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Everything posted by jimbo5544

  1. The most extensive ruin on the world. Only 15% excavated, utterly amazing. This are was the last in along sloping hillside down to what was the sea (now is land). This area was the Library I believe mostly where the common folk gathered.. The elite were up the hill. I would go back here is a new york minute.
  2. Next day awoke to heavy winds and moderate seas. At breakfast we got the bad news that it was too tough to tender and we were going to miss mykonos.
  3. So there was some maintenance that was being done while we were ashore. As we got back to the ship, two things occurred. The first was they drop you off at a rug shop for a demonstration and high pressure sales pitch, neither of which were we interested in and ducked out of. The 2nd was we stopped in a store at the port and were told by a store employee we were not leaving till 11:30pm (which was true). Back on board we heard the announcement. It got very windy but captured these as we left.
  4. So we had booked an excursion to see the grave site of John the Apostle, home of the Holy Mother and Ephesus. This trip was somewhat longer than I had expected but a great trip. Here are some pics.
  5. So a little update (real time) and then I will try and catch up again on our stop for Kusadasi. Yesterday,, when we were off the ship they were doing “routine electrical maintenance”. When we came back it was still going on and in fact, we delayed sail from 8pm to 11 or so. Much of the entertainment was postponed as well. The fon continues this morning. It is extremely winds, and after coming up to Lido, as I expected, they came over and announced due to high winds and heavy seas (right on both counts) they were cancelling out stop in Mykonos. The black cloud over me continues….😃 Back to our regularly scheduled programming.
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