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Everything posted by Jim_Iain

  1. Sorry if I missed the email. Last Friday I the stitches removed after 2 month. The doctor said he was finally able to "almost" declare it a success. I've been tapering down the Prednisone to 2x a day for 2 weeks and 1x for 2 weeks when we return in a week. He wants to to see me 2 weeks after I'm off prednisone. It's amazing what they can do with micro surgery. The side benefit was they did a Cataract Surgery at the same time so now I no longer need glasses.
  2. Happy it will be on deck 10 - 1118. It's a long climb up the stairs from al Bacio to Deck 12. When I passed the 10th this morning I thought how nice it will be next week.
  3. Yes that's where I got it. It is a fun shirt. They only place I saw it was in a little gift shop a couple blocks from the main street. I even had someone in a car lean out and Yell Hey Stud.. LOL
  4. Last night they had the Full size Filet on the Luminae. They also had the Turbot and we both chose that instead. It is a perfectly composed dinner.
  5. My understanding is that it is the same on all of the ship but different paper and format.
  6. I would agree but this one had a curly tail like a basenji. I'm sure she was a mutt, as it was in a little village with only one store and a school.
  7. Glad to hear as the Short Rib appetizer I had was delicious. You must have gotten the fat that was missing from mine. As I said my waiter said he likes them but doesn't like the .... didn't know the word for it and said the slimy stuff it sometimes has. I have to admit the 4 ounce Filet from the Kid's menu I had last night was just the perfect size for me and loved it.
  8. Here's the one from Edge but it is the same on all ships 1 Liter Bottle from those listed and anything you want on the menu When you take into consideration that a bar setup of 1 Liter Bottle Premium is $120 it makes the experience more "reasonable". You can take it with you back to your stateroom for later drinks.
  9. Diane & Henrietta - Really didn't notice any in particular. We did see dogs all over the place taking a siesta. You know what a sucker I am for dogs. I did share my taco with one at the Taquilla place. Very strange dog - markings of a Beagle but about 3 feet tall. I'll have to see if I can find Henrietta a Mexican Boyfriend.
  10. Was notified yesterday that we were moved up to a Royal. Yea.
  11. Sail away on schedule. We were invited to Helipad for sail away. Declined and took a much needed nap instead.
  12. We went for a refreshing swim and relaxed for about an hour before returning to the ship.
  13. I'll shoot a picture tomorrow. So far I've not seen a single one being used. The lawn has been packed at times watching the World Cup. Cabana Menu - 1 Liter of your choice from menu
  14. if it's not too much trouble, could you find out if they have automatic transmission, too? *************************************** They answer is NO. They are 4 wheel drive stick on the floor. At much of the time the drivers had to put into 1st gear going both up and down some steep terrain.
  15. We next were offered samples of 6 different Taquilla - Silver, Blond, Aged 9 months, Peach, Vanilla and Coffee.
  16. Stopped along the way in a small village with one bathroom but asked to hold off if we could. m The stop was adjacent to a primary school.
  17. We proceeded along some backroads on our way to an obligatory Taqueria Factory
  18. 10 minutes later we were off paired up with 4 in each deep. They said you needed a drivers license but just looked to see if all drivers had one. We were paired off with a nice couple from Oklahoma City. We passed a prison on way out of town.
  19. We were all in line and quickly departed in two small busses. There were 24 of us. We turned in to Walmart. Where they had our Jeep’s waiting for us.
  20. Early morning as we had an 8:00 tour and lost an hour. We decided to eat in our room. While better than the Kelly TV table still cramped.
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