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Everything posted by HBE4

  1. It would definitely would make some Olympic sports, such as shot put (sp?) far more interesting. As would flaming arrows archery.
  2. Sounds like a perfect day to me. Except before heading to the casino, I would lay out few towels to reserve several poolside loungers for the next day for when I roll out of bed at 1 pm. Which reminds me to get extra towels to hold a few empty "buffer" chairs to use as tables and to make sure there aren't people sitting too close to me.
  3. Having recently participated in some axe throwing this past Fathers Day, I agree its a great way to relieve some stress. I wonder if there are any axe throwing leagues, similar to bowling or dart leagues? 🙂 Time to hit up The Google.
  4. I had read about your ankle situation & surgery. So sorry for that to happen ever but especially while you were training for a new job. However, it somehow escaped me that you were in a rehab facility, I just assumed you were doing out-patient. The insurance company will probably decide how long you get to stay. It does seem like the longer you stay, the better. How is the facility itself? Is it someplace you don't mind staying longer and can you talk to the doctor about extending, if needed? Having visited several different rehab facilities in the past, it seems they range from almost resort-like to barely one-step above Rikers Island. (another NYC reference to cheer you up 🙂)
  5. I remember a few days ago a post stating that Dani was having wifi issues. Not sure if that was on the cruise ship pr pre-cruise. But usually when you don't hear from someone on a cruise, it means they are having so much fun that they don't have time to check electronic devices. 🙂
  6. You misspelled Yankees 😉😅 TSOD: Moody Blues Tour of the Kingdom. I think that was their 1992 concert tour. It's showing a bit of wear and tear but still fits after 30 (gasp!) years. Why I'm wearing a t-shirt while it's currently 59 degree & raining is beyond me. I'm just glad that my little neck of the woods has so far escaped the "heat dome" that has enveloped most of he country.
  7. I usually alternate between going to a dealership and a local mechanic about 5 minutes from my house. When I buy a new car, the first couple of years I take it to the dealer just to keep the warranty from being voided or in case I bought a "lemon". As the years go on and more of the typical wear-and-tear items need to be maintained, it goes to the local mechanic. Ah, she must've had those new, magical brake pads that regenerate themselves the more you drive. 😅
  8. I had a similar experience. The Lexus dealership that I had been going to for 20 years & never had an issue. They just did what I asked & basically followed the manufacturers service schedule. Then, first service under the new owners, they tried to hit me up for "dealers recommended " service for am additional $500. Some of the items included were dubious at best: deodorizer for thr air vents?? Cleaning the drains around the sunroof to prevent clogging?? *****, never heard of these things before. Total scam, something you'd expect from a fly-by-night used car dealer. I did mention it in the follow up survey I received a few days later.
  9. In all honesty, there is no good reason to ever drive in or out of Manhattan. None. There isn't anywhere you can't get to that isn't accessible by subway, commuter rail, or bus. The whole island should be turned into one gigantic pedestrian mall with the only vehicles allowed being taxi, Uber and delivery trucks. I am amazed that Lenny has never driven off of Long Island. Although driving in and out of Long Island (technically Queens and Brooklyn but same thing) is only slightly less aggravating than driving in Manhattan. Every time I'm stuck on the Throgs Neck Bridge on the way to Jones or Robert Moses beach, I tell myself there has to be a better way.
  10. Happy Birthday. That's a great way (and place) to kick off your bday. I can never remember either. I think that's why some locals call it "Chegg".
  11. Funny you should ask. Just read this article the other day. https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/18/energy/new-jersey-oregon-pump-your-own-gas/index.html
  12. Gotta go right to make a left. Honestly, more states should adopt jug handles for left turns. Especially when you need to cross 3 or 4 lanes of traffic
  13. I'm not the least bit ashamed to say I fell madly in love with Mona Lisa Vito when I watched that movie. And every time since.
  14. It was his experience that none of the various gutter guard products were 100% effective and that the gutters and downspouts would still need to be cleaned regularly, just not as often. And since I'd have to work around or remove the guards, it would be more of a challenge. I didn't necessarily buy into that excuse as everyone I spoke to - neighbors, friends, family as well a 3 other contractors I sought estimates from - all highly recommended gutter guards. However, that contractor came with excellent reference and said I could always add the gutter guards at a later date. As I had several other big budget projects at the same time, it seemed like a reasonable way to stay within budget. Also, the gutters & downspouts he installed are bigger and don't seem to clog as often, which was also part of his reasoning for not needing the guards. I've gone from cleaning them 3-4 times year to once a year at the most. I've even skipped a year once.
  15. I had my gutters replaced 5 years ago - along with a new roof and siding - and I was talked OUT of getting leaf guards by the contractor. Not one of my better decisions. 😒
  16. I broke my right (dominate) wrist years ago in a skiing accident. Apparently, there are something like 28 bones that make up the wrist and I broke the smallest but worst one. Due to limited blood flow, its the one that heals the slowest. Spent 3 months in a cast, first month the cast was from my knuckles to my shoulder than got progressively shorter each month. Then 6 or 8 weeks of wrist rehab by a hand specialist to get my strength and range of motion back.
  17. That has always been my strategy. Three years of high school shop taught me that I'll never make a living using my hands so I better do it with my brain, get a high paying job and hire people to do things for me.
  18. I have a bit of a fear of heights so every time I go up a ladder to clean the gutters or something similar, it's always nerve-wracking experience and probably takes 5 times longer than it should since I move so slowly and deliberately. I have a 2 story house but it's on a hill that gets progressively steeper. Depending on where the ladder is, it can feel like I'm 10 stories up. Might be time to hire a gutter cleaning service. Funny thing is, I have no problem being on top of a sky scraper or walking to the edge of a cliff.
  19. You are correct! Never did get the steak dinner. After the concert was over, we participated in some of the bar games - Giant Jenga, corn hole, etc - and after a few brews decided it was a good idea to try our luck at axe throwing. First 50 throws, the axe harmlessly bounced off the wooden target board. After a young lady next to me showed the correct technique , I landed 20 of the next 25 throws including a few bullseyes (pure luck). I did get a rain check for a steak dinner at a later date, hopefully when restaurants are less crowded.
  20. But serve all is still in play? Well, that is the more important of the two. "You don't have to love me, just serve me". 😁😉
  21. Woke up to low 50's this morning. Currently 58 and brilliant sunshine with clear skies but with the wind, making it feel like an early autumn day. Father's Day gift: Sadly, no steak dinner for me but taking a hike with my step daughter up a small mountain (or really tall hill) that has excellent views of the Hudson River with the NYC skyline in the distance, followed by a Battle of the Bands concert at a brewery on the shores of said Hudson River. Making new memories is what its all about. 🙂 And hopefully I can snag a steak sandwich from one of the food trucks.😉 EDIT TO ADD: There is actually a Texas Roadhouse not to far, may use the link that @Jimbo provided to check out wait times after the concert is over.
  22. That's the best improvement that could be made to any ship. Someone was always getting stuck in them. And it always wasn't that person's fault. 😐
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