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Everything posted by Ombud

  1. I can post but I cannot respond sometimes. Took 2 port days to get this to 'take' @Jadn13 I'm on Enchanted Princess A few other questions answered,: Yes the onion soup is vegan!! I had to ask for cheese. Menus have vegetarian & vegan dishes. No pescatarian ones I got the menu by informing the waiter that fish / shellfish cannot have a V as in the animal / plant / rock world it's animal. I've had 4 very different menus now but order dessert off the standard one as I'm not keen on vegan ice cream I became vegetarian as it was just to hard to find kosher chicken. Never ate mammals The 1st few nights I had a paper menu handed to me. But now I have Santorini table #87 (midship deck 5) available for me to arrive between 6:30-8 every night and have the vegetarian menu in the regular folder waiting for me. I get there at 7:1
  2. This makes me so happy 😊 ☺ last nights menu listed mussels as vegetarian so I asked my waiter if they were made out of mushrooms. He said no as vegetarians often ate shellfish. Nope. Pescatarians will eat fish, vegetarians will have eggs & some cheeses. Vegans just don't. So he brought me this menu --> All items can be made vegan!!!!! Thats day 8 for tonight, i had D7 yesterday
  3. I'm in a very nice upscale hotel in the UK. No tiny sample size takeaway containers of toiletries. Just 3 large bottles that they refill just like on Princess. Get the feeling it's the way now. Less plastic waste.
  4. Agreed. I go to Alaska to be walking outside. Hard to get that in Skagway The chocolates weren't that good, I can order whatever snacks I want brought to me anywhere, and I'm personally glad they're cutting down on tiny plastic bottles. I just fill my purse one from their larger bathroom one. Less plastic, less waste, JMHO.
  5. I've had 2 troublesome EZAIR flights. (1) BA canceled flights worldwide & American Airlines let me switch to them. Intransit office not involved. Princess shuttle was waiting for me at Heathrow. (2) Delta messed up my return flight. I was supposed to catch a connection in TX less than 30 minutes after my flight would get in from Fort Lauderdale. Texted my CVP as I landed for my cruise. Before I collected my luggage my CVP had me on a nonstop flight. So 2 issues: 1 I fixed / 1 they fixed. Have used EZAIR for all flights ex 1 (that went from SF / home base) boarding my 40th Princess cruise tomorrow
  6. What i would not tolerate is removing musicians or limiting them to only shows & piano bar. That would send me off to another line. We all have that tipping point
  7. Thats what I do if not ordering from the roaming servers in the piazza
  8. Can't do that on Viking .... its got a no one under 18 rule. As to the medallion. Ppl are overthinking this based on my 6 MC cruises. You can turn it into just a room key or take advantage of so many options. It's up to the individual. And no where is it written that you need to use it onshore. As to DMW, I tried it once. Didn't fit my style and never went back. I eat when I'm hungry. I have no idea what time that will be tomorrow
  9. I'd really like to know: Ship: Sailing Date: Category of Cabin Bid On: Bid Offered: Accepted (Y/N): Do I book a lesser cabin then bid the difference between short notice price & what I'm paying? Example: book coastal cruise at $×. Price drops to $× less 500. Do I offer to give up the 500 & upgrade? Or do I ask for a price reduction??
  10. Given all the current airline schedule changes, here's hoping that they move your departure back 5 or 10 minutes! Pre-covid that happened to my brother and sister-in-law. Their flight was scheduled out of Heathrow at 3:45 (IIRC) and the Windsor Castle disembarkation tour was only for passengers on flights after 4 pm. A few months before the flight the schedule changed to departure at 4:15 pm. Or you could book fast track assistance https://airssist.aero/fast-track/Buenos-Aires-airport-in-Mitu/
  11. I'd take it. They usually give a ridiculous amount of time to get through security and its only 5 minutes short. My disembark tour in Newark says for flights after 5pm and my flight is for 4:45. I'm good
  12. I'm just bumping this bc I think it should be pinned just like the MC, M&G, and cabin review threads.
  13. Never experienced any staff mustering the lifts. Just not a Princess thing Yes. That was my experience at 1st dinner on the Ruby Princess out of San Francisco April 23rd. Although I got on rather quickly, others waited hours. Even worse in Seattle June 30th. But that was the ports issue. No excuse for that April 23rd dinner. After 1.5 hrs I left the dining room. I had bread. Saw the show and went back to mid ship dining room where there wasn't an issue. Continued there for the rest of the cruise and always had the same table / wait staff. Ignored DMW for upcoming cruise.
  14. Towns changed a little. Now horses have to be tied up behind Skipolinis instead of the club and we've got a sports bar. 2nd parts good, limiting where horses can stay when cowboys visit the saloon isn't good but maybe new owner will try to fix that
  15. Clayton Club. There's only 1 bar in Clayton. Only 1 block downtown
  16. So you're a newbie compared to me. 😁 Never have had an issue with Bart. Take mass transit all the time from Clayton. Sorry about your chocolates. But they also sell them at the airport and they're so much better than what I used to bring home from the ship Yes. You've got it worse than the delta. You can't jump on Bart, take less than an hours ride to drop temps 20°
  17. Fortunately I only have to walk 1/4 mile to take a bus to Bart to SFO. Mass transit air conditioned. Although it was 95° today so walking Tuesday will be problematic. It'll still be fine. Not horribly hot in California
  18. A few points: the 3rd bed on Royal Class is flush into ceiling when it exists. That said according to: cruise deck plans* L117 doesn't have a ◇ or * so it's just for 2 people. *https://www.cruisedeckplans.com/DP/deckplans/deckbydeck.php?ship=Enchanted-Princess&deck=16
  19. I've often stayed in rooms zoned for 3+ but in that that other bunk is fully flush into the ceiling it doesn't matter. I just see a line in the ceiling. Which ship class are you looking at?
  20. My choice for my next cruise. Last time it was Dove Milk Chocolate. But I thought apple & caramel would be a good fall choice.
  21. Recently Virgin Atlantic has been landing early and my flight next week is only 2/3 full so I should make the bus (giving myself 1.5 - 1.75 hrs)
  22. Does Princess still offer a shuttle from the port to Belfast city centre like in 2018?? What is the current charge? I know I can walk to HOHO stop (Titanic experience) but would rather just catch it at city hall
  23. Same experience. My Australia to Hong Kong 17 day cruise was canceled & I accepted the 21 day Australia to Japan cruise. Same room. Same price. Even though it's 4 more days. Lucked out FINALLY!! I no longer dread redeployments
  24. So it sounds like its working if it costs 9.99 a day for everyone (then Platinum and Elite get 50% back onboard as OBC).
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