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Everything posted by TLCOhio

  1. For those with "no words" for this cold, below is some "evidence" to illustrate what it is like to now live a "deep freeze". My guess? About three inches of snow on the ground, but very high winds that drives the wind chill factor down so extremely deep. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio From our front door this morning, below is the view of the empty roadway, our driveway, etc. Not much traffic this am. Second is the view out our back patio door. If it looks COLD, that is because it is really chilly!! YES, a White Christmas!: (Open your screen/viewer wider to see these visuals larger/better!)
  2. Agree!! Merry Christmas to all. Good news here in the Midwest? We will have a White Christmas with lots of snow, etc. BUT, however, it is very, very, very, very cold here. Not warm and sunny as Spins and others are enjoying in Florida. Need proof and evidence? Below is what is posted now for Central Ohio by AccuWeather. Sure glad we were not flying today. Lots of scrubbed flights and other serious challenges for those traveling. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  3. A very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. Chicago and parts of the Midwest are being hit super hard with snow and super COLD today. Lots of flight delays, etc. Friday/tomorrow, it hits us in Ohio as this storm moves east. It's real killer blizzard. In the holiday spirit, below are a few of my visuals from our Columbus Zoo having their annual "Wildlights" display. Over a million lights!! Our grandsons were here from Virginia for this past week and we took them to enjoy this visual treat. Like? THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Early 2020, many visuals and details from New Zealand/South Pacific in going from Auckland to French Polynesia. This includes Bora Bora, Fiji, NZ experiences, etc: Live/blog; https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2735732-live-terryohio-“new”-regatta-south-pacificnz-pix’s/ From Columbus Zoo and its "Wildlights" displays earlier this week in Central Ohio.: (Open your screen/viewer wider to see these visuals larger/better!)
  4. Yes, a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. Chicago and parts of the Midwest are being hit super hard with snow and super COLD today. Lots of flight delays, etc. Friday/tomorrow, it hits us in Ohio as this storm moves east. It's real killer blizzard. In the holiday spirit, below are a few of my visuals from our Columbus Zoo having their annual "Wildlights" display. Over a million lights!! Our grandsons were here from Virginia for this past week and we took them to enjoy this visual treat. Like? Agree, we also super loved Adelaide and nearby Kangaroo Island from when we visited there in 2014. Too bad KI suffered so much from its recent fires, etc. What an amazing area!!! THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  5. Congratulations to Dani with your upcoming 50th!! Earlier this June, we celebrated our 50th. Fun and exciting!! Appreciate the helpful follow-up and details from Cruisemom. From US News magazine this past week, they had this headline: “Best Times to Visit Venice” with these highlights: “The best time to visit Venice is from September to November when tourists desert the city. Although the temperatures – which range from the upper 30s to mid-70s – necessitate some layers, the lowered hotel rates and the barren canals make it worth it. Winters are cold with temperatures in the 30s and 40s, while spring brings Venice's most beautiful weather. Summertime is peak season and plenty of crowds. Although acqua alta (high water) can occur anytime between late September and April, it's most likely to happen in November and December, so make sure to pack a pair of rain boots if you plan on traveling then.” As might have been mentioned earlier on this thread, my first two visits to Venice were in December of 1970. It was magical as there were no crowds and we could explore, sensing life as locals would experience it. Full story at: https://travel.usnews.com/Venice_Italy/When_To_Visit/ THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Sydney to NZ/Auckland Adventure, live/blog 2014 sampling/details with many exciting visuals and key highlights. On page 23, post #571, see a complete index for all of the pictures, postings. Now at 239,966 views. www.boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1974139
  6. From the Wall Street Journal, below is the chart from Royal Caribbean yesterday. Down in a major way, much more than the overall market. Both Carnival and Norwegian were down yesterday even more, around 4.4%. What is happening and why? The early am opening for RCL's stock was a little of a bounce-back. From the Miami Herald and MSN News last week, they had this headline: “Miami-based Norwegian Cruise Line lays off 9% of its shoreside workforce” with these highlights: "Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings let go of 9% of its shoreside workforce on Wednesday, according to the company’s SEC filings. The company declined to comment on which departments were affected and in which locations, but said that the 'majority' of layoffs were in Miami. 'In reviewing our business needs, Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings has taken several prudent actions across our business to align with our strategic priorities,' the company said in a statement. The SEC filing said that 'cost minimization initiatives' in order to achieve 'sustained, profitable growth,' were what caused the layoffs. Shipboard employees appear to have been spared.” When I read the words "cost minimization initiatives", it causes a pause and question for me as to how these cuts impact the quality of the cruise experience. Clearly, there are major pressure to cut costs and pay back the billions of dollars in debt rolled up, especially as interest rates spike up, UP. Right or wrong? Full story at: https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/miami-based-norwegian-cruise-line-lays-off-9-25-of-its-shoreside-workforce/ar-AA15nhtt THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise from Copenhagen, July 2010, to the top of Europe. Scenic visuals with key tips. Live/blog at 245,617 views. www.boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1227923
  7. Hi Davey!! That Raffles Palm Dubai resort looks spectacular and I am surprised they do not have some better, more unique dining options at this location. Below is a picture of this hotel that I captured when there in late 2018. Very dramatic design and style. Impressive!! From that NY Times profile, there are clearly many, many other dining options to consider, including in and around this massive Palm development. It's just a matter of the logistics and timing as to what is handy and reasonably easy to reach. Dubai is big and sprawling. Not everything is close, quick and easy to reach. Keep us posted as to what works out and how things are these days in Dubai. YES!! Happy holidays to all. For those in and around the Midwest, a big, KILLER BLIZZARD storm is coming in the next few days. Lots of snow, high winds hitting Missouri, Illinois, parts of Indiana, Ohio, etc. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  8. What an amazing, thrilling finish for the World Cup Final. Congrats to Argentina!! Two extra 15-minute periods and then when tied at 3-3, they needed to go into a dramatic shoot-out period. Could Hollywood have crafted a more exciting finish? Below are a few of my visuals from being in Dubai in late 2018. Hopefully this builds up the "EXCITEMENT" for visiting there. Sky-diving? Near our hotel and Palm Jahmeira, there is an aircraft take-off location from which they offer a chance to jump out of an airplane and land (hopefully safely) right nearby. Sound interesting as an option? THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise from Copenhagen, July 2010, to the top of Europe. Scenic visuals with key tips. Live/blog at 245,617 views. www.boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1227923 Don't forget the options to buy gold and spectacular jewelry. Right? Are you staying at this Palm Jahmeira hotel shown below? Or, one of the newer ones nearby?: (Open your screen/viewer wider to see these visuals larger/better!)
  9. from the New York Times Travel Section for this weekend, they had this headline: “Dubai Is the Newest Culinary Destination" with this sub-headline: "After years of simmering, the Dubai food scene is at full boil. The emirate now boasts some 13,000 establishments — more per capita than New York City — and some are nabbing global laurels.” Here are a few of their story highlights: “This year, three top gastronomic guides released their first editions for Dubai. The cascade began in February when the World’s 50 Best Restaurants unveiled its list for the Middle East and North Africa. Dubai snagged 16 slots, more than any other city, including the top honor, for the Japanese-influenced 3 Fils restaurant. Then, in June, France’s Gault & Millau held a gala for the release of its U.A.E. guide. A week later, the Michelin guide hosted its own ceremony to shower its stars on Dubai. 'Things have evolved so much,' said Gwendal Poullennec, the international director of Michelin guides, whose undercover inspectors began scouring Dubai in 2017. Credit goes partly to the emirate’s luxury hotels, which have long jockeyed to sign deals with Western and Asian boldface chefs — Gordon Ramsay, Heston Blumenthal, Alain Ducasse, Daniel Boulud, Heinz Beck, Bjorn Frantzen, Nobu Matsuhisa — and many top 2022 gastronomic prizes were claimed by hotel kitchens serving Continental cuisine: Stay by Yannick Alléno, Massimo Bottura’s Torno Subito, Ossiano at Atlantis, The Palm.” Lots of great options in Dubai!!!! Might send more later. Busy watching the World Cup final right now from nearby Qatar. Full story at: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/13/travel/dubai-food.html THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio From late 2018, see “Holy Lands, Egypt, Jordan, Oman, Dubai, Greece, etc.”, with many visuals, details and ideas for the historic and scenic Middle East. Now at 21,492 views. Connect at: www.boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2607054-livenautica-greece-holy-lands-egypt-dubai-terrypix’s/
  10. Appreciate, Spins, this added background and follow-up. Understand the why for doing the one-way travel option to make it easier for your DH, etc. Still not sure if a trans-Atlantic fits our personal needs as we are more focused on destinations and seeing new places, cultures, etc. Great sharing!!! THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  11. Many, many great, important questions and follow-up points from highplanesdrifters. It will be an interesting first quarter when the bills come due from the holiday period. From MSN News and super experienced former USA Today travel expert Gene Sloan, there was this headline: “Royal Caribbean cruise boss: High debt won’t keep us from ordering new ships” with these highlights: “Royal Caribbean Group president and CEO Jason Liberty suggested the company wouldn’t dial back on orders for new cruise vessels in the coming years, despite record levels of debt on its balance sheet. While Royal Caribbean Group has paused new ship orders since the COVID-19 pandemic began in early 2020, it still plans to roll out new vessels for all its brands at a steady clip over the coming decade, Liberty suggested during the interview.” Here is more background from Sloan's reporting: "Royal Caribbean Group’s long-term debt during the pandemic soared to around $19 billion — more than three times the 2017 level. Some cruise fans worried that the days of a never-ending stream of exciting new ship debuts might be coming to an end. But Liberty suggested to TPG that the debt paydowns wouldn’t be so extreme as to leave the company without new ships in the pipeline for the coming years. Some of the profit stream will continue to be allocated to new ships, too. Making things easier to do both things, according to Liberty: The company has 'a bit of a buffer' when it comes to new ships that already are on on the way — ships that were ordered and financed before the pandemic. Silversea has two ships already on the way for 2023 and 2024. The new-ship pipeline at Royal Caribbean Group, barring new orders, doesn’t really start running low until 2026. That means there’s been no immediate rush to order new vessels." Full story at: https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/news/royal-caribbean-cruise-boss-to-tpg-high-debt-won-t-keep-us-from-ordering-new-ships/ar-AA15bZI2 THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Barcelona/Med: June 2011, with stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Great visuals with key highlights, tips, etc. Live/blog now at 255,611 views. www.boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1426474
  12. Sorry to hear, Spins, of your cough challenges, plus the special needs for your DH. Appreciate these added details and background from your sailing. Great to hear that the new staff members are quick to adapt for the Silversea customer needs. What location and timing is planned for your next sailing adventure? Any interesting speakers on this trans-Atlantic cruise? Had very mixed reactions when I saw your comment of "Lots of coughing aboard, and very few masks." THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  13. Much like the earlier/above-posted Wall Street Journal profile, here is more from the New York Times Travel Section for this weekend. The NYT has this headline: “Dubai Is the Newest Culinary Destination" with this sub-headline: "After years of simmering, the Dubai food scene is at full boil. The emirate now boasts some 13,000 establishments — more per capita than New York City — and some are nabbing global laurels.” Here are a few of their story highlights: “This year, three top gastronomic guides released their first editions for Dubai. The cascade began in February when the World’s 50 Best Restaurants unveiled its list for the Middle East and North Africa. Dubai snagged 16 slots, more than any other city, including the top honor, for the Japanese-influenced 3 Fils restaurant. Then, in June, France’s Gault & Millau held a gala for the release of its U.A.E. guide. A week later, the Michelin guide hosted its own ceremony to shower its stars on Dubai. 'Things have evolved so much,' said Gwendal Poullennec, the international director of Michelin guides, whose undercover inspectors began scouring Dubai in 2017. Credit goes partly to the emirate’s luxury hotels, which have long jockeyed to sign deals with Western and Asian boldface chefs — Gordon Ramsay, Heston Blumenthal, Alain Ducasse, Daniel Boulud, Heinz Beck, Bjorn Frantzen, Nobu Matsuhisa — and many top 2022 gastronomic prizes were claimed by hotel kitchens serving Continental cuisine: Stay by Yannick Alléno, Massimo Bottura’s Torno Subito, Ossiano at Atlantis, The Palm.” Full story at: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/13/travel/dubai-food.html THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Venice: Loving It & Why??!! Is one of your future desires or past favorites? See these many visual samples for its great history and architecture. This posting is now at 98,049 views. http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1278226
  14. Super appreciate this great suggestion for the staying in one of these charming and interesting former palaces and monasteries. Sound like a great idea!! Time to go back to Lisbon, Porto and Portugal?? Sure!! From the London/UK Daily Mail yesterday, they had this headline: “Lisbon's a treat: The foodie scene in Portugal’s capital has never been more enticing - or varied” with these highlights: “Food tourism in Lisbon has boomed post pandemic with Jose Avillez’s Michelin-starred Belcanto the hottest seat in town. It must be pricey and so I head to his more accessible and less expensive Bairro do Avillez, housed in what was once the Sao Luiz Municipal Theatre. Among its multi-eating options, Minibar, a gourmet bar hidden behind a bookcase, is the most intriguing. ” Many dining options are outlined and detailed in this profile. This includes for pasteis de nata (Portuguese custard tart) from the Manteigaria bakery and at the Time Out Mercado da Ribeira, a gourmet food hall and produce market on the Western Waterfront that we visited and enjoyed in 2017. Many visuals are included to bring back memories and/or build up excitement for exploring in and around wonderful Lisbon. Full story at: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/escape/article-11536581/Lisbons-treat-foodie-scene-Portugals-capital-never-enticing-varied.html THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Summer 2019 Calgary, Jasper/Banff National Parks, Western Canada Rocky Mountaineer rail adventure, Vancouver, sailing up to Alaska on Silver Muse, post-cruise excursion to Denali, etc. Many visuals and details from our first in these scenic areas! Live/blog: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2682584-live-terryohio-silver-muse-alaska-canadarockies-pix’s/
  15. Appreciate this follow-up from our Miami friend about recent New Zealand experiences. We super enjoyed NZ from our 2014 exploring, plus going back in Feb. 2020, right before the Covid shut-down, for a week covering in greater depth their North Island. Love New Zealand!! From MSN News and the Manila Times earlier this week, they had this headline: “Cruise demand for crew is high but supply is low” with these highlights: “The Philippines has more than enough pool of qualified crew for international cruise ships, but only a few are willing to return to sea, said Katherine Avelino, executive director of Business Development, Shipping, and senior vice president for Cruise Operations at Philippine Transmarine Carriers Inc. The apparent crew shortage for the cruise ship industry began in 2020, at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic when tens of thousands of seafarers were sent back home as the cruise industry temporarily closed worldwide. 'Only a few now want to go back to sea. They were traumatized by the pandemic,' Avelino said in a recent forum. About 325,000 Filipinos working onboard cruise ships were sidelined by the pandemic. As the pandemic soared for over two years, the repatriated crew have reassessed their career paths and priorities.” We have always enjoyed working with and meeting the staff members from the Philippines. But, I can understand why some staff from that nation and other parts of Asia, etc., might have reevaluated their career choices and working situations. Being away from home and family is challenging and these cruise ship staff work very hard and long hours during cruises. This thread is now over 200,000 views. Appreciate those who have dropped by, made posts and shared questions/experiences. We had hope that "ALL" of this situation would be done and totally over long ago. BUT, the questions, uncertainty and concerns still are existing in some ways. This includes for the upcoming economic trends (recession?), lagging consumer confidence, cruise lines paying off their mega billions of dollars in borrowing, etc. Keep it coming!! Full story at: https://www.msn.com/en-ph/travel/news/cruise-demand-for-crew-is-high-but-supply-is-low/ar-AA15eloh THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Lisbon, NWSpain, Bordeaux/Brittany: Live/blog, June 2017 from Portugal to France along scenic Atlantic Coast on the Silver Spirit. Now at 32,886 views. Many pictures, details for history, food, culture, etc.: www.boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=2511358
  16. From the Wall Street Journal late yesterday afternoon, below are the stock charts for the three major cruise ship corporations. The trend? Downward!! Also below is the S&P 500 chart to reflect the overall market trend and the three-year history for Royal Caribbean. Clearly, the "tide" is not, for now, upward and positive. The market senses negative "clouds" out there with higher interest rates, consumer confidence falling, lay-offs happening, etc. Am I missing any major factors and future economic impacts to consider? THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Venice: Loving It & Why??!! Is one of your future desires or past favorites? See these many visual samples for its great history and architecture. This posting is now at 98,049 views. http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1278226 From the Wall Street Journal, below are the charts for the major cruise stocks. Was this a positive, confidence-building week to prepare a longer-term trend?: (Open your screen/viewer wider to see these visuals larger/better!) From the Wall Street Journal, below is their chart for the more broad, overall S&P 500 Index during the past month. Clearly this past week, as happened with the three cruise stocks, was a downward period. What for early 2023?: From the Wall Street Journal, below is the chart for Royal Caribbean during the past three years. From a peak of $135.05 on Jan. 13, 2020, things have been rocky and generally negative during the nearly three years of Covid challenges. For 2022, RCL stock prices have not been great, but they are upward compared to July 14, 2022, when its price was down to $31.09. Is now a good time to buy or hold?:
  17. Appreciate this great follow-up by R&T about "never underestimate the power of Christmas." But, then there are the "real economics" that hit in January and February when you must pay the bills from the holiday spending. Right? From the Wall Street Journal this morning, they had this headline: “Americans Pessimistic About Prospects for the Economy in 2023, WSJ Poll Finds" with this sub-headline: "Over a third of voters say inflation is causing them major financial strain.” Below is a WSJ chart used to illustrate one of their poll question results. For background, this is a poll of the general USA voting population, not a survey of only their newspaper subscribers/readers. Here are some of their poll highlights: “A majority of voters think the economy will be in worse shape in 2023 than it is now and roughly two-thirds say the nation’s economic trajectory is headed in the wrong direction, the latest Wall Street Journal poll shows. The survey, conducted Dec. 3-7, suggests a recent burst of positive economic news—moderating gas prices and a slowing pace of inflation—haven’t altered the way many feel about the risk of a recession, something many economists have forecast as likely.” For Silversea dealing with a higher-end, older customer base for more costly cruises, this trend might not be as seriously impactful. But for parent Royal Caribbean that must attract a much wider "mass market" customer, this data indicated that 2023 could be challenged for hitting their desired numbers and generating cash to pay off the huge borrowings. Reactions? Here was an interesting finding from their survey: "Younger voters are more pessimistic about the economy’s prospects next year than older voters. Roughly six in 10 of those ages 18-34 expect it to be worse over the next year, while 42% of those 65 and older feel that way." Full story at: https://www.wsj.com/articles/americans-pessimistic-about-prospects-for-the-economy-in-2023-wsj-poll-finds-11671150300?mod=hp_lead_pos5 THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Sydney to NZ/Auckland Adventure, live/blog 2014 sampling/details with many exciting visuals and key highlights. On page 23, post #571, see a complete index for all of the pictures, postings. Now at 239,754 views. www.boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1974139
  18. The "old-fashioned" way means hard work, dedication, superior knowledge of job, effective leadership, etc. Right? Who could think or assume otherwise? THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  19. From the New York Times Travel Section last week, they had this headline: “36 HOURS: Wellington, New Zealand” with many wonderful options and highlights for this “pint-size capital of New Zealand." They detail that Wellington . . . "easily invites comparisons. You might think of San Francisco when you see its vertiginous streets and colorful clapboard homes; the city’s obsession with coffee, craft beer and sustainable living has obvious parallels with Seattle; and its blustery weather (it is the world’s windiest city) makes it deserving of Chicago’s nickname. As locals often remind one another, you can’t beat Wellington on a good day, when the water sparkles, the sky is impossibly blue and the coasts, forests and hills are at their most enjoyable. Go between December and March to maximize your chances of a beautiful day.” This profile bring back wonderful memories from visiting Wellington in 2014. This reporting gave deserved shout-outs to two of our favorites: "Cuba Street is the city’s zany heart, with an offbeat charm that’s quintessentially Wellington" and "Te Papa the national museum." Many ideas and tips are suggestion for restaurants and bars; shopping and markets; and attractions and outdoor activities. Full story at: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/12/08/travel/things-to-do-wellington.html THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise from Copenhagen, July 2010, to the top of Europe. Scenic visuals with key tips. Live/blog at 245,591 views. www.boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1227923
  20. From the Wall Street Journal at mid-day, below is their chart for the S&P 500. Yes, agree that much of the Royal Caribbean slide is tied to the overall market conditions and uncertainty. Great mention as to the connections with the RMD's pouring out near year-end, plus the crypto train wreck, interest rates continuing to rise, etc. Sure glad that I am not a cruise company CEO trying to juggle these various economic factors and guess how it will impact future consumer travel plans and confidence. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise from Copenhagen, July 2010, to the top of Europe. Scenic visuals with key tips. Live/blog at 245,591 views. www.boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1227923
  21. YES!! Just received that official announcement. But, there is no details as to why and how she "earned" and merited this major promotion to the top slot ahead of other potentially deserving operating personnel in the company. Was it via the "old-fashioned" way? Nor, mention of her relationship to the former President and CEO. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  22. Great you have arrived in San Juan and that your "adventure" is progressing well. Anything special or interesting you saw or did there in P.R.? How is that island recovering from its recent and various challenges? Looks like this trip is nearing an ending point. Appreciate the postings, pictures and details. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  23. From the Wall Street Journal yesterday, below is the chart that show a super, SUPER wild trading day for Royal Caribbean. Peaking at $59.32 at the start of the morning and then dropping down to $55.10 mid-day. That's a drop of $4.22 per share or a 7.1% reduction in just three hours. Amazing?? Not sure what is happening and/or why. Clearly the market is a little "confused" these days over questions of inflation (that remains high at 7.1%), interest rates going up, recession impacts, etc. Anyone have understandable answers as to these economic puzzles? Yesterday, Dec. 13, was wild. It was not Friday the 13th, but things seemed very unusual. Right or wrong? THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Barcelona/Med: June 2011, with stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Great visuals with key highlights, tips, etc. Live/blog now at 255,591 views. www.boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1426474
  24. From the major News website in Australia yesterday, they had this headline: “Covid cruise ship to drops infected in Sydney" with this sub-headline: "More than 100 of the 2850 passengers on board a cruise ship docking in Sydney have been infected with Covid-19.” Here are some of their reporting highlights: “The New South Wales government has classified the ship as a ‘Tier 2’- meaning 'there are quite a few cases on board (30-99 positive cases per 1,000 people) and/or the vessel’s staffing or resources are impacted. However, it can safely maintain critical services.' But in a statement, Celebrity Eclipse says there are only about 4 per cent of people on board with Covid - meaning there would be more than 100 people infected on the ship that holds a maximum of 2850 people.” Here is more from Australia: "The arrivals come amid a fourth wave expected to peak before Christmas. Over 100,000 cases were recorded nationwide last week as a mix Covid and non-Covid viruses strain the nation’s hospital system." Sure glad we were able to visit and super enjoy five different areas of this amazing country (plus New Zealand as detailed below) in 2014. Not sure I would now want to have immediate future plans there with such uncertainties and questions. That's a long, long way from home to be navigating if any such challenges happen on a ship and/or in doing land tours in Australia. Full story at: https://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-updates/incidents/covid-cruise-ship-to-drop-1500-infected-in-sydney/news-story/9aa17bff9f3750807e46bc00e3a752b5 THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Sydney to NZ/Auckland Adventure, live/blog 2014 sampling/details with many exciting visuals and key highlights. On page 23, post #571, see a complete index for all of the pictures, postings. Now at 239,754 views. www.boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1974139
  25. Appreciate the cute comment from highplanesdrifters and follow-up from QueSeraSera regarding: "Christmas Cookies have 45% fewer calories than other cookies". Is this true? If I believe in the Tooth Fairy and Easter Bunny, is it possible to have possible this 45% fewer calories hope/fantasy? From Wall Street Journal's sister publication of Barrons earlier this week as smartly shared by R&T that had this headline: “Norwegian Stock Is a Buy, Royal Caribbean Is a Sell”, I found these highlights of most interest: “The J.P. Morgan analyst wrote in his latest research note that 'our conviction that there could be downside risk to estimates is based on our expectation for lower than expected average ticket prices in 2023/2024… and a lower occupancy base relative to history early next year, which should render it difficult to offset in the balance of 2023 to achieve Royal Caribbean’s record annual Ebitda target.' ” He also shared his reason for a more positive outlook for Norwegian with an: "outsized growth potential versus peers, as Norwegian has a smaller, nimbler, and younger fleet with premium pricing.” Full story at: https://www.barrons.com/articles/royal-caribbean-norwegian-cruise-stocks-51670351137 THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Early 2020, many visuals and details from New Zealand/South Pacific in going from Auckland to French Polynesia. This includes Bora Bora, Fiji, NZ experiences, etc: Live/blog; https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2735732-live-terryohio-“new”-regatta-south-pacificnz-pix’s/
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