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Everything posted by BecciBoo

  1. And that makes no sense at all! At all! As I've said before, any number of things can be deadly...look at knitting needles for instance, Mrs Marple! As can anything that gets hot. What's the difference in matches lighters and a big lighter...duh. Flame suit on LOL
  2. What does it say Lloyd, I'm not gonna pay to read it!
  3. Weather service said "6" and Emily were not a threat to any land, verdict still out on the Gulf. Looks like Hillary made landfall, barely a Cat 1 storm...much ago about nothing hopefully. I think mud slides will be the problem Watching right now, I swear those forecasters just sound so disappointed it's not gonna be a hurkin big storm! Funny.
  4. I usually start with the Mojitos, but this cruise I'm asking for the new rave Lavender Daiquiri. I hear it' the berries!😉
  5. I started making Bolero's Mojitos when I found out about Monin's Mint Mojito syrup (I even grow my own mint), but other drinks I make just don't turn out right! I love Lemon Drop Martinis, but even with something that simple, you'd be surprised at the nuances that change it. One day on Liberty at the bar behind Windjammer I had one and it was the best I ever tasted. The bartender there said she uses orange zest and that was the secret ingredient. She made the martini and then twisted an orange peel on top of the glass, you could actually see the orange oils fizzing into the glass, then she garnished with an orange slice...that was the trick. Ewwww, you could smell the orange as you sipped it!! 😋 I always ask for them with orange peel now. Bolero's on Odyssey made them for me...perfect!
  6. I did and will. The shows are not what I cruise for. But "42nd Street" would be a good one. It won all kinds of awards back in the 70's.
  7. Sorry for that, Ike was a bad one. Lots of folks lost cars in parking lots then. Thats the one they closed SA's airport for and caused us lots of trouble getting to Florida, but when we returned, it had gone up Toledo Bend area and San Antonio didn't get a drop of rain or wind...go figure! But we have insurance. Still not worried. September is in the middle of Hurricane season, and traditionally for us, is the big month we cruise because of lower pricing.
  8. Oz takes me back to my childhood....I still watch it every year. I'll love watching that bed fly around the theater..woohoo! The Wiz was a good production too.
  9. Or you might get a hellofa ride!! One of our favorites was crossing the gulf during a wretched squall. Lots of sick people but we stood out on Voyager's deck 5 watching the white caps and swell and had a blast! Fortunately for us, we do not suffer from Mal de mur. I'm not ever worried about hurricanes. They just reverse course or go around, no problem. We don't mind missing ports, we make our own lemonade. We leave Sept. 3rd....cannot wait....Bon Voyage Op.
  10. For the 4th time on Lady A in 17 days.....favorite ship followed by Liberty.
  11. I'm looking for that Ultimate Family Suite to be empty on our cruise, maybe they'll let us in to look at it. I don't have one friend or acquaintance that could afford that. EGAD! 😲
  12. Thanks Sunny, I'm gonna try it today with chicken tenders and Panko instead of bread crumbs.
  13. Mike, I don't mind fat, that's tasty, it's the rubber band junk you can't chew I detest.
  14. Oh yeah, back in the day.....it was damn good. Say the early 2000's.
  15. We haven't eaten them for years as the first ones we had were pretty grisly. I'm hoping they are good on Allure this time around cuz I'm taking my Nlaws there on boarding day.
  16. EWWWWWWWWWWWWW But I never liked them...too sweet. I make my own using their ice cream and a rootbeer. I just ask for 2 scoops of ice cream and a root beer, I put it together myself right at our table... nessesity is the mother of invention.
  17. Just did another one, looks like they've reopened a couple more categories, must be cancellations coming in from Agents. Sorry for the high jack OP
  18. I watch several, but some I have unsubscribed because of annoying clickbait. Used to watch Ben & David because they had clever and amusing food reviews but they've gotten too critical and no longer provide really helpful information now. Another couple sells glasses/hats and she just had a baby, their clickbait got to me early on, ridiculous. I like Views & Ques but she annoys me playing stupid. Love the Traveling Gamblers as they are thoroughly detailed and informational plus I'm learning slot machines! LOL Used to love EEC but it got to be too much about their personal stuff. I'm always adding new ones though.
  19. Seriously....no such thing as "No contamination", your kitchen sink has more germs than any buffet plate....just sayin........but I follow the rules, even though ridiculous...........thank god for the human immune system
  20. Congrats! I just checked our cruise and there's only 2 crown lofts a junior suite and a couple of interiors left. The interior is now $2200+pp, unbelievable, 18 days out. We paid $499 pp for our deck 6 balcony. Don't guess we'll be getting one of those lofts for minimum bid....but if we do, gravy!
  21. There's no accounting for taste. We always loved it and miss it. Wish they'd follow their own recipe.
  22. They're cute and funny and I wouldn't miss 'em at all....Period. I'm easy. My fave:
  23. Wow, Thank you for those pics. I liked the huge elevator bay, that oughta take care of the crowd. Our interior accessible is right behind them within a few steps near the forward elevators. It's getting real now...but it's going to be tight. October delivery is almost here! There'll be a whole lot to do on this side of the pond.
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