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Everything posted by flamingos

  1. There are paved walking paths (which may or may not have sand on them). The tram runs on the sand road.
  2. Yeah, we were thinking of just walking around and seeing what there is. Perhaps there is local beer. Did you go to Nuuk?
  3. This is a TA from Copenhagen, via Iceland. It makes up for the one cancelled in 2020, and the one cancelled in 2021. 🙂
  4. Thanks, I will look to see if they add it. With Covid, maybe not. It's odd, they have only 4 excursions, and only two of them have prices. This is out of Nuuk, which is after Qaqortoq.
  5. I looked in Ports of Call for Nuuk with no joy. We are looking at a hiking tour: Hiking Around Quassussuaq Take in the fresh, crisp air on a hike through the untouched wilderness of Quassussuaq. Take a scenic bus ride to reach the outskirts of Nuuk, where your hike begins. Hike past streams and lakes through the untouched wilderness, and enjoy spectacular views of the Nuuk fjord system, the second-largest in the world. It has no further details. I will assume it is not paved trails, but is it scrambles over rocks? Gravel or grass paths? It says is it 5 hours 30 minutes, but how much of that is on the bus? It's weirdly blank on details. So, does anyone know anything about it? Thanks.
  6. I would recommend using the app for the passport information - a quick camera scan of the bar code is a lot easier than manually entering all the numbers .
  7. We just discovered that, and found a great one for $25. 🙂
  8. I'm sorry this happened to you, but I have never seen any damaged luggage in the hallways. It seems your was an unusual experience.
  9. If it fits their parameter, absolutely. I need to do that, and keep using the same one. I stopped taking them because they never are acceptable and they do a retake at the terminal anyway. 🙂
  10. Thanks, I was wondering about that. Doing to vaccine is much easier on the app, simply because you take the photo as part of the check-in. FYI, it takes anywhere from a week to 3-4 weeks for it to be validated.
  11. Is there a reason you do not want to/cannot use the app> You just take a photo in-app and answer the questions about manufacturer and date.
  12. And if they don't? He won't cruise, and possibly will lost money.
  13. Just to be clear - you know the regulations for this trip and you have no intention to comply with them. So the obvious answer is to not book the cruise.
  14. I have found the app might be a few minutes behind, but it's superior for checkin. When you check in on the website, you have to enter all the data, page by page, and can't get to a check-in time until you have finished. On the app, you can scan your passport's bar code and that's entered. And you can skip to the check-in time page and snag an early slot, then go back at your leisure and fill in the rest.
  15. You can just use a QR scanner to read the bar code.
  16. We've heard that the abandoned section at the left of the Nassau port will become another beach 'private island'. Nothing has ever been confirmed that I have seen.
  17. I'm getting my first (and probably last) GTY cabin. We found the room number when we were allowed to check in at 45 days; it popped up with a room number on their site the day that e-docs were available. It's odd that they knew the number but didn't officially post it, so they must have been keeping the room in play for whatever reason.
  18. Group #1 is not self-departure, is it? They don't have numbers, and they can leave up to an hour before groups get called.
  19. Well, that is indeed interesting. I took my Alaska cruise on Holland and didn't see a single inebriated person on board. The naturalist presentations were packed, and there was little late-night activity because most people where there to see wildlife and scenery. Very different passengers, it seems.
  20. Just be aware of temperature - sometimes it gets chilly in there. Have a great cruise!
  21. This is true - but this happened to me and I was informed that there would be a change. I also cannot imagine moving ONE cabin of a connecting room for Covid, and not the other.
  22. Mine wouldn't have, but you know your kids better They will be tired, if that helps .
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