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Everything posted by KarmaCruisers

  1. And damnit! I failed..I forgot the last shirt of the day. its just a work-logo’d shirt
  2. Damn! You’re right! If I were to pay cash; you CAN’T pay a “single” fare. So I’d be paying $1400. Via a casino comp; it only costs me $100 for the second person (which I get back on OBC) so losing $700 wasn’t actually a bad deal after all! (If I’d of been smart enough to stay there) I might do it again then when I cruise my next carnival voyage (which may be over Labor Day; I’m really debating that sailing)
  3. Thanks; and I think the portions were the same size I eat at home (something I need to work on starting this week when I divy up meat to freeze)
  4. Just wanted to tell everyone who commented on this thread, thanks for keeping me company over the past 7 days.
  5. Thanks! I mean; knowing what I know NOW; I don’t think it’s possible to come out “okay” (okay = breakeven) because you get a 10% rebate on the gift cards; BUT the machines have an actual EV of only 80%; so you’re actually losing 10%. (IE: $1000 on $10,000 of coin-in) This doesn’t make sense to do; because the portion the casino will “comp” you is only worth ~$700. EDIT: I’m actually doing this math for ONE person; so technically I think you’re right; if you were to get a balcony for TWO people, the portion the casino comps is $1400. HOWEVER; until it actually BECOMES two people, it’s a losing proposition for me. And “fun” is of no consequence when you’re doing it as an advantage play; you’re doing it because it’s earning money.
  6. Thank you. Yeah, oddly, many people pickup “bad” habits during a divorce..for me it seems like it’s just the opposite, as I STOPPED (well I HAD) gambling, and eating crappy. To be quite honest, I actually did it for her, because she told me that I needed to change. (I honestly don’t think she minded the gambling because I basically got her nearly addicted as me). So I thought of all the things in my life that I could control change of; and did them…but it doesn’t seem like it’s going to help in the marital regards.
  7. So one thing I think I wanna do when I get back home; is better portion control. I’ve been doing a BETTER job of it than before; but I think I’m eating 2x portions (before believe me when I say I was eating 4x portion sizes) I have really cut back on red meat (try not to eat it but MAYBE once a week and even then a very small grilled piece of lean angus sirloin) I mostly try to stick to lean Turkey, chicken breasts, and Thin pork cutlets. And of course seafood (at home it’s mostly just shrimp) Reason I bring this up; relating to this cruise..I’d like to think I did a good job of making leaner meat choices while on board (seafood, chicken, etc); I think the only red meat I had was that one time at Guy’s. (Had to do it once :D) Dinner is done; so Im going to run up to the cabin and brush my teeth and then go at 9:15ish to watch the last comedy showcase in the Grand Spectrum. Then it’ll be bed time.
  8. lol it’s so funny to read the people complaining on the Meta group. yea kids are idiots for the most part; but I’ve actually been 100% unaffected by them (however I DO NOT go to the buffet, pizza or hang out on Lido deck; which I think is where they all are) This cruise has been a 9/10 for me; with the only knock being the long ass wait for seating at MDR (reasons = lobster McNugget) last night, only to find my table was occupied by another couple. (My seater was as confused as me) But other than that..yeah…all staff I’ve encountered have been awesome, greeting me by name (Hello Mr. Timotee) I definitely feel like I can cruise solo again with no issues. (My first one back in February on princess was really tough; but I think it’s because “she” left on 1/22). I got a CBS for balcony and cheers; so I’m debating booking Labor Day week (work mandated WFH that week too) on the Liberty out of NoLa, going to Grand Cayman, Ocho Rios and Cozumel). That would get all but the Dream Class knocked out, for cruising on all Carnival ship classes.
  9. Took a little siesta. Going to go down to ChiBang here in just a little bit. Debating taking a full on shower…but maybe just a hor (misspelled that on purpose) bath. checked-In for my flight tommorow..which sucks because it’s at 5:30pm (no other options for AA out of MIA that’s a non-stop.) last time like this; we did a carnival “top 10 of Miami” just to burn a few hours. i think this time I’ll just take the hit and be at the airport for 7 hours (damn I just realized it’s ACTUALLY SEVEN HOURS!) I guess I can get REALLY acquainted with MIA hahah. (I’ll almost be like the Tom Hanks character in The Terminal)
  10. Thanks. yeah my problem is I’m lonely with a lot of extra income; and not interested in hookers…gambling is almost tailor-made for the lonely man. lol
  11. Hooray I’m all packed! Watching FoodTV now. Looking out at this
  12. The “free drinks” are useless for me because I’m not a drinker (especially now trying to not consume excess calories) but looking at it that way; yes. If I continue to get the same offer (free balcony + cheers) it comes out in the end. Is $5500 a lot of money? Yes Is not having this $5500 going to change anything in my life? Absolutely not; I wouldn’t have lost it if I couldn’t stand to lose it. That’s the problem; I didn’t have fun in the casino. But TBH; I don’t have “fun” doing anything really. (That’s another story, I need to take up with my doctor) I’m just ashamed that I did it, and I have to start the “sober” clock all over again (I was almost 90 days clean)
  13. Yeah I destroyed my metabolism too much for that (pro level athlete in high school..to once I got my first job in IT, I became a complete blob for the next 20+ years) Also I’m probably just born with bad genetics
  14. To add; A LOT of people were ordering MASSIVE plates of crab and shrimp (like 2lbs of each at a time)..I figure a lot of people finally got some casino comps to burn haha
  15. The rolls were good; as you can see I didn’t eat the bread (too many calories for no pleasure haha)
  16. Came back to the cabin to relax..last towel animal (and one from yesterday I forgot to post)
  17. Hahahahah i probably just gained two pounds in shellfish meat!
  18. JFC! Haha I didn’t realize just how much food $60 at the Seafood Shack buys.. 1lb of Snow Crab 1lb of 20-24(size) peal-&-eat shrimp 1 lobster roll Hopefully I can CARRY all this food across lido into the air conditioning!
  19. So just for kicks I went and asked for more comps got $60 to seafood shack for lunch and $40 for dinner at ChiBang (going to order the chili lobster again, and that’s a known cost of $8+$30
  20. The problem with that is I live in a small migrant farm worker community. I work in the Bay Area..so I can’t “hang out” with coworkers (150 minute commute each way) My coworkers said I should move to the bay; but honestly I despise the Bay Area and would rather be castrated than live there. i only work there because they give me unholy amounts of money.
  21. Unfortunately, the original loss on the wash of the $10,000 gift cards ($700) Plus the entire loss of the last batch ($1800) Plus I chased it with $3000 So a grand total loss of $5500. SO, -$5500 when it COULD have been +$1200 if I’d of left the gambling out (which I’ll do on future cruises; so they’ll pay ME to cruise)
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