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Everything posted by ontheweb

  1. You have that exactly right. I was once on our local school board and asked a teacher what she thought of the open houses. Her reply was "All the wrong parents show up." I know she meant that the ones who really needed to see her to discuss their student's problems were not showing up rather than we saw her the year before when our son was doing A level work in her math class.
  2. The "I wish I had not wasted my time going to see the Little Mermaid group" seems to be growing. LOL
  3. Unfortunately, I would not count on them doing anything to enforce this.
  4. I doubt this will happen, but we are really much closer to Stewart than either JFK or Newark. And the traffic situation is much better going there.
  5. We do not eat meat, but do eat fish. My comment would be that there are a lot of varied fish dishes for dinner, but not many vegetarian offerings.
  6. Rick Steves has called The Little Mermaid the most overrated tourist attraction in the world. I agree with him.
  7. LOL, I think I said much the same thing with a lot less words!
  8. This is the kind of thing that has led the cruise lines to more and more go to non-refundable deposits!
  9. I thought hold usually lasted 3 days.
  10. Our cruise on the Prima is not for almost a year (but it is getting closer especially since we booked the cruise back in 2021). Really, really waiting for reports from those who sail on her. Our TA says he is scheduled to go on the maiden voyage, but probably will not. If he does, I will surely pick his brain for his thoughts on the ship.
  11. Sigh, but wasn't it great when it was going up and there was also a dividend (that at one point doubled) in addition to the OBC provided?
  12. My TA has also put me on a 3 way call to resolve an issue. And then left me with the cruise line (Princess) representative in case I had any other questions or concerns. Just another service a TA can provide.
  13. You can try, but I think they changed things where if the accounts were tied together you can not do both; one offer would disappear. But, I could be wrong.
  14. We have not been to Visby or Skagen, but did the rest on our own.
  15. How do they know you actually watched it as opposed to just ignoring it while keeping the tv on?
  16. You used to be able to take advantage of the offer on more than one card if it was on both, but I believe they no longer allow that.
  17. We've been on 5 different cruise lines, and I will say that the stewards have always been wonderful, but those on HAL have been the best.
  18. I could be wrong, but I do believe it varies by what airline you end up booked with; some allow it and others don't.
  19. It would be even better if they gave you an approximate time you would have to expect until your call back. Still, an improvement, at least when there is an actual call back.
  20. The only caveat to that is that viruses seem to affect more people in the winter. We have to hope there is no new and more serious outbreak this winter. I am sure they hope they do not have to extend protocols.
  21. Our TA said something similar until I mentioned to him that our August 2023 cruise started in the UK before it went to EU countries. But now it looks like we will not need it as that will be before the date it will be implemented.
  22. That's known as wishful thinking. I don't expect cruises to embark in St. Petersburg for a long,long time.
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