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Everything posted by Vampiress88

  1. Those are amazing photos. After our trip to Gibraltar I have decided I really very much don’t like heights or cable cars so the loen lift that we had planned to do all the way back in 2019 is off the table.
  2. Any help would be great. Especially for kids. Nordfjordeid - Hellesylt- Molde - Stavanger- Hamburg Germany - Cherbourg France - Rotterdam Netherlands- Zeebruge Belgium - La Harve France - Madeira - Tenerife- Gran Canaria - Lanzarote- Cadiz - Lisbon - Olden - Alesund - Haugesund -
  3. I hadn’t seen the “up to” 😂 🤦‍♀️🙄
  4. Nah I’m not bothered about Gary. My mum probably would be. I prefer rock music. They had great band doing rock on Britannia in April
  5. Was booked in April 2021. Guessing it’s a bribe for me to pay my balance that’s due in about a week. or maybe they know I’m trying msc 😂 whatever it is I will take the £150
  6. So are we all supposed to apply for this then? Or is it for certain ages/illnesses etc
  7. It’s really not all one cruise 😂 two msc and two p&o
  8. I need my phone to my husbands utter embarrassment. So I can take photos of the food!
  9. Looks like we have one Mastercard and one Visa so will be covered if we get stuck anywhere but I don’t like using his. Mine is a travel one and his are not but very good to know. Find out all sorts of good things on here.
  10. wow 3 different credit cards with £10k on them and then 200 in local. Now the local we probably would have unless it’s the end of the holiday then depends. But I don’t think it’s likely that everyone carries a £10k credit card let alone three. strangely enough my husband has two credit cards with about that limit on them, although one we never use and the other is so we can pay off the holidays then clear the card (so we have that section 75? I think rule, worked well with covid in getting money back anyway) but still that’s a massive amount to expect everyone to have. Surely this is why we pay for insurance cos we aren’t all walking around with that. and we don’t have American Express as not everywhere accepts that. I think both our cards are visa. Off to check now cos it’s always worth knowing.
  11. these are places for 4 different cruises we are booked on. Thought I’d ask it’s all in one go 😂
  12. Hoping so cos I don’t like carrying cash. only going to get 2500nok and have €280 left from April.
  13. These are all the ports we will be visiting. Nordfjordeid - Hellesylt- Molde - Stavanger- Hamburg Germany - Cherbourg France - Rotterdam Netherlands- Zeebruge Belgium - La Harve France - Madeira - Tenerife- Gran Canaria - Lanzarote- Cadiz - Lisbon - Olden - Alesund - Haugesund -
  14. Anyone know of anything good to do at Hellesylt or Molde?
  15. To say we all moan about p&o website I have to say I’m finding msc a lot worse so far.
  16. I don’t know about that. I wouldn’t have said any of our siblings are bringing their kids up correctly and I know I should keep my thoughts to myself but I can’t help it. to be honest it’s more to do with how me and my husband are and that we have done everything for ourselves so I want my two to be independent and just understand correct behaviour. Saying that at home my eldest acts entitled sometimes and she gets told for it. Ie only putting her own shoes away when her sister got hers out for her. So they can’t be good all the time lol i agree about the clothes don’t make the person. There was an older gentleman that was dressed to the nine who I thought was really rude to the waiters. I’ve not come across bad staff yet.
  17. yes I do get that. I get told that I am strict with my kids unfortunately but mine know how to behave (and do the majority of the time) My kids made friends with some girl at the kids club and I was annoyed really as she kept going on the stage and trying to encourage my youngest to do the same, she did the first time until she saw our faces and knew not to do it again. The same girl was with her mum when we all went to the kids buffet one night. Mine waited at the seats I put them in while I got dinner and unfortunately this girl was just running around everywhere getting a drink or some more food, not eating her dinner, food all over the floor. Her mother just pandered to her. When we are out I don’t even have to tell mine as they know if they acted like that they wouldn’t have been going to the kids club but straight back to the cabin to bed. I’ve said this before though I just don’t understand how people are bringing their kids up now, I’m 34 so I wouldn’t say I’m older than the other mums we are all about on par but my 6 year old tied her friends shoe laces cos he couldn’t. Or they say they don’t do their teeth or get dressed. Maybe I am strict but I’ve always had mine be as independent as possible and making sure they are well behaved. my 6 year old even made lunch today, she loved it. Me not so much crumbs from the bread everywhere. I don’t think it’s just holidays tbh, I think my generation and below dont teach the kids as much as we were taught when we were little with everything- like my niece didn’t get herself dressed till she was much older whereas mine did it from young age as we made it into a game etc. As much as I don’t like to call my generation I do think it’s the parents a lot of the time.
  18. Both the msc ones were actually more expensive than the p&o ones we have booked 8 nights for £2050 and 7 nights for £1950. The p&o was booked ages in advance on release date I think for £1500 for 7 nights and £2600 for 14 nights. Only difference is that the msc ones fall in the school holidays for this year and we’re late deals. im definitely going with an open mind. I though I’d not like p&o back when we started and we did. And it’s all going to be what we make of it anyway.
  19. yes I always do reviews. My memory isn’t great even though I’m only 34 so I like to write it all down to remember it. we got as status match too. Only lowly classic though 😂 but it got me obc and money off the cruise. slightly worried it won’t be as good as p&o
  20. Good morning peeps. have a question for you guys. how do I get creases out of a shirt without ironing? im jumping ship and going to the dark side and they don’t have iron and I really will not want to pay €35 or whatever it is to get them pressed. so is there something I can take or can I pack them better?
  21. Depends on how old they are and if there are still cohorts like there was in April. mine went to the kids buffet when there was either the kids disco to get to or the kids club. When there was no club they went to the mdr or with us to beach house etc.
  22. We have iona fjords in April and msc fjords this august and I’m now worrying about the ports
  23. So one port was exchanged then another missed altogether
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