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Sea Dog

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Everything posted by Sea Dog

  1. Thanks! I’ll put this in my notes. Looks wonderful. Thank you Marty for this. This seas the exact info I was looking for. Yes I agree Jane. It’s got me worried. Thank you Graham!
  2. I'm doing alittle better. Went to the urologist and they took out the catheter. If things don't get better they may have to put it back in. Main thing he is worried about is my PSA is very high. They want to do a biopsy for prostrate cancer. I am not looking forward to that but I need to do something. We are staying at the Double Tree in San Pedro. Got a fairly decent room rate. We are coming in two nights early as I would like to visit some of LA's famous Tiki Bars. Unfortunately they are not close to San Pedro so I'm sure I will be able to visit some as a Uber would cost about $70 one way.
  3. I would be interested if anyone has a sound decibel meter app on their phone to take some readings in some of these shows.Sounds at 85 dBA can lead to hearing loss if you listen to them for more than 8 hours at a time. Sounds over 85 dBa can damage your hearing faster. I would be very curious what the readings are.
  4. @Momof3gurlz Happy Anniversary wishes to Deb and Andy. Congratulations and cheers to you on your special day.
  5. Trying to do some planning for our October Navigator cruise to the Mexican Riviera including Ensenada, Cabo San Lucas and Puerto Vallarta. Since we've never been to that area I was looking at some of Royal's shore excursions. Does anyone recommend a particular excursion? I am looking at the Cabo Luxury Day Sail which looks fun. Anything else you would recommend those ports?
  6. Thank you Pat. She’s doing good. Her therapy has picked up doing more movement which makes her pretty sore. She’s handling it well.
  7. I have a very bad opinions on dentists. My last dentist was always trying to have me have extras. At one point he thought I needed a crown. I went to another dentist who said it was not necessary. The deep cleaning is not that bad and could maybe help. I’d be weary. May be time to try and find a dentist that will care for you not them.
  8. it affected both teams and there was no blame associated with it to either team. The kickers are not allowed to warm up with game balls where they could have noticed it. Both kickers on each team missed field goals and the problem was fixed by the second half not affecting the outcome. No conspiracy here.
  9. Need to have a serious conversation with my urologist to solve this. I know there are a lot of options. I just need to get something done. It’s not like I will never have another surgery again.
  10. Yes. I believe I mentioned it to my surgeon but I was hopeful that it wouldn’t be an issue this time. Are you tired of them because they keep winning Championships? I guess it’s the Tom Brady and the Patriots syndrome which isn’t a bad problem as most teams would love to be in the same situation. I’m tired of all the Taylor hate. Give her a break. Did you see where she sent $100,000 to the family of the slain victim after the parade that she wasn’t even at?
  11. Just when I thought I was recovering good with the hernia. My prostrate decided to be stubborn again. I was in pain all day as I couldn’t urinate. Ended up having to go to the ER late last night and had a catheter put in (that was not fun at all) and they drained 1200ml off of me. Now I’m back home catheter and all. I’m very uncomfortable but at least not in the pain as I was in. Now I have to get back to urologist and see how long this thing will have to stay in. Life is not fun right now.
  12. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss Marietta. Peace be with you, Charlie and the family. Looks good Dave. Cheers to you!!
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