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Everything posted by Vampiress88

  1. no. Deck 16 at the front. Don’t think I can get away with it. We will see.
  2. 4.30pm is last boarding. Dunno what time sails though.
  3. Seen this a few times on the threads. I’d love to know, exactly what type of people do p&o attract or are trying to attract. I don’t know what kind of passengers they would like but I do think that currently the majority are 50+. When I look around when sat in the bars etc then that’s the age range I would guess at. I assume that when people are making this comment that maybe they mean the younger generation 20+ and maybe what someone would say is lower class? I suppose that then opens up to what class someone is in and how you put them in that class.
  4. I cruise for the price and the ease i get sea sick so that’s not great. But I also can’t stay in one place, unless it’s Florida cos then im doing the parks. A week in Tenerife for me I wlild hate and I think hubby would agree. i do moan, I am a moaner so will find things all the time to have a good wings about. I can only compare p&o to msc and we are more on the p&o side. This is due to wanting to sail from England and not have to get on a plane really first. So there don’t seem to be many companies I can go with. Both royal Caribbean and Disney from Southampton price us out cos I think well i could have two p&o cruises for the price of Disney and then the money wins. Itineraries do sway us a little but we generally just get off and have a wander so not a massive amount. we have 4 cruises booked. Two this year and two next year with p&o. The prices are just too tempting
  5. yes I get all the ins and outs of the different opinions on this thread, I’ve followed it lol and I do love a bit of drama. I wouldn’t let a few comments either way sway me, I know what I get in general with p&o and I know full well I get what I pay for. Hope I don’t have any issues on iona- other than the in laws
  6. that’s my gripe about Arvia and iona. I can’t do a cheap fare as I really don’t want those cabins so I have to pay more.
  7. Going by the photos couldn’t they just separate the beds, push the one on the right to the wall and then there would still be 66.5cm space but in the middle? Or am I being thick
  8. So just to get this straight Arvia is having issues Iona seems to be fine? maybe it it just as molechip said and it’s the first year that’s different? I’m on iona soon and the again in December so hoping no issues on her. Arvia I have to wait till February for an idea but the deposit is paid so no going backsies now. I think I might be annoyed if they have changed the kids club but we shall see. I don’t see why anyone’s opinion can’t be taken into account. We could all sit for the same meal and I probably won’t like it and lots of you will, doesn’t mean I am wrong it just means that’s my opinion. also with regards to the virtual queue then I would actually count that as queuing time. It’s not cocktail time for me to sit and wait for an hour. Also it doesn’t always work to adjust when you go into a queue. For example takes an hour one night and your left sat there trying to entertain two kids- the kids dont just sit still in a bar for cocktails for that long, they get bored then annoying. If I jump into a queue the hour before and then go in the shower do make up blah blah then they will call me in the first 10mins when I am no where near ready. Luckily for us we managed last cruise on iona to not have massive waits, the night we did we went to keel and cow etc. Also I would eat in the buffet more often if their ship layout was better. It gets very cramped in that little square.
  9. From reading other places looks like I have to pre book the kids club. That’s going to not work brilliant as I usually drop them there when they are annoying me lol
  10. Having a set time to eat doesn’t really bother me. It’s the sitting with random people that I just cannot do hence the reason we like freedom dinning. We went on MSC this year and both cruises they sat us with a table of 8 in the MDR and both cruises we refused to go there so had to buffer it. But if any of you ever met my youngest you’d understand why. she got talking with a couple on the table next to us on iona last year. Half way through the conversation and she asked them what their room number is. They asked why. It’s so that we can come visit you later in the week. I do wonder about that one sometimes.
  11. im not sure I would class it as Italian to be honest. It seems to have a lot from different countries to me. The menu for you. This is on Iona. No idea if it’s the same as Arvia. We upgraded to paella for £4.50 and the baklava for £2. We both really enjoyed the paella. I did have the lasagna earlier in the weeks and it was terrible. Hubby loved the baklava. Kids had the chicken and the pizza and we all tasted some and enjoyed them. So the free bit is doable.
  12. We were on iona in November- so in term time(bad I know) but the first day we didn’t go to the kids club bang on the 10am time,more like 10.10 and they were full for that age group. She said due to the amount of staff in the room. we were not late again when it mattered. risked it when they weren’t too fussed and managed to get in on other days so swings and roundabouts really. I do think they should change the menus in sindhu and beach house etc and rotate things a bit. It’s going to put me off going to have the same thing really. But I think this with the MDR too. I don’t think there is a good range of choice on the menus and I do feel limited as it’s 4 in 7 for meat dishes. But it doesn’t stop us going back it seems
  13. I won’t be going to either even though it’s aimed at my age range
  14. She sounds like a cool lady We like the dressing up, my hubby and kids more so than me. We actually disliked MSC as we felt a bit odd ones out. I don’t feel like that on p&o. But the in laws are coming and they will not dress up at all
  15. Should have thought about this first. Can’t apply for the next cruise as it’s next week. Oh well
  16. Questions which shares are they? Carnival plc or carnival corporation? I get I have to buy 100. how long do I have to hold them to get the credit? if I have already booked a cruise with £390 obc then can I have the obc from share holder in addition to or is it “can’t be used in conjunction with other offer” as most things state.
  17. I’ve said that to them if they don’t want to dress up
  18. Just remind me where won’t let you in if you aren’t in a suit please? the parents in law have hijacked our holiday and the father in law will not where a suit
  19. they have already veto the canning and oil museum
  20. kids want to do something “Viking” that’s why I thought the Iron Age farm
  21. Can I do diy? all in Stavanger the p&o one does the swords, museum of archaeology and Iron Age farm. I think. got no clue if these are all in the same place or how I can do it myself. we were umming and ahhing and now it’s sold out.
  22. Think the weather just depends on if you drop onto a good week. We did med in April last year and it was fantastic weather.
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