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Everything posted by SLSD

  1. Not being the the UK, I've always been attracted by itineraries that include it, but haven't taken one yet. I am curious about Iceland. I'm not entirely sure I have a desire to go there. Should I? Would some of you who have been there tell me why I should want to go?
  2. They are not exciting at all, and supermarket fare for sure--but usually something palatable can be found--unless you are a real wine aficionado.
  3. I agree with you. Guacamole requires chips and I've never heard of baked potato with chili.
  4. What do you think it is--this far out? Perhaps the port overbooked? Perhaps SB won't be able to pay ahead of time? Etc. etc. Who knows. It is curious. I found this schedule of cruise ship arrivals and departures for 2023 https://cruisedig.com/ports/flam-norway/arrivals Some of these ships have a LOT of passengers---way more than Ovation. AND I don't see a SB ship on the 2024 schedule either. It may be a money issue. The port is probably charging a lot--and SB won't pay it. Just a guess. What else could it be?
  5. Not specifically. I think it was "operational reasons" which could be most anything. This far out, it could be that the port would not let them dock. I am not certain if ship size had something to do with it. Others might know.
  6. You have often been asked why you want to know who the CD, F&Bs and captains are. I have seen that that they do set the mood for a cruise. Hamish is great. So personable and he likes to meet passengers and have meaningful conversations, It helps make a cruise stand out and be memorable when the captain goes above and beyond. Mr. SLSD and I have tried trivia. It CAN be fun, depending on who is on your team. On a Baltic cruise some years ago, we had a very personable team captain who made the experience fun , along with one of the most entertaining CDs. However, we have decided not to play trivia again as the questions (sports, pop culture, TV, movies) do not play to our strengths which would be history, literature, etc. While I understand that many enjoy it and enjoy meeting people there, it just isn't how we want to spend our time. And I agree with you about the hokey games. On a sea day, we like really good lectures, special events on the deck, perhaps a wine tasting, etc. We are also not people who sit around in Seabourn Square. I hope the fun factor on your cruise improves in the coming days.
  7. Did this have something to do with Covid testing etc?
  8. This is similar to the description you have given while on Silversea. It would be shame for SB to move that direction. The fact that SB is a bit more lively is what keeps us there.
  9. I guess we have been very fortunate in the past to not experience this kind of thing. We have experienced staff at the port. not seeming to know their job. Once, I had to remind them to take my photograph.
  10. We've done this as well, but have never found ourselves in a big crowd for our first lunch. Both ways work!
  11. Yes, this is based on experience. We always try to board in time to have lunch outside at the Colonnade. Now, things may be a bit different as we have not sailed since Covid. However, from what I have been reading many board by noon or so if possible. I don't yet know if that will be possible for us this time--but if it is, lunch on the day of embarkation is one of my favorite things. So, if you can do it--do it! I have not heard of anything like what you experienced on Oceania on a post pandemic Seabourn cruise.
  12. Keep your luggage with you instead of putting it out in the hallway the night before. You can carry it off the ship yourself and save time that way.
  13. So sorry to hear that Mrs. Fudge has Covid after the cruise. Sending all best wishes for a very speedy recovery. Thank you both for your commentary. It was enjoyable. And Jondfk, I think your first sailing on SB will be the cruise we are on (June 11-25) Copenhagen to Copenhagen. Try to embark early enough to have lunch outdoors at the Colonnade.
  14. Hmm...which is more likely---an airline losing your bags or Luggage Forward failing to get your bags to the ship?
  15. Worth a try--but I think we will go for the refund and if we want to, we can do another deposit on our next cruise as we do have one booked.
  16. I am really not worried as the refund info is clearly on the website--but hidden a bit. I did quote it in one of my posts above. We are going to make our request by letter (certified) as the SB representative decline to take my request. Ours expires in June.
  17. Jon, Mr. SLSD and I are not the most adventurous when it comes to doing tours on our own. We are happy to walk around an interesting port, but not up for renting a car and driving as far as 140 miles and back---even though we really like to read about Fletcher's experiences. We go on cruises to relax and let others do the driving and the work. I AM studying each port and taking in what others have experienced. As soon as I read about the survival floatation suits, I knew those particular excursions were not going to be taken by us. It is a disappointment not to be doing the Flam railroad, but I am sure there will be beautiful sights to be seen. We look forward to meeting you and your wife onboard.
  18. What everyone is reporting is what I always assumed to be the protocol with these deposits put down while cruising. The puzzling thing is that my SB account (accessed online) AND a phone call to SB yesterday both told me that we would be forfeiting this "no risk" deposit. It took Mr. SLSD a while to find the exact language we had been told at the time we put down the deposit--that if it had not been used, it would be refunded. We are mailing them a certified letter asking for the refund. I am just puzzled by the message on our account and what a SP representative told me yesterday on the telephone.
  19. Calling to get it back was what I did today. They did not offer to refund it--but told me I would lose it if I did not use it on a cruise and sail before June. We are sending a letter to demand the refund.
  20. Here is what Mr. SLSD found buried on the website--which is what we signed up for, read at the time of giving the deposit and were told: Failure to apply the savings to a booking within the four year period will result in forfeiture of the 5% savings and a refund of the deposit amount held to secure the discount. Monetary deposits on Future Cruise Deposits are fully refundable if unapplied. Once applied to a reservation, the deposit is subject to standard booking conditions and cancellation structures. This offer is not combinable with any industry rates. Unfortunately, this is not the information conveyed on our SB account online OR when we called to SB directly. This was not good customer service.
  21. Yes, that is what I always thought, but when I called today, I was told it would be forfeited. And that was also the message on my Seabourn account online. I was surprised.
  22. I have a question that staff at Seabourn has been unable to answer. WAY back in 2019 Mr. SLSD and I put down a future cruise deposit ($500/ea) for a future cruise (exact cruise to be determined) which would have included a 5% discount. We were assured that this was a no risk proposition and would be refunded after 4 years if we had not used it We felt very comfortable about it because we had done it previously and used it. Then, the pandemic ensued. We did not cruise for 3+ years. Now, we HAVE booked another cruise (but through an agent with which we did not use this deposit as the agent had a block of suites). In looking at my SB account online today, I saw that they say I have to cruise by June 2023 to use this already paid deposit (that I was told was refundable) or lose it. I called SB. The agent I talked to said we would lose the deposit. I am so puzzled as I was told it was refundable. Can any of you shed any light on this issue? If so, I would appreciate it. The terms and conditions on the SB website clearly state it is refundable. But, you have to search for it--and staff is not divulging this.
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