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Everything posted by HBE4

  1. The more, the merrier! As long as stranger toes are not touching me, I'm in!
  2. You mean you don't attend every single 70's dance party or Love&Marriage show on every cruise you take? 😉 EDIT: From previous posts, I know you take more than a few cruises each year, hence the light hearted sarcasm. 😇
  3. You are correct with everything you wrote but there are a few factors as to why. Cruising has been touted by many as a great value compared to the cost of a land-based vacation & families have taken note. Also, even with today's higher prices, cruising is still cheaper today than it was in the 1980's. I have seen many stories posted here on CC of people paying $1500 pp for an interior cabin in the 1980's which wold be over $5,000 pp in 2024 prices when factoring in inflation. So yes, cruisers are becoming younger and more family oriented and Royal is catering to that market. Like many other companies in many other industries are. As for losing long-time customers, that is going to eventually happen as they "age-out" for various reasons. The cruise industry is constantly evolving. Nothing stays the same forever. Except death and taxes. And Cats on Oasis. 🙂
  4. Exactly! There was a change at the corporate level where a long time Royal executive was replaced by an even longer term corporate executive, most likely a direct report, with many years of experience in Royals entertainment department. Stuff like that happens all the time without much fanfare. Heck, if it wasn't for CC, I wouldn't even know the names of any of Royal's executives, much like I don't know the name of any executive at my cable company, credit card company, supermarkets I shop at, etc....
  5. Every company I have ever worked as an IT professional had me sign a form stating that anything I develop on company time or with company resources belong to the company. Even entry-level positions for non-tech companies that had in-house IT departments, back in the day before out-sourcing. I'm sure at the executive level, those agreements are air tight.
  6. I did do that once, back in 2009. Spent 4 days/3 nights pre-cruise before doing a very island intensive itinerary on the Serenade. Had a fabulous time, both in San Juan and on the cruise. One of my favorites mainly because of the people we met & bonded with instantly. Always meant to do it again but just never happened.
  7. Sorry about that. I almost missed the part where you said you were a (recovering) Red Sox fan. If you need to *cough* remind me of the 2004 ALCS *cough*, you can. (said in a less than sincere voice) For non-baseball fans, in the 2004 American League Championship Series, the Yankees became the first & only team in the 100+ years of baseball to blow a 3 game to none series lead & lose to the Red Sox. I'm not sure it actually happened, much like the moon landing. 😉😇
  8. Does anyone know the reason for the half-day in San Juan? I've always just assumed it had to do with travel time between ports & not burning fuel racing to the next stop. I agree, the city deserves a full day.
  9. I married into a Met fan family. And while I consider myself a hard-core Yankee fan first, I am a New York fan second and always will root for the Mets. As long as it doesn't come at the expense of the Yanks. 😊 And my in-laws feel the same but in reverse. 1986 World Series is still one of the most thrilling that I've ever watched.
  10. Maybe it's a return to the basics for Royal. Goodbye Las Vegas style entertainment and Broadway shows and hello to the return of chocolate mints on the pillow* * The above comment is not being presented as fact, speculation, rumor, gossip, or scuttlebutt. It's strictly for entertainment value. My entertainment 😉
  11. Sure seems like it. How does a team go from being an unbeatable machine to looking slow, tired & disorganized in the blink of an eye? As far as the playoffs are concerned, a cynic might say it's fixed as they are trying to extend the series to make more money. I don't buy into that, I just think the real Carolina Hurricanes showed up & reminded everyone why they are the favorites to win. As for the Mets, well, they are the Mets. Enough said.😇
  12. Lenny, I clicked the "Like" button but it was really just to acknowledge your post. I admire your perseverance in continuing to stay connected & involved despite the medical hardships you face. I hope you can continue that for a long time.
  13. The Beyond! I love Oasis-class but all the beauty is on the inside. For outside, they look ungainly. Like an apartment building propped onto a barge.
  14. Yesterday I thought I saw a fox running across my neighbors yard. Reddish/orange color, long bushy tail sticking straight back. Tail was almost the length of the animal. It was middle of the day & he kinda scurried trying to get out of sight as soon as possible. But I've seen foxes in the past and this one much taller. Very tall, almost the size of a German Shepard. I know we have coyotes in the area as I've heard them yipping at night from nearby woods. Do coyotes come in red? I always thought their tails stick straight down. Is there such a thing as a fox/coyote hybrid? Either way, I haven't seen a rabbit in my yard in years. I've searched for a picture & this is the best I can some up with. About this size but more reddish/rusty color and tail sticking straight back and a bit longer.
  15. I held onto the fence across the street even though there was a sign telling us that it was forbidden. But there were a few others doing the same so being the lemming that I am......
  16. I did that once, getting blasted by a 747 KLM getting ready for take-off. I saw one or two people get knocked down, a few hats and bags being blown in to the sea. Glad I did it, not sure I'd do it again.
  17. I'm of the same mind set. I'd rather spend the money on nice dinners & trips, spending time together & creating new memories. I have most things I need and if I want something, I'm going to buy it when I need it and not wait for a gift giving holiday. I already have more sweaters, t-shirts, ball caps, coffee mugs, beer steins, wine glasses than I know what to do with.
  18. How about a rematch of 1994 Cup finals? 😉🙂 A few of the sports writers in the NY Media have been trying to draw parallels between this years team & the 1994 team that won the cup. Things like both the Rangers & Knicks having playoff success at the same time (happens less often than you think), the Rangers 7-0 playoff start with a first year coach to some of the more ridiculous things the solar eclipse and earthquake that occurred around the same time in 1994 & 2024. Oh, and OJ being in the news both years. 94 was the Bronco chase and his passing earlier this year. They might be trying to stretch the point with that last one.
  19. Thank you. Glad to see Lady Liberty is still holding up very well. Looking at the pictures makes me wish I had pulled the trigger a little sooner and booked either the May 9th or 23rd itineraries. I'm still looking & may book something later in the year. The 9 day sailings out of NJ are one of my favorites, length-wise and port-wise. Sentimental favorite for me too. She was my first ever cruise in 2008 that got us hooked on cruising. Booked another cruise right away for 6 months later. She was also the last cruise I took with the Mrs and Little Miss HBE4 so it seems appropriate to resume my cruise career with her. 🙂
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