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Everything posted by millybess

  1. I know that. I'm talking to the OP. Thanks though. ๐Ÿ™‚
  2. Our shore excursions were just posted for our Amazon & Caribbean Adventure cruise in January and SNUBA is offered as included in St. Lucia at Pigeon Island.
  3. We know a couple in Owen Sound who would catch a RedCar (or something similar) at a hotel in Owen Sound. It took them some time to get to the airport as it stopped a couple of times, but they enjoyed it. This was pre-Covid
  4. We do that for shorter journeys โ€” 2 weeks or less, or if we have someplace we need to be when we arrive back in Toronto, but it can be expensive for longer durations. Thatโ€™s when we use Airline Limousine.
  5. Same. They're great to deal with and best of all, we haven't had any crazy drivers.
  6. Yes Viking has Diet Coke. Coke Zero is my choice and Iโ€™ve never been able to get it.
  7. I agree with Mich3554, keep them at the Med Centre, then you know they will be kept at the right temperature. If you have meds that need refrigerated, I wouldn't take a chance on the in-cabin mini-fridge.
  8. And that has come through clearly in your reporting and in your photography. Thanks for this. I look forward to reading more from you about this cruise.
  9. Stunning! Thanks so much for sharing. The quality of your night shots is exactly what Iโ€™m looking for. Iโ€™ve never been able to capture good night photos even with a tripod and a decent camera. Thanks again.
  10. I was hoping you would say an iPhone 14. The Apple event is in a few days and I'm optimistic the price will go down, as that is what I would like to use. I also have a Canon which I really like. On our last cruise I met a woman who was using an iPhone 14 and the night photos were fabulous. We are doing the photography tour in Barbados in January and I really hope the accomplished photographer will not be upset I'm using an iPhone. Probably DH will make up for it with all the equipment he carries around. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks!
  11. @uktog your photos are really excellent. Could I ask what you are using for a camera? Thank you. ๐Ÿ™‚
  12. Thank you for all your posts and photos and โ€œsharing the loveโ€ ๐Ÿ˜Š
  13. You might want to post at the following link, as it might be your roll call.
  14. We did the West Indies to Spain in March. It was very nice. As CCWinelover said above there were no "pool parties". There was a "dancing under the stars" evening. On our cruise that was just watching the entertainers dance under the stars rather than us dancing under the stars - lol. But from other posts I've read, that could have been an anomaly.
  15. That's good that you were able to use AirTags. We called Luggage Forward to organize pickup for our cruise last May. They said that AirTags would be removed out of our luggage which had to be unlocked because it was going between two countries. Given that, we decided not to use Luggage Forward because we have read some posts about luggage being lost with no way of personally tracking it or items going missing. We lucked out because we were in Barcelona in March after a trans Atlantic with Viking and we were again in Barcelona to start our Med cruises in May. Our Barcelona hotel, GranVia, were happy to keep our luggage for 7 weeks. During that time, it was fun to see the connections to our AirTags. I think most people use Luggage Forward with success, but I don't think it's for us.
  16. Yes he certainly does! In DHโ€™s case, it was his actual birthday and I had no idea they were going to do something. In my case they transposed my birthdate numbers (or possibly our steward wanted another cake to share with his coworkers ๐Ÿ˜Š)
  17. So another example of Upgraded Silliness?
  18. You're right, it doesn't "sound like an included excursion", but the point is that she has a reservation confirmation for an included excursion as per the photo above.
  19. Given our experience on Viking, I wouldn't worry about this too much. You have your booking for one and I think you will get the other one booked once onboard. I can't even count the number of times we've visited Guest Services and have cancelled an included excursion booking. Guest Services reps on Viking are very helpful. If this isn't sorted before you board -- keep looking on MVJ for a cancellation -- I hope you will come back here in November and tell us how this turned out for you and your DH.
  20. Agreed. We've seen a lot of this too. E.g., a couple face timing their adult child and giving them a tour around the sitting area that we are in and we are apparently included. It's very annoying.
  21. I agree with everything you said -- especially about colour treated hair -- but the conditioner, not so much. Great discussion. ๐Ÿ™‚
  22. On our last cruise it was 2 separate bottles, but many people don't like their product. I always bring my own.
  23. Yes, but you can't book that ahead of time. I always book a 50 or 80 minute massage and then change it to nails once onboard.
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