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Reel Love

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Everything posted by Reel Love

  1. Thank you so much ladylemondrop for taking the time to do this live review! πŸ™‚ Like several others here, will be following your onboard experiences closely as we will be sailing on the Silhouette in the future also (although not until April 2024 for us). Have a fabulous time!!!!!
  2. Thanks so much Cap_D for starting this thread! Not sure if my experience is the kind of example that you are asking for, but will share anyways..... One of my favourite experiences was on our first X cruise in April of 2012 on the Eclipse. In port until 11:00 p.m. in San Juan and on the lawn they had a musical trio (men in tuxes and the singer in an elegant long gown - very classy) playing smooth jazz under the stars. They had little "candles" (aka tealights with batteries) around the lawn and blankets to lay out on and servers walking around offering wine and cheese. A beautiful and relaxing evening!! And of course have had the pleasure of interacting with so many excellent, hard working, friendly crew members who have enhanced each cruise experience greatly!!
  3. Thank you for sharing MisterMet. Terrific review! We were on Equinox in early June and had a similar experience overall. Think we both were lucky.....we cruised just before they hacked the MDR menu and you sailed after the copious complaints made X basically restore the menu! Thanks again πŸ™‚
  4. Interesting (and good) question! We were on the Equinox in June 2023 (thankfully the sailing directly before they started the new "test" of reduced options in the MDR). Reading the title of your thread made me recall that walking past the Future Cruise Bookings room I thought to myself "wow, no line up to book and only one agent has someone sitting in front of them to book a future cruise." And this was not just once, but seems like every time I walked by there was very little business/bookings happening. When on the Edge maiden voyage, totally opposite....all booking agents had a customer in front of them and several people lined up waiting to book a future cruise (including myself). Same scenario when sailed the Silhouette just before the world shut down. Future Cruise Bookings on Equinox a couple of months ago was like a ghost town in comparison to my last two cruises before that. Who knows, maybe I just didn't happen to walk by when the line-ups were there?
  5. One more thing Mary..... I have seen on these boards that the ability to have the request fulfilled for a chaise lounger on one of these large balconies has been hit or miss. We have always been fortunate in that our room steward has always managed to obtain one for us, but don't want to make it sound like it is an automatic "done deal." Thus we always have a nice tip ready upon delivery πŸ˜‰ I hope that you have a fabulous first experience on Celebrity! (And an unsolicited suggestion....if you enjoy dancing, try to hit the Silent Disco!) Donna
  6. I did this event on the Equinox in June 2023 and was somewhat disappointed. Maybe my expectations were off.... was hoping to learn a little bit about the wines we were tasting from the various countries but this did not happen except for one station. At our event it was simply go to the "country" station and taste with very little to no description of the wine. In fact one pleasant young man who was very honest (to his credit) simply stated that he was put there to "man the station" and acknowledged he knew nothing about the wine at all. Overall the wines were not exactly high quality IMHO, of course understanding that everyone's taste is different. I would agree with the poster above who recommended waiting for a sale before purchasing.
  7. Great cabin! Quiet despite the fact that is close to the elevators because they have the "sliding doors" into the elevator area (sorry if I am telling you things that you already know!) There is a steward closet just outside of the next door cabin (8228) but we did not have any issue at all with noise from there either. The carpet in this cabin has not been replaced/updated but overall the cabin was certainly in acceptable condition for us. You are likely aware that this is one of the very large balcony cabins on the angle of the hump. We requested a chaise lounge (we are big on spending time on our balcony) which was delivered without issue. We always book this specific cabin! Enjoy your cruise!! Donna
  8. Same ship, same cabin in June of 2023 with my young adult son. The couch was made up with a full length (length of the couch) foam pad and he found it comfortable. Have a great cruise 😊
  9. Wonderful review and terrific pictures! Thank you so very much for bringing us along πŸ™‚
  10. Your statement about two people living at the same address caught my eye. My son (now 20 y.o.) has his own CC number and has sailed three or four times with us (he has special needs so sails in our cabin with us). Do you happen to know if the third person in the cabin also receives our same benefits when we are at a higher status than he is? I have seen reference to a partner in the same house being status matched before, but don't recall ever seeing anything about a young adult child living at the same home address and in the same cabin receiving this status match also?? If you or anyone else happens to have any insight it would be appreciated....thank you πŸ™‚
  11. You look fantastic! You can rock that sparkly headband/sandals anywhere that you want! Enjoy! And thank you for a wonderful review. πŸ™‚
  12. Thank you πŸ™‚ Sadly, tequila and I do not mix well so I keep a wide berth lol. Which would explain why I didn't even recognize the name Teremana (insert eye roll here!)
  13. Really looking forward to following your live review Fly and Sail! A Norwegian Fjords cruise is on my "life list" however at this time will have to sail this itinerary vicariously through you πŸ™‚ Have a fabulous cruise!!
  14. Hello there. Wondering what a Teremana Greyhound is? Don't recall ever seeing that drink listed before?? Given the name, I am really hoping that it has Grey Goose in it lol. Thoroughly enjoying your review. And I would like to add to other's comments and express my appreciation for the valuable work you do! My son has special needs and there certainly are some pretty fantastic EA's out there!! Thank you!! Continue to have a wonderful Happy Birthday cruiseπŸ˜ƒ
  15. Oh my gosh, I literally LOL'd when I read your comment! Thanks Esprit for making me laugh on a gloomy day πŸ˜„
  16. Understood, but simply asking the person who said there is research out there to share......
  17. I'm not trying to be a smart*ss, but genuinely noting that I have never seen a scientific research article that states that vaping is healthy for you, not harmful to those around you, etc. Would be very interested if you could provide some links demonstrating this science please? Again, not trying to be an *ss, but my stepson vapes and truly interested.
  18. Thank you so much for a terrific review Georgia_Peaches, and for all of the time and effort you have put into reporting on the vaping situation as well as speaking to the Marketing Director and sharing the thoughts that many of us also have about this "test" in the casino. I wonder if Lewis was the CD on your cruise? He was on the Equinox when we sailed in early June and was hysterical. A great CD! Safe travels home πŸ™‚
  19. Both adults in the stateroom now have to upgrade if one wants to upgrade. My poor hubby got the short end of the stick on that one because I like my Grey Goose and my sparkling water, lol.
  20. Cannot help with who X contracts to for the Celebrity branded wine but can share my opinion that I personally do not care for it. Only a couple of the premium wines they carry onboard that I like. We were lucky to be able to just recently bring on two bottles of wine per person (read on these boards that this policy is changing back to one bottle per person at the beginning of July). We are from the Niagara region in Ontario which has many wineries so were fortunate to be able to bring some of our personal local favourites onboard to enjoy.
  21. Wow! Congratulations on reaching all of these fabulous milestones!!!! 😊 We just disembarked the Equinox on Sunday and the service was excellent as well as the food was better than expected in the main dining room.....out of eight nights only one person in our group of seven found one meal subpar on one evening only (I was not sure what to expect given recent comments about cutbacks. Oops seven nights....we dined in Tuscan Grille one evening). Echoing other CC member's comments as to how wonderful the ABC islands are. Have an absolutely fabulous cruise and thank you for taking us along!
  22. Frenchkona, we also were on this cruise and simply chiming in agreement with your comments about what a wonderful cruise this was overall! We found that service on this cruise was some of the best that we have experienced on any of our X sailings (we were Deck 8 mid-ship).
  23. I can share that we boarded on June 10 from Port Everglades and each person in each couple brought aboard two bottles. I think I recall reading from someone posting on these boards that the folks in security/screening are not Celebrity staff? Therefore may be unaware of different policies for different lines so I printed out the most recent page I could find that stated two bottles per person for Celebrity to produce just in case. Only one person in our group was politely questioned and he simply stated he had two bottles and continued on through the screening. Proof did not need to be presented.
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