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Everything posted by SLSD

  1. Mr. SLSD also always wears a jacket and tie in the MDR and at the TK Grill.
  2. Thank you for this reasonable and empathetic post.
  3. Good grief. i think it's time we give the idea of commenting on what people should wear a rest.
  4. I also like to see people dressed with flair--I really do. And there is nothing wrong with being refined or sophisticated--nothing wrong at all. I have never seen a rough or crude person on a Seabourn cruise. Of course we might differ on that definition. Rough to me would mean wearing dirty clothing, speaking with constant expletives. Sophisticated is a more difficult observation. What one person sees as sophisticated, another might see as elitist or arrogant. In my whole lifetime, I have met very very few people who have impressed me with their sophistication. And, I can't think of any I've met on a SB cruise. That is not to denigrate SB cruisers by any stretch, but just to suggest that my understanding of sophistication might differ from that of others. No need to be sorry. I KNOW you did not mean to be mean. You were just giving us your viewpoint--and that is valuable in itself.
  5. Yes, I'm embarrassed that I left out the most important word. I've become increasingly uncomfortable about the description of passengers based on whether they have dressed with a flare--or are refined--or sophisticated. I don't know about the rest of you--but those kinds of descriptions don't fit with my value system.
  6. I left out an important word---Perhaps it IS time to STOP judging others based on their clothing.
  7. If you are using a travel agent, they may be able to request a reservation for you. That has worked for us in the past. But, I wouldn't worry as you should be able to get a reservation when you board. In the past, we have gone to the TK Grill shortly after boarding and taken care of that.
  8. We are considering using Luggage Forward for the first time on our next SB cruise. AND, we will be packing our carryons as efficiently as possible. Lost luggage looms large in our thoughts. I'll be packing a couple of options for dinner dress in my carryon, but if other luggage didn't arrive, things WOULD become very repetitive. Perhaps it IS time to judging other based on their clothing.
  9. The very idea of slavery is soul crushing. This is a very effective monument.
  10. I just received notification of another change in itinerary for our June 8-June 25 Copenhagen to Copenhagen cruise.
  11. While I think it is perfectly acceptable to point out poor manners, status checking, narcissism and pushiness, it may be rocky territory when others are criticized for lacking a flair in their choices of dress, wearing polyester, or having a bad haircut. We come from all different places and cultures and for some, mode of dress has never been important--nevermind having the means to buy whatever clothing they wished. Same with bad haircuts I'm afraid. While this doesn't excuse sloppy or too too too casual dress (tank tops on men, worn out jeans with holes, etc) I think we have to give the polyester and bad haircut crowd a pass. That being said, I also find it unfortunate when a nice long itinerary is cut into one week or two week chunks and those on board are met with new passengers all the time.
  12. Part of my comment was tongue in cheek--just a bit of it. I just happen to know an engineer who loves Viking and fits my description. He would not like Seabourn. After you have sailed on both, I would like to hear your comparison.
  13. And it is very likely that many who have sailed on Viking have not sailed on Seabourn--and thus, cannot compare. I can see Viking appealing more to a certain sort of person. I could be totally out in left field, but I see Viking as the perfect line for an engineer who doesn't drink alcohol and is most interested in the destinations and the educational aspect of the cruise.
  14. Hmmm... I think I would want transparency.
  15. I read in another forum that the wine delivery that was supposed to go to your ship went to Sojourn instead. Do I have this right?
  16. It does help! Thank you so much. We'll be prepared for all weather!
  17. Blue Bell. We are Texans and no longer buy Blue Bell. I can't believe anyone does. They knew they had issues--and sold the ice cream anyway.
  18. We will be on Ovation June 11th-25th Copenhagen to Copenhagen sailing up the coast of Norway and back. Do you think the weather will be similar? Some cold weather, some warm enough to be out on the deck enjoying a meal? We are bringing rain jackets and layers. Any chance of some warm weather too? Have any of you done this itinerary in June?
  19. Interesting. I do prefer Italian and Californian wines, but that is just a personal preference. I am not a fan of Australian wines. They just taste odd to me. I've tried to like them, but mostly avoid them and I am not at all fussy. I think wines get part of their taste from the soil and minerals the grapes grow in. Of course they do. It is a bit surprising that supplies were mixed up. I get the feeling that the cruise line is a bit short handed.
  20. And does this extend into the future for cruising commencing this summer and beyond?
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