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Sea Dog

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Everything posted by Sea Dog

  1. It should be a great season. The show is like a marriage of Bonanza meets the Sopranos I’m almost back to normal but still tested positive this morning. Linda is a little better still coughing a lot. She’s about 2 days behind me.
  2. Yes I do need to take some. We ones. I was waiting until they get groomed in a couple of weeks. Their hair is long and they have some matts. Looking a little mangy. I saw that so sad I’m surprised the smaller plane who was behind the larger plane didn’t see them.
  3. I love that cat. I laughed at her love bite she gave you. Happy Birthday to Charlie. What a nice and gracious gift dinner at Gordon Ramsay's.
  4. Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner! These look great!! I’ve got it marked to watch. Hope to start it soon. I hope it will be as good as season 1.
  5. Thanks for the well wishes. Knee and shoulder are hanging in there. Looking forward to toasting with you a Kraken Colada next March.
  6. I was hoping Linda wouldn’t get it but she started coughing yesterday. She took a test yesterday and it was negative. Last night I heard her coughing some more. She took the test and now she is positive. Looks like we will hunker down in the house for the next few days. I’m starting to feel a little better. In some way I’m glad this happened now instead of during the holidays.
  7. Thanjs for that info. I’m hoping it will be 4-5 days. We are supposed to get together with friends on Saturday. I don’t think that’s going to happen now. If I got it on Saturday today is only day 5 but I don’t think I started feeling symptoms until Monday. I’m feeling better but still real tired. I’ve slep most of the day.
  8. Same here and so far Linda is fine. Seems like you may be 1 or two days ahead of me. I’ll be anxious to hear when you test negative.
  9. How are you feeling today. I feel a tiny bit better but still feel tired and doing some coughing and blowing my nose. I do t think I’ve ever had a fever. Made a call to my Dr. to see if I can get a prescription for Paxlovid to speed up recovery process.
  10. I hope so too. I've got more Christmas decorating to do. Same for me. Tylenol, lots of water. Having dinner now with some Panera Cheese and Broccoli soup. Feels good on the throat.
  11. So far she feels fine. I’m now confined to the upstairs. Been sleeping off and on all day. Feel cruddy but more like a bad cold.
  12. I’m bummed because I dodged it for so long. I figured if I got it I would get it on my last two cruises. So much for whiskey being a medicinal.
  13. Thanks @Momof3gurlz to give me the idea to take a COVID test for my cold symptoms. Looks like the KC Whiskey Expo Saturday was a super spreader event. I just tested positive. First time in 3 years that I got COVID.
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