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Everything posted by jsn55

  1. So maybe I could put each daily on my laptop so it's readable? That would be cool. Assuming I can figure out how to do it of course.
  2. Yes of course I'll reinstall the app once it's 'fixed'. My cruise starts April 2. Hopefully just the glitch and not a hack. I think it's hilarious that cruiseline 'dailies' disappeared the minute apps became readily available. Always enjoyed them every evening. I don't see much enjoyment out of reading a daily on a tiny phone screen. Did anyone ask the pax what they'd prefer?
  3. The 'bistro' dinner upstairs is one of the big things that always brings me back to Avalon!
  4. Oh thank you for this; I'll delete the app right now.
  5. Oh, is THAT what it is? Just noticed it this morning. I did my own air and flying on United, so it certainly caught my eye. I'd prefer not to stop in Fort Wayne on my way to Paris! What a mess, hope there's no identifying info on the Avalon app. Apparently anyone connecting at O'Hare gets published on the app, what fun. No doubt they'll catch it soon and fix it. Someone's going to be in the doghouse for this little blunder.
  6. You can do the whole cruise with one black top, a couple of scarves and some pretty earrings.
  7. I'm still trying to figure out why our OP doesn't just bring his own matches/lighter along.
  8. I'm doing the Rhine in November. For the first time in my life, I booked the pre-package of Lake Como and Lucerne because I wanted to see them. And I didn't want to dork around with transfers and bags. I was quite surprised to find that the package is VERY expensive and there's little extra added. I'm paying a high price for convenience, but for this trip, it was necessary. Probably never do it again tho. Paris in particular is a piece of cake to visit independently. Other than George Clooney, I don't know much about Como or Lucerne.
  9. The summer months are always a question with European rivers. A lot of luck is involved. As far as the dining is concerned, ATSEAYLIFE, I am almost shocked to read that you thought it was bland ... in FRANCE??? I understand the criteria for preparing meals for large groups, but I'm used to eye-rolling-delicious French food. I'll be cruising Provence to Normandy in ten days, and I do hope for at least a few eye-rolls!
  10. With Avalon, I think all the Pano Suites are probably very close in size with the exception of the Royal Suites which always get snapped right up. A Royal Suite is lovely for two people but horrendously expensive. But my husband preferred to relax in the cabin instead of the lounges, so it worked out well for us. Next week I'm in a regular pano suite solo and I'll report back on the differences.
  11. VERY good observation ... if everyone waits until they're sailing, some of those ShoreX will disappear for 'lack of interest'.
  12. I just booked Bordeaux for next spring ... might look at the longer cruises Avalon has cobbled together for that area. Far as I'm concerned, there's no such thing as too much time in France. I must admit that I'm becoming increasingly weary of big cities and much prefer the countryside ... what better than a river cruise?
  13. Thank you for this post! For the life of me, I could not express my thoughts about how your luggage could disappear when you did something 'out of the norm'. the crew is dealing with a huge monolith of activity, schedules and checklists ... 'incoming luggage' may not appear anywhere. I only know it could happen, it has happened. I passed this on because wouldn't want it happening to me!
  14. The issue at CR that I referred to was in Seattle.
  15. You are so clever to deal with your auto-immune issue now so you both get the most enjoyment possible out of your trip. I think being pro-active will result in a really great cruise for your birthdays. I so admire people who take care of themselves and don't expect any 'special treatment'. CC is a vast horde of info, but I'll address meals. Princess has a system called Medallion, you can read all about it on their website, then come back to the Princess forum to get explanations. Princess is a a bit shy when it comes to communicating. What you will love is that you can order food and drink (and a bunch of other stuff) with this Medallion. It tells the crew where you are. So you can have drinks in the library and dinner in the atrium or cuddle up in your cabin with a movie and have it all brought there. You could sit outside on the pool deck and have a very nice meal. When you wish to dine 'out' in any of the restaurants, just speak to the DR manager and ask for exactly what you want for seating. Be considerate and dine outside of the main rush. Any of your meals can be served on your balcony. So I think you'll really like this. And if all the jargon gets to you, come back here and we will be happy to explain the whole picture. Oh my, I almost forgot ... the Medallion works pretty well on the ship (you have to double-check everything) but it's worse than useless pre-cruise. Princess has known about this for years but does nothing to improve it. So you may have come challenges getting everything entered on your computer (it's even worse on your phone). Be patient and don't think it's 'you', it's 'them'. I remember trying to upload our photos about 19 times ... finally the system accepted a photo that was at least 20 years old ... and I didn't care. And of course they took my photo when I boarded. I refrained from screaming.
  16. Check the schedule of the cruise that will be arriving for you. Probably an hour after their disembarkation time, you should be able to drop your luggage at Reception on the ship.
  17. Just to be clear, I don't think luggage would be unsafe, I think luggage could get loaded on to the wrong ship. Consumer Rescue just had a case about luggage cruising on its own because it had been loaded on the wrong ship.
  18. Ah, finally a solid suggestion that addresses my issue. THANK YOU!! I'm not sure there's anything more annoying than asking a question and reading multiple posts from people who don't have the issue. I'm going to run right out and do some experimenting, SeaStar. I really appreciate this.
  19. Wow, consider me educated! Have you done this in Europe?
  20. My automatic 'disaster meter' just went off the scale. Seems that dropping luggage when there's so much going on at the port means that your luggage might end up anywhere. But maybe I worry too much. It would be wonderful to be free for several hours after a long flight but not at the cost of never seeing my bag again. If you depart at 4, you'll need to check in before 2, and you may be held up by the formalities when you land. So you really might be talking about a couple of hours. One solution is to hire a car and go for a sightseeing trip with your luggage safely stowed. My take on this is that I've paid thousands for a cruise, what's a few more hundred dollars.
  21. Well, I don't wear sunglasses when taking a photo, there's no point in putting a photo into PhotoShop if the top of the building is cut off, I don't have an Iphone. Maybe if I wear a visor ... I'll do some experimenting. Seems odd that all of you can see the display in bright sunlight, so I'll keep looking for a solution. Thanks for the input ... I never give up.
  22. And some of us have a cell phone but don't really know how use all its features. We talk about it often, but rarely do anything to enhance our knowledge. But my big question is "how do you compose a photo if you can't see the display in bright light?" That's why I bought the camera.
  23. It's all a bunch of baloney to make you think you need two products instead of one. Night cream is usually a little heavier, might leave your face shiny. It all rubs off in the night onto your pillowcase anyway. Just use whichever cream you feel is 'comfortable' for your face.
  24. Well, Mick, I have a theory that 30% of any population are idiots. That allows me to just laugh at their antics too. All the time. I pay good money for a cruise and no idiot is going to upset me on my holiday. I board a cruise expecting little and being delighted with anything positive. Much better for my mental health.
  25. I would assume the smoking area would not affect the rest of the ship while underway ... isn't that why they put it aft?
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