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Everything posted by navybankerteacher

  1. I am sure they do it on (rare) occasion - I recall a Quebec to New York sailing where HAL served fresh lobster - - which they brought on board at Bar Harbor — but fish does not generally travel very well - and if you look closely at the fish counter at your local supermarket you will usually see the words “previously frozen”. What they load on board is almost always frozen - which is not really what people think of when they see the word “fresh”. If you think anything which isn’t canned is fresh, that’s one thing; I would not really want to eat fish which has been simply chilled from when it was caught, to brought to fish market, to purchased by cruise line, to sitting on the dock until loaded on board, to being in the refrigerator on ship until cooked and served. Unless you live near where caught, the fish you eat has usually been frozen. I do not think frozen fish is any more fresh than Birdseye frozen Peas are.
  2. If a good part of that day and a half were to be spent in France rather than in England there are some who would hardly call it a waste. And, depending upon where, and how, you are flying, that APD can be a lot more than $58. First class to Los Angeles would make it 200 GBP.
  3. Then there is the fact that a long flight from France to anywhere is likely to be significantly less expensive than one from England because of the “environment” fee the British add to outgoing fares.
  4. I am curious: what would you like to have seen done to him?
  5. Yes, but without knowing the content of that chat you should not assume that nothing was done. If they had made it clear to him that any further problems involving him would put him off the ship, for example, that would have been something. Privacy laws need to be observed.
  6. “Customs” does not seem to be the issue, questions regarding re-entry involve Immigration.
  7. An incident on an Italian registered ship, which took place in mid-Atlantic, which ship’s staff did not take seriously, before the victim debarked in the Caribbean before returning to the UK. What is being sought here: payment of damages for noted illness which might have resulted from the event, vengeance against the perpetrator, simple justice whereby future cruisers would be protected from any possible repetition? The obvious first line: the ship’s staff did not take it seriously and there seems to be no official jurisdiction likely to take action . Other than sending a carefully drafted letter to the management of the line requesting that they pursue the matter, I can think of nothing.
  8. It is generally a good idea for an out-of-towner to stay in Manhattan - for a taste of the city, if getting in early enough to do/see something. Otherwise it makes the most sense to fly into EWR and stay at/near the airport and then taxi/uber to Bayonne port the next day.
  9. Which actually is a good way to handle a number of posts here.
  10. I suspect that the “food obsession” remark was a comment regarding my mentioning that fresh fish is not likely to be served on a cruise ship, in response to a poster who said that salad and fresh fish was all that was needed. interesting how threads get frayed.
  11. We have come back from Europe by ship a number of times by ship in late summer early fall. It sure beats flying back. Once you establish the general time range of your travel you can start checking crossing sailings and, if compatible with your general time frame, pick the sailing to New York most compatible, and then fill in the time between your fixed date in Iceland. It really helps to have a lot of free time.
  12. What is that supposed to mean? I simply mentioned the fact that you were not likely to be served fresh fish on a cruise ship?
  13. It is highly unlikely that you will get ANY fresh fish on most cruise ships- almost always frozen.
  14. Still, there is some truth in the adage: “Don’t fix it if it isn’t broken”.
  15. Most “hotels” will store luggage for a guest arriving before check in time. If you are thinking of an inexpensive motel, you should really check with them and get them to confirm that they will store luggage for you. As with most things, you only get what you are willing to pay for.
  16. But, sadly a logical notion. Most changes are aimed at improving profitability for the operator.
  17. Yes, as OP was discussing a wedding in Iceland in mid-2024 , followed by possible travel in Ireland, the best bet would be to scan trans-Atlantics ending in New York, of which there would be plenty in late Summer/early Fall from places in (more likely just near) Iceland or Ireland. Most likely Southampton - which, in addition to fairly long cruise ship repositionings, would offer probably one Queen Mary 2 straight shot 7 day sailing to New York each month.
  18. Booking a cabin with a stranger might save money - but you should stop to think of all the potential problems. It would be far better to find someone locally - through work associates, possibly through a local fraternal organization or church - so you would have a chance to get to know someone before committing yourself to share a 100 or so square foot cabin and small bathroom for a week with a total stranger. If nothing else try one of those “meeting people” ads in a local paper - get to know someone BEFORE locking yourself up with him/her.
  19. For some reason it seems that the ships for passage on which people are willing to pay higher fares all seem to have comfortable libraries (in addition to certain other amenities). Just part of the marketing done by the managers of those lines.
  20. While it may be possible for fares to go down with the passage of time, the overwhelming direction is upward - as inventory shrinks (which it must every time just one seat on a trip is booked) the relative value of remaining unsold seats goes up. Sure, if there are a number of cancellations impacting a particular run, the inventory would grow, leading to a price decline —- but movement in that direction is unlikely. I very much doubt there is any “always” in the price decline category.
  21. You realize, I hope, that an essential factor in all lines’ approach is how to maximize the bottom line. In efforts to increase sales (essential to fill the incoming multi-thousand passenger ships), the lines must focus on reducing non-revenue producing expenditures, even activities which cost nothing beyond the use of space which might otherwise be dedicated to some revenue-producing activities. The general disappearance of libraries in tandem with the increase in numbers of bars being perhaps the most obvious manifestation.
  22. Of course TA's operate on commission - which means the lower the fare you demand the less time they will be inclined to spend on you.
  23. Precisely - if you are interested in getting a low price cabin, just shop around. There is no magic making any single cabin cheaper than all regular cabins.
  24. If absolutely nothing was taken from the bag, I would suggest that you might have forgotten to put the lock on in the first place or that it somehow fell off. The port baggage handlers are generally in view of many folks and are unlikely to engage in digging around in random pieces of luggage.
  25. Depending upon just where you live in NJ, and especially the day of week and time of day, that 45 minutes could be a pipe dream.
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