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Everything posted by SLSD

  1. I've enjoyed all the videos. You and Mrs. Shark B8 have had a most excellent experience. Thank you for taking us along.
  2. Galeforce, I don't know if you saw my post above. The offer is for both 2023 and 2024.
  3. You can buy me a drink if we are ever on the same cruise. I'm glad my posting helped you. Yours must have been lost in the mail. It was a postcard after all.
  4. We have never felt a need for a larger suite than the Veranda. We don't spend all that much time in our suite --perhaps a short afternoon siesta and then sleeping at night. The rest of the time, we are out and about--either onshore or around the ship. I do understand that everyone is different in how they enjoy the ship. I have noticed that the penthouse design does not seem to be a significant step up from the veranda.
  5. I've enjoyed your photos and videos Shark B8. Are all other cruises going to seem too brief after this one?
  6. I've observed on quite a number of Seabourn excursions that most have NOT tipped tour guides. I've been a bit surprised by that. I know that tipping is not part of some cultures. I think it is just up to the person to decide the appropriate amount. Some guides are truly outstanding in every way and some are quite mediocre. We always tip the guide and the driver. The amount has varied.
  7. You go missing for a day or two and everyone is poised to send out a posse to find you. I look forward to your photos and videos.
  8. We have been frequent SB cruisers--but have not cruised since the pandemic. We received a large postcard in the mail offering the $35% discount. I posted a photo of the postcard we receive in the "President's Cruise" thread. I don't know who they sent the cards to. One of us having a milestone birthday was mentioned in the text on our card. I had a milestone birthday last year.
  9. We are trying them out on our next cruise--but only on the front end of the cruise. If things go well, I'm sure we will use them both ways next time--and I've noted the difficulty some have had in finding who to leave the bags with after the cruise. Thank you for mentioning it.
  10. Aha! I've. never had great iced tea on a SB ship and I am ice tea drinker. I order a whole pitcher of it through room service for breakfast. I'll be sure to check out the tea at Seabourn Square next time.
  11. I honestly believe that the door, cabinet, veranda door slammers do not realize the noise they are making and how it bothers others. If they have not cruised SB before, they may not realize how easily the doors slam. It does take some purposeful care to not let them slam. If the staff is not willing to give them a note about it, why not slip one yourself into their note holder outside their door? I do think most people would be embarrassed and vow to do better. Why do I think this? Because Mr. SLSD can be an offender. He can be oblivious. But, when I explained to him how important it is to close the doors with care--he was mightily embarrassed as he always aims to be polite and not bother others. I'll have to remind him again when we sail this summer as he will once again be oblivious.
  12. They are good problems to have. Be sure to report back your experience with Luggage Forward. Our experience with them will be in June. I will be sure to report back here.
  13. I am not surprised either. I don't think anyone is questioning what they did. Everyone is aghast and just trying to figure out what can be done in the future. I hope everyone is doing ok.
  14. And we won't be returning to Russia during our lifetime probably.
  15. I recall having our passports with us in both St. Petersburg and again in Russia on the Kamchatka Peninsula. Otherwise, we could not have entered Russia. It was enough of an ordeal to go through with our passport. I'm quite sure we could not have gone back to the ship and then back through immigration without it.
  16. I totally agree with you. Curiously, we were told to take our passports when we were in Alaska--and we are Americans. I scoffed. I can't remember now what we did. Perhaps they neglected to exclude Americans from the announcement.
  17. I meant that you should not take all the money you had (potentially) in your wallet. I understood that it was mandated that passports be taken. I've read a bit about passport cards---no African country accepts them. This is such a frightening situation. I hope the passengers involved are doing ok this evening.
  18. I've read that stolen passports WERE part of the robbery. I've read a list of countries that accept a passport card--and no African country is on the list. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/passports/need-passport/card.html
  19. Thank you for all of your suggestions,. I've never used the vacuum bags, but a friend brought some over in case I wanted to use them on our trip. Very kind of her. Neither of us take blood pressure medication and we did successfully take Paxlovid last September when we both had Covid. It worked like a dream for me (stops the virus from multiplying) and for my husband. On this trip, we are just using Luggage Forward for the trip out--and will schlepp our bags home ourselves. I am trying to pack very smartly. Currently, I already have most things laid out on a bed and I'm impressed that it is not a huge lot. And yes, the shoes are a big (and ongoing) issue. I think Mr. SLSD can get by with three pairs---walking shoes (worn on plane), dress(ier) shoes and one other pair in between. I'll wear my walking shoes on the plane and pack a pair of flats in my carry on. I would like to take at least three or four more pairs. We'll see what develops. I've got daytime things covered fairly easily. I have about five combinations for dinner in the evening--but I am still working on what exactly I want to take. And there are scarves, jewelry, socks etc. etc. And a waterproof rain jacket, another light jacket, a light down sweater, a quilted vest and a couple of other sweaters. It sounds like a lot more than it actually is. Most everything is fairly thin. The waterproof rain jacket and the vest will go on the plane with me with the down sweater (which folds to nothing) in the carryon.
  20. I just checked The Container Store website and did not see it. The Container Store reset their mission a few years ago and don't carry everything they used to carry. The brand name is Eagle Creek. I just found it on Amazon under the name Eagle Creek Pack-It Garment Folder Packing Organizer, Black (M)
  21. That is horrific. So glad to hear they are ok physically. They will not soon recover from the experience I am sure. There is also the hassle of replacing everything. A reminder take ashore only the money you might need that day. We're discussing this now.
  22. I'll photograph one of them later. But bascially, they are made of a canvas material and are folded shirt size. You fold shirts, other items of clothing--stack them on the canvas and then fold over a flap on each side that close with velcro. It allows you to compress a stack of clothing into a smaller space. I purchased them at The Container Store some years ago. I do not know if the store still carries them.
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