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Everything posted by flamingos

  1. The only thing that needs to be outside the door is the luggage that you do not wish to carry off. Since you have cruised, they have added self-disembarkation. Instead of going to the theater or the lounge and waiting to get called, you simply wake up, eat an early breakfast, go back to your room and pick up your things, and walk off the ship. They have also changed Customs - no more filling out the declaration form and meeting personally with a DHS agent at the window. They simply take your photo as you enter the big hall, and unless someone has flagged you for an interview or inspection, you just walk on through. We are off the ship and in the car in 10 minutes, and it's wonderful.
  2. I'd wait a month and see if it's going to continue, or if it's simply a short term solution for supply issues.
  3. Ever heard the song "Put that Budweiser back in the Clydesdale"? ๐Ÿ™‚
  4. So you got to get your food from the regular buffet and just have priority seating in Giovanni's, or a different menu?
  5. https://dlxffu6hwewxp.cloudfront.net/cas/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/18063159_CAS_MemberBonus_Amenity_List_v3.pdf
  6. We stay on the end away from the bar. ๐Ÿ™‚
  7. Then by all means book it - then watch it fly away as you are stuck in a line. Sorry for the sarcasm, but you asked for advice, got the advice, and then promptly ignored it. ๐Ÿ™‚
  8. FWIW, my next cruise opened today - but actually was up about 9 pm last evening.
  9. With the app, you simply scan the barcode on your passport page and it's done. That is enough for me to choose the app over the laptop.
  10. And no one will complain about you dressing your best. I think that's the difference.
  11. I've sailed a few times after a foot injury and never had any issues finding someone to assist - just ask nicely, of course. If you tend toward the same area of the WJ, you'll have staff looking for you when you arrive.
  12. My favorite thing in the Lido - after the bread pudding, of course - was the baguette sandwiches with butter and gouda. Great snacks!
  13. I took my first Holland cruise last month and loved it - but one of the few disappointments was the Lido buffet. Nice enough, but lacking variety and it was basically the same every day. It had far fewer options than the Windjammer. Tastes vary. If you look for disappointment, you will find it.
  14. I'm not going to waste time worrying about it. I'm prepared to test; if we don't have to, that's fine too.
  15. We've been in the same situation, and one phone call fixed it.
  16. There is no plot; it has one good song, and the costumes are interesting. Sounds like CATS to me. ๐Ÿ™‚ It was the biggest show on Broadway for a dozen years or so. Go figure.
  17. Have you seen it performed anywhere else? It's not your normal Broadway play, and I was never impressed with it. What, specifically, was bad about it?
  18. Mine has products available, and signage, but never ever mentions them unless I ask.....which I don't.
  19. From the caption on the photo, which I see was not yours. ๐Ÿ™‚
  20. I have a foot injury - I only wear tennis shoes. I have a black pair for dress-up night. ๐Ÿ™‚
  21. I walked past a head waiter once as he was trying to calm down a couple who were complaining about someone not dressed 'properly' on a formal night. Has anyone ever heard of a complaint about people being too dressed up?
  22. One thing we have started doing is finding a staff member or two who normally wouldn't get tipped (the really nice cleaner in the restroom by the theater that I saw every night, the pool deck sweeper who always got our hot tub bubbler working by hitting the button the right way) and leaving them a tip as well.
  23. That, and the outrageous pricing, are why we don't do spa treatments anymore. I feel for the staff that have to do that hard sell.
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