My cousins called them cosis, so I thought that was what they were meant to be, and as a young teenager, followed suit (pun intended). Much later, I can remember togs morphed into swimmers, which is what our kids called them.
  6. Sorry to hear that, Mic. Best wishes for the most comfortable pathway to recovery, whatever that may be. We have some brilliant Orthopods here in Canberra..
  7. Please don't let the posters on the Cunard thread see this 😉
  8. The soothing noise from the trains rumbling over the bridge lulled us to sleep as kids when we were staying with my grandparents. The currawongs and kookaburras woke us in the morning, and in summer, the shrill of cicadas during the hot days was deafening. When they stopped, the mosquitos started. Sounds of Australia, lol.
  9. This makes my heart sing. My beloved grandfather was an Engineer in the remake of the original Hawkesbury River bridge. He loved the area so much that he and my wonderful grandmother retired to Dangar Island for the last years of their life. They could see the bridge from their waterfront home every day. Thanks for posting💜
  10. It looks like it Lyle, but I’m not sure from this photo. The old bridge parts seem on wrong side. Where’s Les?😊
  11. A new bridge in Australia: not Hawkesbury and not Nelligen…hmmm🤔
  12. Don’t want you in distress: no racking your brains.
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