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Everything posted by quilty964

  1. Happy Christmas Eve! Haven't been to the port, don't have an Insta Pot, but that chicken looks delish! We do have some Egg Nog! I might need to add some booze to it by the end of tomorrow! @kazuI love your recipe! @grapau27Please wish your Dear Sarah a happy birthday from me! We've had some foggy and dreary weather here or a few days, but the temps will be in the 50's today. No white Christmas here, which is OK for me. It may rain a bit, but that's better than the white stuff. I just made a plate of cookies to take over to the grands, they need some for Santa. They made some cookies, but ate them all already! Dear granddaughter made a cake for today. Can't wait to see and taste it! Thanks to all who share here, have a good day! karen
  2. @StLouisCruisersso sorry to hear that your DGD was robbed at gun point, how very scary for her and now your family....Give her a big hug when you see her!
  3. Happy Friday! We have been to Ketchikan, it was our 1st cruise, we sailed on the Westerdam. It was a very nice adventure! We visited the Saxman Totem museum and then walked around the town. The scenery as we arrived that morning was very impressive! I'm not sure about the meal, not a wine drinker, and math was never my strong area. At my "welcome to medicare" visit, she made me count backwards from 100 by 7's. That did not go well! We are done making cookies, and will share them today and on Christmas. @grapau27good to hear that your friend was able to be dc'd from the hospital, prayers that all goes well. Your table yesterday was beautiful! We watched a Hallmark movie yesterday, and someone was supposed to get the Crackers, she brought the eating kind of Crackers! She learned what they were supposed to be! @RMLincolnThe baby is very cute, and so alert! @cruising sisteryour little one is beautiful! Looks like she is enjoying her spa treatment! @kazu@1ANGELCATcondolences to you and your family members. Tonight our church school children have their Christmas service, we're volunteering tonite, haven't been to one of these services in many years. Can't wait to be there! Have a good day, hugs to all who need them and cheers to those cruising and celebrating! Karen
  4. Have a wonderful adventure! Thanks for taking us along! Safe travels!
  5. @dfishYour cookies are look wonderful! We only had white, red and green icing, along with sprinkles.
  6. Good afternoon from a cloudy 32 F day in Wisconsin. Trying to get things done each day here, and also trying to take some breaks! The port pictures today look nice. Thanks for sharing! Bon voyage and safe travels to all getting ready to cruise! A few months for us to wait. @JazzyVglad to hear there may be a solution to your pain, praying for an easy solution for you. @dfishI'm sure your cookies are beautiful, we've decorated each year with the grands. This year we had an icing explosion! The kitchen was a mess, be we have good memories! We dont have perfect cookies, but they are fun! The 8 year old likes to eat the sprinkles and sugar...mom called the next day, asking what she ate here, if you get my drift! Lots of colored p##p! Have a good evening, Karen
  7. Good evening, it's been a busy day here, and a busy weekend. We had #1 DGD's college graduation on Saturday, so were gone all day. Sunday, DGD's # 2 and # 3 performed in their dance studios production of the Nutcracker. They were each in 2 performances, we saw them yesterday! They were awesome! I thought I was done with cookies, but may make 1 more batch tomorrow. Haven't been to the port, the chicken soup looks good today! @dfishyour quilt is beautiful. I quilt, but my motto is to "keep it simple." My quilts are all easy ones, lap quilts and baby quilts for our church and the community. @JazzyV I hope you get some answers soon. @RMLincolnyour journey home sounds treacherous, just saw some news clips from the east coast...yikes! @Nickelpennyhoping you get some relief from your shot today. @marshhawksounds like your kitties are lucky to have you around to help them! Thanks for all of the sharing and caring here. We're watching a Christmas now, have a good evening. Karen
  8. Good afternoon from a sunny but colder day in Wisconsin. The weather peeps are saying we may not get a white Christmas...that's ok with me, we have an elderly relative to transport, and snow makes it trickier for her. Thanks for all of the info here. We had Felafel when we were in Bethlehem...I don't remember if I liked, it or not! @rafinmdgood to hear that you had a good report at the Cardiologist today. @RMLincolnsafe travels, and have fun at the wedding! @grapau27your food porn looks yummy! @JazzyVhoping you get some relief from your pain soon. Have a good evening, I'm working on some more cookies now. Karen
  9. Good afternoon from a sunny 34F day in Wisconsin. The sun feels wonderful! We've been busy here, went to a hotel with family on Saturday, they had a beautiful gingerbread display. One was made by their pastry chefs, and the others were made by guests for a contest. The designers were kids to adult age, they were all great! We made some ginger cookies here yesterday, not men, but more like ginger snaps, but soft and chewy. Put some icing on and sprinkles, easier than decorating the men! 😄 Not sure about the meal, wine or quote for the day. Saying prayers for all that need them, and cheers for the rest! We have a pointsettia, DH usually keeps then going for a while! We decorated some cutout cookies with the grand-daughters on Sunday...had lots of fun! Our kitchen looked like a frosting explosion when we were done! Thanks for all of the pictures today, they make me excited for our cruise next year! Have a great rest of your day!
  10. Enjoying your review! Can't wait to hear more, we're on the same trip in the new year! Enjoy!
  11. Bon Voyage, looking forward to hearing your travels! We will be on her in the new year!
  12. Happy Wednesday! Don't know if I've ever had Gazpacho, the chicken tortilla soup sounds good! A few years ago I made some hats for a "giving/mitten" tree. I was worried they might not be warm enough, but then I looked at the kiddos waiting for the bus around here...jackets not zipped, no hats or mittens and some wearing shorts even in the winter!😉 Happy Birthday to @Cat in my lap @dfishSorry to hear about River and her family situation, it's very good to know that she has some stable people in her life that can watch out for her. It's so sad when children are so disrupted because of their parents. Prayers for all that need them, and cheers to the others, thanks for all of the caring and sharing! Today was Reading Buddies day, I only got coughed on a few times today! The room didn't have as much coughing going on today...YAY! I was going to wear a mask, but forgot...next week is the last week till after Christmas! Have a good afternoon, Karen
  13. Thanks for sharing! Find the stairway art work...my favorite was the trash to treasure pictures, and then the drawings made from old cassette tapes!
  14. Thanks everyone for sharing! We were at the todays port this February. We did a HAL tour on a canal and then went to a park on a beach. It was a nice day...saw monkeys and sloths in the trees, 1 monkey was throwing his leftover shells at us as we waited for the bus to be ready to depart. We're getting ready to leave for DGD's piano recital, she's playing Rockin' around the Christmas tree! Have a great afternoon, and thanks for all of the caring here! Pictures of the sunrise that day, and monkeys in the trees! Karen
  15. @Haljo1935I'm enjoying your reports! Just wondering, how do you find a tour in FLL? Our flight home is later in the afternoon, HAL has some choices, but they are done noonish...that still gives us a lot of time at the airport. Thanks for sharing! Karen
  16. So glad to hear you're home safe. Rest up and get that ice cream!
  17. Happy Friday! It's raining here today, DGD is in Ida Michigan with her dance group, looks like rain is also in their forecast. They have a couple dance shows and a parade tomorrow night. Christmas lights are good, we got out the outside lights yesterday and 1/2 of them didn't work. There will be spotlights up this year, and 1 wreath that works. Never hear of Char fish, but we do like salmon. @grapau27Sorry to hear about your water issues, I feel your pain. We live in an older neighborhood, and the water mains have been having some problems. We haven't had any messes, but it's hard when your water is off for a while. You sure take it for granted, and miss it when it doesn't work. @cruising sisterIt was great to see Baby Murphy pictures yesterday, she is precious! Tell her family "thanks" for sharing! @superomaPrayers your friend feels better soon. @rafinmdHoping your day goes well, and you get home safe and sound! @JazzyVHoping you are doing ok with your house and pain issues. Have a good day, Karen
  18. We have a similar cabin next year, I'm hoping it's quiet!
  19. Happy Wednesday, it's sunny and in the 30's here today. I'm not so sure about the meal today, but the drink looks interesting. My covid test was negative today, so 1 more test on Friday, and I can take off my mask! I feel well, so praying it stays that way! @JazzyVI sure hope you can get your radiator fixed! It sure seems like it's pouring on you right now. @rafinmdPraying all goes well for you, thanks to @kazufor keeping us updated. @smitty34877it's good to hear that Tana is sable for now, how is the teenager enjoying cooking? Thanks to all who share here, I love the travel journeys I get to see. Have a good afternoon, Karen
  20. I'm praying all goes well, and you are home soon and feeling well...
  21. Good afternoon from a partly sunny day in SE wisconsin. Had a few more flurries overnite to cover the roads again. Luckily we don't need to fo out. I'm feeling well today, and take the last dose of paxlovid tonite! Yay! bavarian cream pie sounds good, but not in the face! I remember seeing turtle nesting spots and fences around them when visiting St. Pete Beach. Always wanted to see one when snorkeling g, but never did. @rafinmd, praying you feel better soon and get some answers. I also hope you're well fed, and can get some sleep. @StLouisCruisersthat tree is so cute! I'm sure they are all enjoying it! Have a good evening, Karen
  22. Good evening from a cloudy, snowy day in WI. It flurried all day, but only about an inch on the ground. The forecast is for 40's in a few days, so it will be gone fast. @rafinmdso sorry to hear you're in the hospital, prayers for quick healing. @StLouisCruiserssorry to hear about Grandma, it's rough when they've been together for so long...prayers for Grandpa and family. @grapau27glad to hear you had a nice cruise! @Vict0riannthe parade pics look fun, ours is in a few weeks, hope to take the grands! Im sitting at home with covid, basically a bad sore throat and some coughing. I called triage people, they recommended i be seen, so I was, got Paxlovid, and have been sitting on the couch! So far, DH is ok, praying it stays that way. Tomorrow I can go out with a mask, but I'm going to miss lunch with my quilting friends on Friday...😞 We had our vaccine boosters 2 weeks ago, maybe that kept mine mild and is helping DH. Good thoughts and prayers for all that need them, and cheers for the rest! Have a good evening, Karen
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