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Everything posted by Vampiress88

  1. yes I am only a pleb 😂 well I’ve bought some. £666 it’s just cost me. blaming you if this goes wrong 😳
  2. how do you know if it’s a special fare? It was the same on the website and onboard so I’m guessing it’s not special just seems worth it. I have 4 cruises booked. I’d get £420obc and the shares are about £700.
  3. Question as it says in some of it that the shareholder obc can’t be used in conjunction with other offers. so I have booked direct with p&o- I got extra obc as I booked whilst on the ship and the free parking etc. If I buy shares will I get obc or will I not as I already have obc due to offers from the ship I’m not forking out for shares if I can’t use it to my advantage- I know I can always sell the shares but it’s not money I really have to spare unless it’s for a good cause
  4. Are you tied to school holidays with nursery? Cos it’s very expensive. We are back on iona in December for Georgias birthday.
  5. On iona it was available at 8.30am and only the first and last day got booked up faster as they were sea days. We always pre-booked the day before though too. There wasn’t any kids club the first day we were there. arvia might be completely different though
  6. Have we? Must have missed it. Should I not be booking holidays
  7. Mine came through at 14.59 and I’m in Yorkshire/Nottinghamshire Husbands did not- he has the alerts turned off have you got the alerts turned off in the settings? not sure why we need an alert. It’s not like there’s tornadoes here or anything. Unless we are planning to join in the Russia things.
  8. We do go and see something after dinner if we can. I find on p&o that majority of the nights we went out either to the theatre which was for magic and comedy. Or the club house for pulse and a different comedian. I missed this when we were on two msc ships as I didn’t find there enough entertainment in the evening so watched films on our iPads. I don’t drink and the kids get bored quick sitting and drinking in bars. I wouldn’t really sit and chat with random people and I fear for the people when my kids get talking.
  9. 22nd April. Alarm set for 6am. We were up and showered and Scott when and got pastries for breakfast. We chilled in the room till 8am then went to sit in the club house for the 8.30am call to leave. It was around 8.50 when they called then took ages to get let out of the club house. We found our bags and queued again. Worst disembarkation from p&o yet. We are going to do the self one next time and leave at 7.30. Then I can keep my blanket and toiletries too. We were on the road for about 9.45. Later than we usually are. Nanan and grandad had got off at the same time and they needed to book a coach back. Scott drove back, I offered but as I am apparently a bad driver the offer was declined. We had two stops for the toilet (with hubby cursing under his breath as usual) We managed to get back, top up petrol, go to Asda for milk and all important beer and cooplands for cheese straws for lunch by 1.30. One load of washing out and we unpacked the rest of the cases. We got the house all tidy, ordered a Chinese and watched the new power ranger film. Couldn’t wait for 9pm when it was acceptable to go to bed. I enjoyed the fjords cruise. We especially liked olden for the sky lift and would do it again. Glad we made the decision to go even though I don’t like heights. I didn’t think the fjords sights on this one was as good as we last did. I think the way into Hellesylt might be the one I was thinking of that we enjoyed. We didn’t spend as much money as I thought and I came in under budget. I have lots of Nok left as didn’t spend that much cash which is a little annoying. Off to the next holiday. Countdown for Florida 36 days!!! Then I have 6 whole months to wait for the next holiday. I’ve been born into the wrong life, I needed to be rich. £300.05 Nok £200 Deposit for next cruise £160.42 on iona spends. 15/04/2023 -£100.00 Lemonade £2.50 Coke £3.25 Draft £5.20 £10.95 Brodies Lemonade £2.50 Coke £3.25 Draft £5.20 £10.95 Brodies Draft £5.20 £5.20 Brodies Crisps £1.20 £1.20 Brodies Draft £5.20 £5.20 Brodies Coke £3.25 Coke £3.25 £6.50 Aqua Draft £5.20 £5.20 Club house £45.20 -£54.80 16/04/2023 Cocktails £8.75 £8.75 Vista Lemonade £2.50 Coke £3.25 Guinness £4.95 £10.70 Emerald bar Coke £3.25 Cocktail £6.95 Paella £4.50 Paella £4.50 Baklava £2.00 £21.20 Olive grove Lemonade £2.50 Coke £3.25 Draft £5.20 £10.95 Club house Draft £5.20 £5.20 Club house -£0.10 Discount £56.70 £1.90 17/04/2023 Coke £3.25 Coke £3.25 Discount -£0.33 £6.17 Opal Draft £5.20 Discount -£0.26 £4.94 The club house Draft £5.20 Discount -£0.26 £4.94 The club house £16.05 £17.95 18/04/2023 Ice cream £2.95 Ice cream £2.95 Ice cream £2.95 Ice cream £2.95 Discount -£0.59 £11.21 Cocktail £8.75 Mocktail £3.50 Discount -£0.61 £11.64 Doom bar £4.95 Discount -£0.24 Doom bar £4.95 Discount -£0.24 £9.42 Doom bar £4.95 Doom bar £4.95 Mocktail £3.50 Discount -£0.69 £12.71 £44.98 £62.93 19/04/2023 Cocktails £8.75 Cocktail £9.40 J2O £2.95 Discount -£1.06 £20.04 Doom bar £4.95 Discount -£0.25 Doom bar £4.95 Discount -£0.25 £9.40 £29.44 £92.37 20/04/2023 Cocktail £8.75 Discount -£0.44 £8.31 Cocktail £8.75 Cocktail £8.75 Cocktail £8.75 Cocktail £6.95 Discount -£1.66 £31.54 Doom bar £4.95 Discount -£0.25 Doom bar £4.95 Discount -£0.25 £9.40 £49.25 £141.62 21/04/2023 Doom bar £4.95 Discount -£0.25 Doom bar £4.95 Discount -£0.25 £9.40 Doom bar £4.95 Discount -£0.25 Doom bar £4.95 Discount -£0.25 £9.40 £18.80 £160.42
  10. 21st April. At Sea. Woke up this morning at 6.30 with no alarm. Georgia was being mardy and Scarlett was in our bed for snuggles. Georgia wanted to go swimming but the rest of us couldn’t be bothered. We wanted to go to the sit down breakfast so we got showered and dressed and down there for 8.20. I’m not sure why we bothered. I didn’t rate much to the breakfast but then again I don’t really like breakfast much. We had Greek yogurt and honey then eggs Benedict and the kids had pancakes. I promised them proper ones when we get to Florida. They were booked in at the kids club at 10am so we took them there and we chilled in the room. I might have had a nap. I was really sleepy today. We were trying to make a plan for today and Tracey called on the cabin phone. She asked where the kids were etc. We told her they were at the club and we were picking them up at 11.45. We were going to go to the buffet for lunch at 12 as they wanted to go back to the club at 2. We got to the buffer. It was meatball and spaghetti with some noodles for me and Scarlett. Georgia just had spaghetti and salad. Scott decided he didn’t like the looks of mine so went to the quays for fish and chips to fetch back up. Rolly polly pudding was nice but needed more jam. Nanan took the kids to look at the sweet shop but didn’t buy anything. I might have fallen asleep for half hour again. They went back to the kids club at 2 and we went to see about another cruise but the queue was massive. We got the menu for tonight and sat in the emerald bar with a drink. We needed to make a plan for tonight. The kids want to go with Steve and Tracey to see a magic show at 6.30. We have olive grove booked at the same time but I don’t think we are fussed to go there at all. Just means either an early dinner for the kids and a table for 2 or a late dinner for all of us. We got the kids from the club and chilled out in the cabin before getting ready for the last night. All dressed and ready to go to meet Tracey and Steve in the club house at 6. They were watching the magician at 6.30 and we were going to the beach house. I didn’t manage to take any photos of the food, I forgot. We had chicken and pizza then lemon tart. This is the olive grove fully booked. don’t know why the photo keeps being upside down. We went up to the buffet for second pudding (hence the reason I cannot make it up those stairs fast) and a coffee from the room. After we had dropped off the coffee we met back at the club house to watch the comedian and met the girls and the in laws there. Georgia had run up to the stage to get a sock, Scarlett went with her and the comedian said they were like the shinning twins. We didn’t stay long as we needed to pack. All showered and in bed for 9.30. We set the clocks to uk time again and tried to get the kids to sleep. I didn’t have my blanket so was going to be freezing so getting a towel, as Scott has to have the stupid air con on.
  11. 20th April. Haugesund The phone went at 6.30. It was nanan and I was grumpy from then on. They had planned to meet for swimming at 7 so no clue why she rung and woke everyone. So Scott and the kids went there while I had a relaxing shower without people annoying me. I’d just finished getting ready and they were back with banana chips xxx. I dried their wet hair and they got dressed. We went to the buffet for breakfast and then met nanan and grandad outside after getting off the ship. I was sure there was a shuttle included but they kept saying they wanted to charge us 90nok so we walked it. Wasn’t a brilliant walk but we managed. Nanan was in flip flops though. We looked in a few shops and had a good walk around the town centre. The kids bought some cool tweezers and a cupcake. Chose Oreo though rather than a different Norwegian flavour. Scott was getting annoyed at his mother as she was spending ages in tat shops, telling me this used to happen on holidays as kids. We had a walk around and down near the marina and since there wasn’t much there we had a walk back to the ship. We went to the quays for lunch. Georgia had chicken. I had a burger and Scott and Scarlett had fish and chips. The burger wasn’t great. The kids were booked into the kids club and they had already decided they wanted to go. We wanted to go and book some 2025 cruises for school holidays. The first one was the Mediterranean in April for £2662 which we’d though was good. Then fjords in May for £1888 and look at Greece in July for £4912. Seemed to be a glitch online that the prices kept changing though so we went down the the loyalty desk. We got the first one orders and got onboard £100 credit. The second and third were wrong pricing so we didn’t end up booking. Disappointed we went to get cocktails at the emerald bar. We were just sitting down and we saw Tracy and Steve. Scott bought a fairground and sorbetto. Tracey got the s’mores and fairground. I’d already said we were buying rounds but Scott wanted to get them a drink so got the La Laguna, rock that smoked, treasure island and espresso martini. Didn’t seems like his dad enjoyed the drink at all and his mum wanted to take the glass home. Nanan had promised the kids to take them to the circus workshop so we collected them at 4, Steve went for a smoke and Scott went to get the menu and all met at the club house. We then all tried our hand at the spinning plates. No one could do it at all the kids were better than us but all the adults were getting quite competitive. Really stressed us that we couldn’t do it. The plan for tonight was the sit down meal and then floor fillers at the club house. Tracey and Steve wanted a nap then we’re going to watch the person from ELO and then go to the buffet. We went back to get ready for the night, have a quick shower and to the coral restaurant for 6ish. Scarlett had steak, egg and chips. Georgia had fish gingers and chips. Me and Scott has Indonesian chicken salad then chicken Milanese. Pudding was cheese cake and chocolate sponge. We enjoyed the main just like we did last time. After we had dinner we couldn’t be bothered to go to the club house, instead we went back to the cabin and watched a film. All in bed by 10.30 as we were all really tired at that point, and I was mardy after Scott had stole my pillow.
  12. Yes we have had to queue a few times at the bar when waiters weren’t coming around
  13. We were off the ship first thing. Hadnt booked to had to queue for the tickets when we realised what we wanted to do. We had a 30mins queue to get on the shuttle bus and was on the lift by 10am. It was packed when we came back down so next time I’m going to pre book tickets so we can be straight there.
  14. Sorry updates are late. Had issues with my phone.
  15. 19th April. Ålesund Up, ready and dressed quick this morning as we wanted to be off early in case of crowds, means we can be back early. Steve had said he wanted to go on a boat, think it was to look at the Seven Sisters but we hadn’t booked anything. Walking to the buffet at 7.40 and nanan is in the hot tub waiting for the kids. She had assumed we would be going in but we hadn’t this morning. We went to the buffet for breakfast and they joined us in there. Wouldn’t say it was brilliant choice. Scott got the kids muffins but didn’t realise till they ate them that it was the black cherry ones he wanted and there was no more of them now. All you could see out the window was a mountain with steps all the way up. I said there is no way I’m doing that. After breakfast we got off the ship and had a wander. We went to look at the train I said I wanted to go on. We walked past the harbour and through some high street that was closed as it was still early. Then we got to a little park and would you know, those steps I’ve said I wouldn’t do. There is no way, me at my size can get up those steps. I walked a little way up with the kids and then stopped on a bench and decided I wasn’t going any further. I took the bag and Scott took my credit card and him and the kids went to the top. I tried to get a little further up, definitely this is going to be what kills me. I got half way and thought I couldn’t do any more. Had a good sit down on the bench and after 10mins I decided to try again since I was half way. Walked up with a couple that were as slow as me so we kept stopping and finally managed to get to the top. And oh my god it was the best thing ever, worth nearly dying to get there. Oh wait no it wasn’t. But there was my little family sat having ice creams in the sun not fazed by the steps at all. Kids had probably ran up. We spent a good 30 odd minutes until my heart rate had got back to normal before we set off back down. Worries me when Scott doesn’t hold the kids hands. I had Georgia and she slipped but luckily I had hold of her and I had a railing. There were so many people coming up at this point. Everyone passing and only one side has a railing. It didn’t feel very safe at all. We walked past a park and stopped for a swing. Then we went into a little shop for some crisps and sweets. We got back on the ship and got changed for the swimming pool. We went to the hot tub on the deck 17 and it was too full so we went back down inside and sat in a hot tub for 20mins. We were getting a bit peckish so we went to the buffet for lunch. We had biriani chicken and some pork. It wasn’t brilliant. The kids wanted to go to the club but there was another hour to wait. We went back to the cabin and Scott and Georgia had a little sunbathe. Scott fell asleep on the balcony, I had to call Georgia in as she would burn. Scarlett was I took them to the club and came back. I was shattered so we both had a nap after Scott had come in from the sun. It’s lovely napping with the balcony open. We had set the alarm to get the kids from the club at 4.45 and Georgia decided that Anderson would be a good idea so we got a gin each. Just because I wanted to try it from last time. I wish I hadn’t. I felt drunk all night it wasn’t a nice feeling but the drink was quite nice. The kids read their Harry potter books whilst we had those. The menu didn’t look good for tonight and we couldn’t decide if to go to the theatre to watch that festival or to go to the comedian in the club house. We ended up cancelling the theatre and rescheduling for tomorrow and planning on the club house. We got changed. Went to the buffet. It was egg fried rice and sticky pork with chicken tikka and rice. It wasn’t brilliant. Nor were the puddings. We went to the club house just before 8 and got a table. I had fetched my own drink for me and the kids. Scott got some beer and we watched the show. It wasn’t actually that funny and we were all a little fed up tonight so we decided that we were just going to go back to the room and chill for a little. The kids put the tv on and watched some Disney channel Jessie and we did a little packing. Then sleep for 10.30.
  16. 18th April. Up at 6.30 and decided we would go for a swim while the pool is quiet. Georgia is really good at what she calls frogs legs and Scarlett is better at front crawl. After swimming we had a shower and went for a quick buffet breakfast and then out for 8.50. We had decided we weren’t doing much today and I don’t like heights but when we got there it didn’t seem like there was much to do but an excursion. We went to the ticket machine for the loen sky lift that included a shuttle there. We paid 2400nok which was £184. We waited 30mins for the shuttle outside the ship but when we got to the sky lift we were more or less straight on. I really don’t like cable cars. This one made me feel sick with the height but I felt a bit safer than the other ones we have been on. It seemed very steep going up the mountain. Once we were at the top there was just snow everywhere. We watched a parachute man literally run off the cliff and go, don’t know how someone would have the balls to do that. Then we had a walk up to the snow cave. That was really good. Can’t believe they have made that from snow. Then we watched everyone sledging. Was going to do it until we saw a little girl not be able to stop, she feel off at the end and then a bloke went past the line and into a banking. If he hadn’t have gone into the banking I don’t know when it would stop but that panicked me enough to not let the kids do that. Quick walk around the top, taking some photos and me nearly slipping and falling over. We got a coffee, apple juice and two buns. Cost us about £17. We had decided at that point us and the kids were done. We left Tracey and Steve up there as they wanted another walk round. We came back to the ship and our balcony was in the sun. Glad we did it first thing as the queue for the lift when we came out was unreal. We got some pizza, hot dogs and burger and sat out having a picnic on our balcony. We then went and got ice creams each. I should have made the kids share as there was too much. We saw by looking directly below us that all three hot tubs on deck 8 were free. By the time we had got our costumes on only one was free. Quickly ran down there and then realised that the layout is funny as you have to walk though keel and cow to get to it. And my lot are in swim suits and nothing else. We spent a while in there before making some plans. Scarlett wanted to go to the kids club where as Georgia wanted to go get a cocktail (to eat the candy floss) and read a book so that’s what we did. It wasn’t long before we were picking Scarlett up again and getting ready for dinner. We were going just us four tonight and meeting them later. I had calamari, steak and sorbet. Scott had calamari, haddock and bread butter pudding. The kids chose pasta. The waiter saw Georgia stealing my calamari and asked her if she would like some. She said yes. Scarlett said she didn’t like them. He brought her out a plate twice as big as we had. We really enjoyed the meal tonight. The pudding was apparently really nice so I asked if I could have another as I know Scott wanted a second. Well we both got one so he ended up with thirds. He said it was the best pudding he’d had on here. We had booked the comedian for 8.30 and wanted to get some seats around 8 when they opened the doors. As we had gone for dinner really early at 5.30 then we were out at just gone 7. The service was still slow but better than previous nights. I now have a little list of people going on my well done list they do. We sat in the emerald bar and listened to the piano man. I was trying to play guess that tune, aerosmith then s club 7. No idea the third one. Quick trip to the toilet with Georgia who had eaten a bit too much today. We got some good seats around 8 and saved some for his parents. They showed up around 8.15. The comedy show was ok. I preferred the other guy the ventriloquist on the last iona cruise. After that we hopped over to the club house to listen to the 80s music on tonights. There were some people having a right good dance and I wish I had the bottle to do that sometimes too but I’d have to be a lot more drunk for that. Long day for us. Back got the cabin and bed by 11.
  17. I haven’t really experienced much but this isn’t classed as school holidays so I would expect the ship to be quieter than last cruise. I queued for the dinning opening at 5.30. Wasn’t really more than 10mins. We also did the virtual queue once and that was only a few minutes. I have only booked table for 4 and 6. no idea the turn around time for a table for two. Tbh looking around it’s the big tables you see empty and the little two tables are full. Some of the bars are a little slow. I queued when we got to olden. Not really p&o fault that though. however, the 710 is fully booked. I haven’t been able to get in at all unless it’s 12.15am and I’ve got no chance at that time. Also by Tuesday the olive grove, beach house and sindhu are all booked up.
  18. I know some of you asked me questions before. Can’t remember where or what. Remind me and I’ll try and find out before I leave.
  19. 17th April Well it was a bad nights sleep and nanan woke everyone up calling at 6.45 to let us know they were going to the buffet for breakfast. We got up,showered and ready and down to the buffet for about 7.45. The kids had pancakes, I had pastries and Scott had some full English, it wasn’t as good as yesterdays at all. Back to the cabin to see if I could sort Georgias trainers but couldn’t in that time. Maybe another day. The plan for today was the swords and that’s all. The captain came on to say that we were docked so we got ready and went ashore. Scott ordered an Uber. It was about a 10mins waiting, 15mins ride and cost me about £18. Cheaper than P&O excursions and there was no one there so they all played taking photos of the swords and then it stated to get busy so we ordered another Uber back to town for £17. Stopped at Starbucks for toilet, didn’t buy anything though whoops. Plan was to have a walk around town, then go and get the cinnamon bun then to the pub. We had a little round the town and only bought some chocolate, stupid me thought they weren’t too expensive and they turned out to be £9+! Best not make that mistake again. We walked to the canning museum as there is supposed to be a nice bakery opposite but that was closed So we went back to the bar we used last time called Beverly. Scott had 4 beers and we shared coke and lemonade. It was lovely say in the sun. With nothing much else to do we got back on the ship and had some lunch. Me and Georgia had katsu curry and Scott and Scarlett had fish and chips. We went back to the room to sort out an eBay payment and tried to decide if to do the kids club or to do pool. The kids chose the pool so we went up to the hot tubs on deck 17. They were packed and they spotted nanan so we all went to the infinity pool on deck 18. Again it’s so busy and grandad went in the pool with the kids so even though o had my costume on I didn’t bother. The kids had a good 20mins in there and then when dried and dressed they went with nanan to play football while me and Scott had a sunbathe. We went back to the cabin to decide what to do for the night. We were going to go get a cocktail but decided to have a coffee in our room instead, we have booked a table for 6 people at the opal for 5.30pm. Haven’t even seen the menu to check if we even want to go there so it will be a surprise. Dressed and ready for dinner at 5.30pm when it opened. Me and Scott had kofta, brisket and Apple strudel. Scarlett had sausage mash carrots and gravy and Georgia had chips, nuggets and sweetcorn. Both with ice cream for pudding. We did go to eat with Tracey and Steve but I don’t know what they had as I wasn’t paying attention. The service does seem really slow to clean the table etc and the drinks. It took us 1.5hours. We went up to the sky dome to get a seat for the rock show, about 15mins waiting, the kids got some more chips and in laws got drinks. We weren’t so bothered. Well the band were crap in there, not sure if it’s the songs or because of the acoustics but they were murdering all the rock songs we like. It was 7.40 and we decided to swap to the comedian early as if not we would be waiting till 9.30. So Scott got some seats and text me. We went down there and I remembered I’d forgotten pop and crisps so I went back up for them and me and the kids had those while Scott had beer. We watched the show and it was quite funny. Not sure the kids got most of it though. We were done by 9pm and all tired so back up to the cabin, as we past the buffet we got another pudding. Scott made me a coffee in the cabin and planned for tomorrow. The kids want to go swimming first thing so that’s what we are going to do. Bed for 10.30.
  20. agreed about the mould. mine just like to find them on the ship then re hide them for other kids. My youngest was looking in the club house for one but has yet to find one. Think we’ve always found them on the ship before
  21. Introductions Me: will still be 34 when we board Iona. We went a little holiday mad. We have 6 in total in the last 12 months (7 in 18months) before I’m 35. This is the 5th one. Scott: will also be 34, 35 not long after we get back from this one. He is to blame for all the holidays even though he doesn’t like admitting it. Scarlett: Will be 8. Georgia: will now be 7 Tracey: Nanan Steve: Grandad The Plan Going with P & O on the Iona for one weeks in April. Cost us £1474 for one weeks for balcony cabin (kids will be on bunk beds) and includes the food (and drinks such as tea coffee and juice while in the restaurants). They have also sent us and email with £100 obc. Buzzing. Also includes parking The itinerary This is a very basic itinerary. As I won’t know until we are onboard what offers are on at the restaurants, what shows will be performing and when then most days we might just be going with the flow. All I know is we are on deck 15 at the back. Saturday Day 1. Drive down leaving at about 9.30am. Board at Southampton 3pm ish Sunday Day 2. At sea Monday Day 3. stravanger - Scott wants to see the swords, I wanted the museum but looks like that’s closed Mondays Tuesday Day 4. Olden Wednesday Day 5. Alesund Thursday Day 6. Haugesund Friday Day 7. At sea Saturday Day 8. Dock at Southampton 10am. Drive home for about 2pm. I have budgeted £600 for our drinks and speciality dinning. I will not buy the package as I don’t think it’s good value(£80 for our cabin per day but quite a few wines excluded) also £100 on petrol. £50 for in case we have food or coffee on the car journeys etc. So we have £700 in total to play with.Ill take a credit card in case. Will always do a running total of costs. Love knowing how much I’ve paid per day. Although we didn’t spend over £600 on Britannia for 11 days so I don’t think we will get anywhere near the budget. I also have 200NOK left which isn’t much at all. Most will go on the credit card. Unfortunately I am one of those who loves lists and spreadsheets. Drives my husband mad. We also don’t have much of a plan. We are just going to try and relax and sight see. But the best of all is going to be eating lots of food without me having to cook! Oh and actually having some date nights too. 14th. Pre travel day. Had my hair done this morning by one of my youngest child’s friends mum as she is a hairdresser while the kids played. We got all the car, packing done and hubbys hair sorted. Used up all the left over food in the fridge, had an early night even though I didn’t sleep much. There have been a few changes since I started my trip report. Hubbys parents have booked the same cruise as us on a late deal. They are on deck 4. I’m not sure if they are going to like P&O due to the dress codes but the father in law used to live in Norway when he was very young so has wanted to visit again for a while. I’m not sure how much time we will spend with them etc. The kids will still want to go to the club and I’ve already put my foot down saying I’m not buying rounds of drinks. The kids don’t know yet. They will find out when they knock on the door tonight. Also we have moved to deck 16 at the front of the ship due to how the balcony was set out in the other one. 15th April Alarm set for 6am. I’m not sure we need to be up this early but it said 4 hours for Southampton yesterday so we want to set off by 7.30am. Up, everyone showered and dressed. Used the last of the toast and made a coffee for the journey. Everyone has already argued a million times already, wouldn’t be a holiday if we hadn’t. Managed to get off on time but have a feeling I’ve forgotten something. We are buying something from Facebook and I’ve already gotten out the cash for it. Well I’ve forgotten so looks like I’ll be getting out more cash when I get to the services. First stop will be Watford Gap. It’s around 1hr25 after setting off. Couldn’t manage more than that without bathroom breaks. Scarlett gets out the car and she hasn’t cleaned her trainers like I asked. Georgia then gets out and she has her scruffy school trainers on instead of the lovely new ones I bought before Christmas. Fuming actually because now she is making us look bad like we can’t afford new trainers. Next stop was chievly and we got a cinnamon coffee, 2 sausage rolls and ham salad sandwich for £9.25. We set off to get the power ranger helmet from Totten and then off to the cruise terminal. Only a 15mins drive. We saw the sky princess and she definitely didn’t look very big compared to Iona. We got to the terminal at 12.30. We had the cps parking with our select fare so drove through that, handed off the keys and got the bags out the car. Checked in the bags with the men, went through the terminal to the check in desk. Quick toilet stop then through security and we were on the ship for 1.15pm. The room was ready so we got our cruise cards, dropped some of the bags off and went to the muster station which happened to be next to Brodies. We had a few drinks in there and got a text from the in laws that they had just got to the terminal at 2.30pm. Not sure how long it will take them to get through. The kids played pool with hubby, Georgia was terrible. We were waiting for the in-laws to show up and surprise them. Scarlett’s jaw dropped when she saw them, nanan is on the ship she kept saying, not sure if she was happy about it or not. the offending shoes We all had a drink, grandad is excited about the ship as it’s his first cruise. They got a drink and the kids played pool with nanan. She was now hungry so we all went to the quays. Nanan had fish and chips. Grandad had burger and fries. We all had a little pudding as a snack, carrot cake, apple and cinnamon and dulce de leche tart. The kids went to look at their nanans cabin and we went back to ours to do the safety video. No bags were here yet so we were unsure what to do next. Kids came back and five minutes later there was a knock at the door. Cases were here. Quick unpack and then shower and changed ready for the evening. Scarlett called nanan and we said we would meet at keel and cow at 6.45. We got down there first and there was no one seemed to be dressed in “smart casual” as we were. Most still looked like they were in the travel clothes. The in laws turn up and we joined a virtual queue. About 5 maybe 10mins later it said our table was ready. We were seated by the window in the Aqua restaurant. I had chicken croquettes, garlic chicken and sticky toffee pudding. Hubby had chicken croquettes, garlic chicken and pavalova. Father in law had chicken croquettes, lamb and pavaloa. Mother in law had smoked halibut, lamb and pavalova. Scarlett ordered fish fingers and chips with orange sorbet. Georgia being her normal self ordered chips,egg and mash potatoes with chocolate marquise for afters. It was just gone 8 so we went to watch the last bit of the pulse act in the club house while father in law took the girls to deck 18, little bit cross about actually but I’m having to bite my tongue. They hadn’t returned by 8.25 and I was starting to get worried but they strolled in and that’s when we realised that Scarlett had lost her handbag. Thankfully I had said they couldn’t have their phones in them so off back up to the top to look for it and still couldn’t find it. It was 9 now and we were shattered, hubby had had more than enough alcohol and I wanted a coffee. Back to the cabin, some milk for the morning and all ready for bed. I decided against the coffee as I got too tired. Not sure what the plan is for tomorrow. Maybe swimming before breakfast. They are booked in for the kids club both morning and afternoon so might do that. 16th April Terrible nights sleep. Kids were up in the middle of the night at 3am asking what time it was and if we were getting up. Managed to stay in bed till around 7.15. We wanted to go swimming so we got ready, all but Scarlett who wasn’t bothered to go in. So me Scott and Georgia did a good few lengths then went in the hot tub. We spotted the in laws on the top level and they came down to talk to us. They had been up since 4.30 and had already had breakfast. We said we would meet later. We went back to the cabin and everyone got ready for breakfast. They didn’t want to wait for me to get showered and do my hair so they went first. I didn’t take long and went to meet them. I walked round once and then thought they must be back at the cabin. I walked around again and finally found them in a corner at the start. I got some pastries. Scarlett had had salami for breakfast yuk, Georgia had waffles and sausage and Scott had full English. It was about 9.20 now. The kids were booked in for 10 at the kids club so back to the cabin for the jackets, we had a quick look at menus for the speciality restaurants. Quick up to the kids club to drop them off the Lydia person was in the other side today. Spent some time together and then the phone rang. We told the in laws what we were going to do next. Plan was to get the crossword from the atrium and take a coffee to the club house. So that’s what we did. The crossword was the same as last time but we still couldn’t remember a few of them. The kids needed picking up at 11.45. I’m not sure what the plan is for the rest of the day. I’ve booked the olive grove as usually I don’t like the mdr menu on celebration nights but we will see. The olive grove won’t do tables for 6 so unsure what the in laws will do. Well Steve turned up at 11.30 saying that they had been sat in the atrium as they thought we were in the limelight club like we were last night and now couldn’t find us. So Scott and his dad went to get the kids from the club to watch the people do the acrobatic training in the atrium and I went back to the cabin to change my shoes and put the coffee cups back. Then met them down there. Scott wanted a cocktail but there didn’t seem to be anyone serving. We made a plan to go to this quiz thing in the theatre at 2 so we cancelled the kids club for the afternoon and went to get something to eat. Me and Scott went to the quays and the kids went with the in laws to the buffet. Well the quays was packed and no seats at all so we went to the buffet instead. Had some curry and pudding. Went back to the cabin for half hour while the kids went with nanan and then we went to the emerald bar for a cocktail for Scott. He got the fair ground candy floss one. The theatre was booked for 2pm but we needed to get early for some seats. The drink was ordered at 1.22 and still 15mins later hadn’t arrived so cutting it close. The drink arrived at 1.40 and Scott made quick work of it. I ate the candy floss. It was lovely. Really is the best candy floss we’ve ever had. We saw Scarlett and Tracey walking down the stairs, Steve and Georgia were no where to be seen. Apparently Georgia had lost her jacket and they were looking for it. As we couldn’t see them anywhere and we had booked into the theatre to watch a game show then we went and sat in there for 2pm. At around 2.15 they finally showed up and we finished watching the show. It wasn’t brilliant and wouldn’t do it again but glad they put it on for us to do. We went for a drink after in the emerald bar, had to go to the bar myself and fetch it too as it was busy. Then there was a fashion show that was so loud so we went back to the room. Scott fell asleep so we had an hour. Up at 5 and I got the kids and myself showered. Legs done etc and dresses on. We were down at the olive grove for 6.20pm. We both had paella and bread as last time it was lovely. The kids had chicken and pizza to share. Some of the chicken looked awful. Our paellas were stodgy and we wouldn’t buy it again. We all had lemon tart apart from Scott who had baklava as usual and stole my rose water ice cream again. It was nearly 8pm and pulse are on in the club house so we had said we would meet the in laws there. We spent over two hours in there drinking and listening to the band twice, some good guilty pleasure songs. After we sorted Scarlett’s card at reception and went to bed.
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