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Everything posted by Windsurfboy

  1. I didn't think there was any problems with people arriving later than expected, unless everyone turns up at 5 mins before last boarding. I do not see the problem with people given allocated times , which are realistically not before times. The more you pay or more often you sail with P&O the earlier you can check in. Not Woke but that's life.
  2. Surely coaches should be made to stick to their allotted arrival times. Grossly unfair to others if they arrive at allotted time and a coach load arrive early and force them to wait.
  3. By the amount of people that complain about any boarding time after 1pm and say they will turn up when they feel like it. Also the fact when I turn up at my allotted time of 12nòon, terminal is full to the brim of people with later boarding times. I thought every cruise line gave people allotted boarding times.
  4. Cunard online check in you preregister credit card and upload photos, thought P&O would be same. Could also ask to upload covid certificates and any thing else. Don't know about logistics of sending out cruise cards. If the did they need to be smart cards that don't work till your allotted boarding time
  5. With the big ships they must be strict or there would be absolute chaos. Think if 5000 people turn up at 11am. Cars queuing for miles , terminal overflowing.
  6. BA allows up to 32kg per case , gold executive club members, 3 cases at 32 kg in business.
  7. The answer is to restrict the number of booking someone can make across all the venues. No overlapping bookings and say no more than two venues per night. Should be easy to implement, simple IT.
  8. Agree completely Only question 1 is relevant in that there is a defined Cunard dress code in black and white. It's easy to understand Question 2 , cannot be answered as there is no definitive answer to what is socially accepted standard. Everyone will have their own definition. Some are stuck in the fifties, some think anything goes especially if it has the right label. Why are people making a simple question so difficult.
  9. 're @spaceoddity post "Brittania restaurant around point of least motion , in middle low down on decks 2 and 3 " They then went on to put Grills higher up on deck 7 (but no views) and to rear. Perhaps they thought grills guests more experienced sailors😂 Learnt lesson and put grills in Middle on newer ships
  10. Still only 2 out of 3 lifts on staircase D. Never any queues.
  11. Fantastic news. Fantastic value an absolute steal, if only we lived nearer, and hadn't just got off QM2 on Sunday. Safarigal should be able to book on board, or walk across road to carnival house
  12. Thank you Solent Richard where was is ,or is it a TA that can't be named
  13. Can't find to book coronation cruise anywhere,
  14. I hope Cunard have learnt the lesson from Covid. When even though it was clear to world and it's dog that something was drastically wrong when QM2 didn't leave Fremantle. Cunard kept on telling me its OK, it will arrive in Capetown , no need to book alternative arrangements. Glad I booked flights. So I'll believe QM2 is back in action when we see it leave with passengers on board.
  15. Smooth ride all due to hull shape and weight. Layout doesn't effect ride.
  16. This was a specialiality restaurant every night and no way through on deck 7 As I said we liked Carpenthia lounge, light and airy. Commodore to small and same pianist every night. Queens room awful.
  17. Solent Richard blog on one trip spends a day in civtavecchia itself.
  18. When you come out of either grills restaurants at night , you cannot walk through kings court as it is a speciality restaurant. Must either go up or down to go forward or walk outside.
  19. I would classify bathroom as adequate, shower is over bath but easy to get in and out. Bath is small, Short and narrow. I have 34 inch waist and found it a squeeze. I think better cabin , food and service is more read on for PG.
  20. As I got up for morning walk in Tenerife they were literally shoveling large black soot particles up on decks at back, filling multiple bin bags full of the stuff, even had to empty pools. However everything was fine for next three days. So hard to say what happened
  21. Feeling lucky to have made it back to Southampton, thoughts on my first QM2 and PG experience. QG was fully booked for Capetown to Southampton, all booked in first hour. Anyway were very pleasantly surprised by QM2 PG cabin, had just as much usable space as Q.V. or QE so called penthouses(Q3 or Q4) . -Clothes hanging space amazing, wife had walk in wardrobe to herself, I had 4 single wardrobes to myself. -PG service was excellent although some days even with a la carte found menu boring. So I agree that PG is the sweet spot in terms of service and value. QG is an indulgence, however if you can afford it then indulging yourself is always a good idea. We shall continue with QG, but perhaps if there were more real speciality restaurants would be very happy with PG. As for the QM2 it's one and only plus point is its ride , you just don't feel the waves. Apart from this I was disappointed. -The queens room was like the black hole of Calcutta , it had no atmosphere , never busy enough to be a grand ballroom. -The grills lounge and deck was to small. No view from the grills restaurants. -The grand atrium by Pursers desk was not useful for anything. -Commodore club too small. -The nicest lounge was Carpenthia, pity it was dress down. -At night you couldn't go forward from grills restaurants on deck 7 had to go outside. So I'm clearly in the camp that believe Q.V. and QE are better designed ships, Queen Anne also looks to have a more well thought out layout. So in am clearly not in the camp that you haven't experienced the best of Cunard if you haven't been on QM2. One thing staff on all 3 ships are equally great
  22. Only if they booked hotel and other elements at same time through Cunard or a travel company , then it becomes a package and Cunard/ travel company have responsibility for total package. If they booked just a cruise one way then all Cunard is legally responsible for is a full refund. Insurance responsibility for rest.
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