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Everything posted by Daveywavey70

  1. Maybe take 2 long weekends? One flying out on the Friday, the next flying back the following Friday and break them up with a mini break?
  2. Many thanks Host Jazzbeau. Our critters are far less proficient at predicting the weather!
  3. Over my head sorry. Are squirrels particularly talented at meteorology? 😁
  4. I Swear by my pine cone. I’ll happily send it on loan.
  5. Good Morning Lola, Happy New Year to you. I set off on Sunday evening. I’ve a 24 hour stopover in Dubai and then onto Delhi for an 18 day tour of Rahjastan and then another stopover in Dubai on the way home. I’ve never done a “Land Cruise” like this before. I Wasn’t planning on posting on here, I didn’t want to be flooding the cooler, it is all quite full on, I’m visiting over 100 places on the tour. I’m off holiday shopping today and then packing tonight (well, more accurately pointing at what needs packing as it gets miraculously rolled and placed into the correct packing cube, my OH is wonderful that way). I’m definitely travelling light though, I’ve accepted the challenge of no more than 10 pairs of shoes!
  6. I Can’t wait to follow along M. What a delicious adventure!
  7. They recently brought in new regulations which are are in first phase trial. Hopefully the situation will settle down.
  8. Wonderful, I’ve only ever stopped by on cruises. It’s a Lovely Island. Did you pop into Blandy’s whilst you were there?
  9. I Love Port but I love Madeira even more!
  10. I Rarely use reactions QSS as they are so limited. Some might think it rude (whilst no rudeness intended) but rarely do those little buttons accurately express the emotions and empathy felt whilst reading a post.
  11. Much love to you QSS. Them that know just know.
  12. Maybe they’re relying on the old adage pictures speak louder than words? Or maybe they did just bugger it up and signed off on a large print run without checking the copy. We’ll never know.
  13. I Almost took a trip for next month flying into Thailand and then through Cambodia into Vietnam, touring Vietnam then flying to Hong Kong and joining Silver Spirit, travelling back through Vietnam to Singapore. I Couldn’t get any straight answers anywhere about what was meant by the “single entry” 30 day visa wether or not I would have to apply for 2 separate visas or if it didn’t apply if not staying on land overnight, least of all from Silversea. I Gave up in the end and I fly to India in 10 days. I Would go more down the contact the embassy route and get someone’s name rather than relying on SS interpretation.
  14. And to you Jeff and a very happy new year to you.
  15. Well this Brit for one would happily fly that distance or more for an experience like that if only he could get a weekend off. Be clever about your flights, (overnight in a decent BC = an extra day), do a bit of planning and(as JP has) don’t be a lazy ar*ed, handed on a plate, not even know which Country you're landing in sort of traveller can make for a fantastic weekend away. Thinking that a 9hour flight isn’t worth a fortnights cruise on a wonderful little line such as NC would encourage me to urge them to hand their passports back in. I’d suggest, Host Jazzbeau, that you’re mixing with the entirely wrong sort of “Brits”. Did you meet them on P&O?
  16. Where’s Harry when you need him?
  17. Great Pics JP. Hope you’re both having a ball. Mr Luxury. I wouldn’t even…………. 😁
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