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Everything posted by Itchy&Scratchy

  1. I simply went to the Promenade cafe and got coffee cups with lids. This way we didn't have to bring them with us. I also filled them with milk right there at the promenade cafe for the before-bed night cap. ETA: On Harmony @Honeyroastedmelnutcan also run over to the Park Cafe for a cup of milk (they have the coffee/tea station there and fancy coffees as well). Since they serve cereal as well, they may have prepackaged milk, but I didn't look last time to check. Sorry, I only have a meme handy for a visual representation.
  2. that's what they would book it, but when it comes to sleeping the adults could be in one cabin and the three kids can sleep in the adjacent cabin.
  3. we use a bunch of cute magnets to decorate the door. Somebody stole one of them on our latest cruise...
  4. honest answer: nope. We have worked from home since the pandemic started. I go out shopping about twice a week, always wearing a mask. We got vaxxed as soon as our age was eligible. It took some time to convince my parents to get vaccinated, because they thought themselves immune forever after having original covid in May 2020. I got through to them because by that time it was clear that the immunity didn't last forever. DS went to school online for a year and in person last year, masks were required through mid-November of 2021, but he wore his until the school ended in May. We got lots of exposure notifications that bus riders were positive but DS didn't ride a bus. DS has participated in outdoor sports, but not ones with super close contact. We only got take out or ate outside on the patio. Never in a crowd. We ventured out on a cruise last November, many wore masks unless actively eating or outside, and planes were fully masked. We didn't get covid that time and we felt safe - so, I booked the May cruise. Turns out, it was completely different from Nov cruise, and we got covid. Now my DH doesn't really want to go on Nov 2022 cruise because he thinks we'll get it again and it wasn't light enough for the two of us to just brush it off like some posters did. My BFF went to a conference in Vegas last summer - thousands of people in a theater/arena setting, no masks, lots of audience hyping activities, singing and dancing. Many participants got covid and some died. BFF and her entire family had covid shortly before the conference so she was relatively safe (they vaccinated after getting covid). 2021 covid deaths of two of my (unrelated to each other) cousins who lived their lives like covid was just a cold only reinforced my efforts to protect myself and my family.
  5. I am afraid I don't understand you. OP said she wanted the parents and their kids to be in adjoining cabins. You asked why they had to be in connecting cabins. I said to keep a close eye on the kids of that age. Your reply didn't make any sense to me. Are you saying they should ALL be in the same cabin? Are you saying the 5 of them should be in the same cabin?
  6. probably because the boys are 8, 10 and 12. I'd rather keep a close eye on the kids at that age. Heck, our 11 yo cruises in the same cabin with us.
  7. Wonder of the Seas is so darn expensive at this time. We've thoroughly enjoyed Oasis class. Especially, Harmony which has both water and dry slides in addition to everything else Allure does (as an example). Allure doesn't have slides.
  8. that's what I'd always thought until we sailed on NCL. I am an omnivorous glutton and even I was not able to enjoy or even find much of the food choices acceptable on the NCL ships. I do have to give props to Jade's crepes - they were heavenly, but since the ship broke down on day 3, we only enjoyed them for 3 days.
  9. I hope she is ok. Wishing her a speedy recovery! When my dad had the original covid, his oxy also fell below 90 several times.
  10. thanks to vaccinations. Plus, I had more than cold symptoms. but people rarely die of colds. There is no cold pandemic, is there?
  11. it's not about the public utensils... We brought plastic food service gloves with us and used them in the buffet. However, you are sitting literally a foot away from other unmasked strangers in both the WJ and MDR. And during the shows as well. We wore masks indoors at all times, unless actively eating - we got up from the table to get more food and put the masks and the gloves on, and we still got covid on the cruise (May 28 Allure sailing). The waiters at MDR pulled down their masks to talk to us all the time. Same with our cabin asst. If you are willing to forgo eating at WJ and MDR and all the shows - you are good to go. Although, that would eliminate most of the joy we derive from cruising. Good luck! I hope you don't get sick.
  12. I'd use the waterproof matt pad in a combination with a diaper at night. Unless you WANT to bring an inflatable mattress. DS started cruising when he was 3 - we didn't even bother with the pad. At 3 he was still wearing a diaper at night - size 6 in Luvs.
  13. just the opposite for us... MDR and buffet food on Jade and Getaway were inedible, aside from the free crepes, but we loved the entertainment. MDR and buffet food on various RCI ships ranged from acceptable to quite nice, and the entertainment is great as well. Smoke smell permeated everything on the middle decks on both NCL ships. That was definitely a deal breaker for us - we couldn't use many of the free food venues because they were in the middle of the smoke cloud.
  14. we went on that ship and itinerary early June, and if you want more shade on the balcony, choose the right side (starboard?). We were in 8546 - a great cabin. We had a lot of shade - perfect for using the balcony, and our cabin attendant was great. We were facing the land in all three ports.
  15. we really liked the Breezy bay part of the Chill island. Water in November was very cold.
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