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Everything posted by SLSD

  1. And I always thought the Cruise Director's role was more than entertainment. At least that is what I observed. Handre seemed to really care if people were comfortable--for example. I remember being out on the deck for a Rock the Deck Party and Handre rushing over with blankets for us--unsolicited. I've seen so many instances when Cruise Directors surveyed a situation and decided to make one announcement or another--not always related to entertainment. So, the new title seems to be a narrowing of their job description.
  2. You have made me laugh. If we haven't met them onboard, we have certainly read their comments.
  3. If you look at the SB website and at the brochures sent to your home, you will see that MANY cruises are advertised as 21 day, 14 day, and 7 day. If you look closely, you will see that the 7 day cruises are almost always a subset of the 14 day, 21 day cruises and so on. Now I think our upcoming 14 day cruise is not two 7 days put together--but I could be wrong.
  4. Here's the page on the SB website about charters--partial and full---and it mentions dedicated space and activities for the chartered groups. https://www.seabourn.com/en_US/charters.html
  5. Mr. SLSD has been having issues--yesterday. I don't think we have tried it yet today. Yesterday, the app was working on my phone.
  6. We'll be there with you on the same cruise and do hope for something palatable. We are not very picky, but want something decent. I have liked the Clarandelle in the past--and hope it is onboard.
  7. Hmmm...what is the best way to avoid a partial charter? I've been thinking it might be wise to avoid the Greek Islands and the Caribbean. It seems that partiers prefer warm cruises with lots of sun to cool weather locales. And yes, I would be very disappointed if a chartered group of 250 were on our cruise. It would change the dynamics entirely. I am so sorry for those of you on the Encore right now.
  8. Thank you very much. This is exactly what I was looking for and tells me that we CAN enjoy lunch at Sushi. The bento boxes will work for us along with the noodles and minced pork. I think I can convince Mr. SLSD that this will work for him. I want to try it. We don't do buffets. This will give us another option.
  9. Our 5% was extended--but we called and asked for the extension. It took a few calls as the first person we talked to was not knowledgeable about the discount etc.
  10. We are looking for anything BUT sushi as we don't eat sushi. What I really want to know is what can you have at the Sushi restaurant aside from Sushi.
  11. I'll do that. I may have to go for lunch there alone as Mr. SLSD is a bit unwilling to try ANYTHING raw. I think I would try it.
  12. Have a wonderful cruise. We'll be boarding Ovation shortly after you board Venture. I'll be sure to report back here. By the way, I am SO envious of you in the UK when it comes to traveling to European cruises. My only concern are our flights. We are traveling several days early--so we should get there.
  13. Mr. SLSD and I have sailed on both Ovation and Encore, but, because we do not care for sushi, never tried the Sushi restaurant. On our upcoming cruise on Ovation, I am looking for alternative dining options. What does the Sushi restaurant offer aside from sushi? I like seviche, but Mr. SLSD does not. I'm hoping there is something on the menu--either lunch or dinner that we might enjoy. Thank you for any experience you might share.
  14. Markham, Are you sailing on Silversea now due to your disappointments? I read your original posts and heard you loud and clear. When is your next cruise and where?
  15. Does anyone have knowledge about the drinking water systems on Silversea and Regent?
  16. ALL the included wines are South African? That's unusual...
  17. Sometimes it's an issue concerning the type of food. If a person hasn't sailed on Seabourn previously, they might be expecting something different. Some say the food is too bland, while we often find it too salty--as another example. People have very different taste in food.
  18. I think the issue is that bottled drinking water used to be provided when getting off the ship--instead of the ship's water put into reusable bottles. The bottled drinking water was accessed in the same way they access other food/drink supplies---from trusted suppliers. I have known about this for a. while, but mentioned it to my husband for the first time yesterday. I couldn't remember Nordaq. I think we will just have to taste the water and see if we like it enough to drink when off the ship.
  19. Mr. SLSD has asked me to ask some questions. We sail on Ovation on June 11th and only today did I mention to him that the drinking water situation on Seabourn ships is now different from the last time we sailed (pre Covid). I told him I would try to elicit information and advice from intrepid cruisers. First, what is the system called that Seabourn is using to process drinking water? We assume the water is safe to drink, but does it taste pleasant or does it have a brackish or off taste? If you do not like the water, what are your suggestions? I have read in the past that some request bottled water in their suites and transfer this to their own water bottle for port excursions. I have read that provided bottles are heavy and that they leak. Can you tell us which bottled waters are available to request and what kind of water bottle do you suggest? Thanks so much. We ARE beginning to get excited about sailing again with SB.
  20. Shark B8, You have been a superlative travel host--never complaining--always seeing the bright side of every situation. Just the kind of person we all would enjoy sailing with. Traveling vicariously has been fun. I wish you and Mrs. Shark B8 a safe journey home and a joyous reunion with your pup and your kitten. We look forward to your next cruise!
  21. We are fifth generation Texans and also don't use the word ya'll outside of the state.
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