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Everything posted by Blackduck59

  1. Don't forget he is an avid gearhead and has spent lots of time around some very noisy motor vehicles. He actually blames the hearing loss more on the cars.
  2. I'm aware of the song but the sign seemed interesting and there is a Dundurn Saskatchewan. It would be a 3 hour flight plus a 3 hour drive from our place.
  3. I think there is a Dundurn in Saskatchewan, but I don't know about cheap or dirty deeds.
  4. They have changed the glass blowing demonstrations to by professional glass artist and changed them to passenger participation for a fee. It was that way on Celebrity Eclipse in 2019 when we were on our Alaska cruise. It was just changed over at that time. I would definitely rather watch the pros than a bunch of amateurs schlepping up some blob of whatever to proudly display on the coffee table at home. I would also pay a fair price for something created by a professional artisan on board. Of course there would be no shortage of punters aboard to take a crack at glass blowing, I mean how hard can it be to work molten glass at 600 degrees Celsius?🤔
  5. Almost Les. Octoberfest sausage, sauerkraut and hashbrowns. That mustard was a spur of the moment choice and it is quite good. I wish I could remember where I got it. I washed it down with the house beer, a very nice Canadian brew called Sleeman's Honey Brown.
  6. We have a number of "craft" breweries and some microbreweries. We also have several small batch distillers around here. Unfortunately none are at the cruise port.
  7. That is a clever brewer, offer a quality product right there. A welcome relief for the beer connoisseurs from the ships who feel let down by the selection on the ship.
  8. Do cruise ships do craft beer? I guess that would depend on how you define "craft beer". I would suggest the very volume of product required to service a cruise ship contract would preclude any notion of "craft". I would suggest that you are much more likely to find a craft beer at a pub or vendor while ashore.
  9. Thanks Lyndon, I'll have a look at a calendar and see what we can do. We don't want to get in the way of any planned adventures you may have. We would probably catch an early ferry on the 16th and overnight in Vancouver. It would be fun to meet in person.
  10. We will be on the Zaandam, Boston to Montreal starting in late August and arriving in Montreal early September. We chose L'Hotel. Hopefully it works out. We will only be the one night there though. We will be taking the train to Ottawa the day after we disembark and fly home from there a couple days later.
  11. Thanks for confirming what I thought. I had a look at the Harry's menu and there are several I would like to try. I could probably do 2 without much trouble. Lynn would maybe try the chicken pie but has trouble eating mushrooms if they aren't chopped finely. With the delay in our trip until after I retire I suspect we will be in Oz for 3 weeks so there will be many opportunities to savour pies in different places.
  12. Tomato sauce on the pie is not a thing in my world. If we finally do get down under I will try it with sauce because it is a thing there. I will also try a "Tiger" pie although mushy peas are also not part of my world. Yes we have mushy peas, I just haven't felt the need to eat them. I will however try them and the sauce on the pie just to prove or disprove my theory that pies are better with gravy, hold the ketchup and the mushy peas.
  13. Dog's eye and chips for me, also a mug of the house lager (Sleeman's Honey Brown) Note the dead 'orse is for the chips
  14. Alas it was cold, that being said I like them cold. Steak and mushroom is my default as well. I also bought a chicken, bacon and mushroom as well but haven't eaten it. Last time I bought a butter chicken pie when I was there. I looked for another one but they didn't have any.
  15. Steak and mushroom pie from the butcher shop for lunch today, I also had a tasty sausage roll. Sorry no pictures.
  16. I just looked at her itinerary and there is a 23 day gap from this one to the next cruise, I wonder if she is going to refit. We certainly have the facilities here to do it. I'll have a look in a few days and see if she's at the shipyard.
  17. Hey we had our first cruise ship stop in our town today. Sapphire Princess kicked the season off with a full day visit, she is scheduled to be here until 2300 hrs.
  18. I'm with Mic, that many days on the same ship, not so much. Also how old is the ship?
  19. I didn't watch the "story" so I'm only going by the interpretation of the other people posting here. First it sucks that the lady's bag was misplaced. Second how do you just stow someone else's case in your cabin for the duration of the cruise? Now we apparently know what happened to the missing case. Poor performance by the person who placed the bag wrong, worse performance by the people in the cabin who received the errant bag. Now the reaction by the hapless "experienced" traveler, apparently unable to function without her stuff. First step buy a few things in the shops to get a second set of clothes. Now you have an underwear situation, like others have said rinse and dry every night. Set up laundry for overnight service, Enjoy the sea days before the first port as best you can with the limited wardrobe you have. Missing the sounds was a personal choice, I sure would have found a way to get up on deck to see that major part of my voyage. Now for me or my wife first port would mean shopping spree as soon as we got off ship. New underwear, socks etc. I'm sure an average sized person could find something to sort out the situation. It looks like the "seasoned traveler" decided to be helpless and hopeless and not be proactive in improving their plight. Now the story has aired, good luck getting any good will from the cruise line.
  20. We had a nice tortierre the other day. We had not tried that brand before, it was very good. I reminded me of the tortierre my mom's best friend used to make (she is of French Canadian descent). It had just the right amount of diced onions in the ground pork and very subtle seasoning. It wasn't cheap at $16.00 for a 7 inch pie but I would buy it again.
  21. No I was using an amount from someone else's previous post on this thread. Apparently per a price from on board the cruise. We pay about $3.00 on shore here. I actually have to buy some today. Even at the higher price, it's incidental on a $10,000.00 cruise.
  22. For the most part cruise ship desalination is like a giant distillation plant, so it is distilled water but it isn't by the time it gets to your stateroom tap. Now my CPAP is worth over $1,000.00 so I'll just stick with the distilled water, if it costs $5.90 for the gallon jug which will last my whole 11 day cruise...oh well. I mean 50 cents a day, the cruise cost $10,000.00
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