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Everything posted by Blackduck59

  1. Another great photo of your lovely wife Mic. I think this may take a while.
  2. We just took our card to customer service and they did it no problem, of course we were on Zaandam so maybe a different situation. My guess is the folks at customer service should be able to help. We had swipe cards so our quick release clips were sort of useless because we had to take the card off at the hook. If your ship uses the tap type card there are lanyards that have a holder the card will slide into if the card can't be punched. Our lanyards work both ways but we prefer the punched card.
  3. I really don't know what a "Tom and Jerry" is but I'm pretty sure your chances of getting the kitchen staff to make any batter for you is about zero. Even a small HAL ship has 1,400 guests. The kitchen doesn't want your recipe. I'm sorry if that seems blunt.
  4. No problem, the bird makes the shot. Sometimes you can anticipate what they will do, other times it's pure luck.
  5. That is a great photo, thanks for sharing.
  6. So I managed to bring up POSH on Julie's thread and rather than run amok over there let's discuss it here. Years ago in discussion with some seafaring friends I was told it meant Port Out Starboard Home. My memory isn't what it used to be. One recollection was travelling from Great Britain to the Raj that would put you on the shady side both ways. I guess it depends on winter or summer. Of course who on earth from GB would willingly go to the Raj in summer. As for the chat we started in Julies thread @lyndarra, cruising POSH from New York to Rotterdam and back in summer would put you on the sunny side.
  7. Rather than muck up Julies thread let's move POSH to the different thread.
  8. I guess in the summer for that route "POSH" would put you on the sunny side and being an Atlantic crossing that may be a good thing.
  9. Actually I was referring to Saint-Pierre and Miquelon. But with your new clue I'll shift to Iceland.
  10. Are we in a part of France close to my country?
  11. One of the explanations for the word POSH is Port Out Starboard Home had to do with cabin selection. Unfortunately I can't recall where you were sailing to or from or if you wanted to be in the sun or shade.
  12. Just a giant shot in the dark. Are we on the Falkland Islands?
  13. @NCTribeFan I'm not sure there is a logical answer to the "formula" although there have been some good attempts by members to help me understand.
  14. Sorry to hear you and Rolf have tested positive Julie. That's unfortunate that you will miss those port visits. We hope you both feel better soon. Take good care, Lyle & Lynn
  15. Thank you for posting, there are may interesting choices. I hope some of these things find there way onto menus in other destinations.
  16. Good luck to you but I don't think you will have great success. The $1.00 deposit sale is so limited time wise. You may get your deposit back but it's doubtful you can transfer it to a new booking. I think you are likely to find a new cruise but it will be priced at current rates and deposit amounts. I think you will have noticed from this thread that it is probably a good idea to book with a refundable deposit unless you don't mind losing the deposit if plans change.
  17. The OP is using some rather colourful words to describe a company stand on a business transaction. They also suggest as fact that other cruise lines would do it differently. I would suggest a product was purchased, with terms and conditions and to allow for a lower fare it required a "Non Refundable" deposit. Now the OP wants a different product and wonders why they should forfeit the "Non Refundable" deposit, funny thing about non-refundable deposits, they are non refundable. If you want flexibility then buy the product that allows that.
  18. Just to clarify, when I said "I don't think this is really helpful" I was commenting on the value of my own post. At the end of our only HAL cruise we had 11 "spending points" with the formula of 1 point for every $300.00 spent, that would suggest $3,300.00 of on board spending. We didn't come close to that. We are however happy to take the points if they want to give them to us. As I said there was quite a good explanation on another thread, which helped explain the theory of how the spending could be calculated.
  19. @cartervan I'm happy to hear your perserverance has paid off. It is too bad that you had to jump through the hoops. I think they set it up like that so most people will give up before they have to pay up.
  20. Apparently the casino is an outside contractor. So while it may have space on board, when you spend money at the casino, it's not on board spending.
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