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Reel Love

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Everything posted by Reel Love

  1. Hello Gusman. We have sailed the Silhouette after her refurb and can confirm the earlier comment by Moonarino that the ship looks great! Have never sailed RCCL and my only Carnival cruise was many years ago so I am no help with comparisons but am happy to share what we enjoyed onboard the Silhouette (similar age demographic to you but of course YMMV). We loved the silent disco as well as some late night DJ'ing in the Sky Lounge if you like to dance later into the evenings. Also had a great dinner at the Lawn Club Grill. If you are in to sports you might enjoy grabbing a booth at the Craft Social as they have several TV's in there with various sports games being shown and some "pub grub" you can order (extra charge). We have seen some really funny comedians onboard (especially the late night adult only) but of course this can be hit or miss. As for the dining room, my DH and a friend were once turned away when wearing dress shorts but this was a few years ago on a different Celebrity ship. From other comments on various threads it seems that there is not always consistency enforcing the policy of men wearing long pants at dinner. I sincerely hope that you enjoy your cruise on the Silly and would love it if you came back to report on your experience! Always great hearing feedback from someone's first cruise on Celebrity! Enjoy 😊
  2. PinkSandGirl thank you so much for the welcome aboard to follow along with you on the Beyond! 😊 Especially interested in hearing your thoughts on the Sky Suite.....we are considering making a foray into the suite life and that is the suite we would try. Like you, we are also lovers of the "S" class and the infinite balcony just wasn't our thing on the Edge although we enjoyed the "E" class of ship overall. Interested in your thoughts on the Beyond as she looks like a gorgeous ship! Have a fabulous cruise!!
  3. I am so sorry about your 25th Anniversary celebrations falling apart 😐 Such a shame and I do hope that you are able to reschedule some sort of a "replacement" celebration very soon! Congratulations on your 25th.
  4. Excellent review! Thank you so very much 😊 Like many others sharing on this thread we will also be sailing the Equinox in the near future so your insights are much appreciated (I especially like the recommendation for the French Caribbean πŸ˜‰.....will have to try one now).
  5. Yes it is ok for only one person to upgrade. We always do this....I upgrade and my husband stays with the classic package.
  6. When we went to Stingray City on our Feb 2020 sailing on the Silhouette we booked a Celebrity excursion on a boat that had stairs and this feature was clearly noted in the excursion description (we were specifically looking for this due to mobility issues with someone in our group). I'm sorry .... cannot recall the name of the boat/tour company offhand but if I do happen to remember it I will report back.
  7. Thanks to the OP starting this thread, I also went on to check and have the same message of "cancelled" for my drink package. Like others, I assume (hope!) it is simply an IT glitch and will revert back the way it should be within a few days. However I also noticed that the gratuities (booked AI) did not show at all as an order but the WiFi does. Have never booked under the AI system before so is this normal that they do not show the prepaid grats under the order history? TIA to anyone who can answer this for me.
  8. Looking forward to following along, especially hearing about Montenegro as that is one of the ports that I was really looking forward to on our previously booked Mediterranean cruise (cancelled due to C-19 of course!). Congratulations to Julie on retirement from the LAPD! 😊
  9. Ken, thank you for sharing your review and photos. Absolutely stunning pictures!
  10. Oh my gosh, those pics are absolutely fabulous! Personally I think the top one especially looks cool with the fog in behind the ship and the vibrant colours of the buildings in front. Great job!
  11. Wishing you a very, very Happy Birthday celebration!!! πŸŽ‚πŸΈπŸŽ‚πŸΈ Have a wonderful day 😊 and thank you for bringing us along to share in your birthday (btw absolutely love the evening dress from a page or so back with the pic with your hubby!)
  12. Following, and very much enjoying your review so far. Terrific pictures and a great sense of humour! Looking forward to reading along 😊
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