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Everything posted by julig22

  1. Unfortunately he is incorrect, although you aren't the first one to post that their TA says no. Maybe it's a TA issue, because anyone who has booked through NCL has been able to add 3 - you just make a payment, no need to call NCL and ask permission.
  2. This is why I have a PCC. Unfortunately I've gone through a few, as they get promoted, leave the company or get fired (by me) because they aren't a good fit. And in some cases I've had to actually guide them through in order to get what I want - but it eventually gets done. Sometimes I think I should get an employee discount considering the number of tricks I've passed on... No, you do not have to cancel a booking and rebook to remove a certificate - been there, done that when I wanted to have a certificate available. But it did take a few days to get returned to my account. But you do have to have a sufficient amount of deposit on the booking to keep it from getting cancelled. If you booked on 11/7, you can most certainly take advantage of the triple up promo if your booking qualifies. No need to go through the chat or anyone else (unless you are using a TA). You just go to your NCL account and apply the certificate(s) as payments.
  3. Just a reminder - More Rewards Day Thursday, November 9th ET Earn 2 additional points for every $1 spent on the first $2,500 in purchases up to 5,000 points.
  4. No such thing as a price drop if the category is sold out. But if you are looking to upgrade, the current cost of your cabin is irrelevant. You would pay the difference between what you paid for your OA and the current cost of the balcony.
  5. Yes, that is correct, your PCC gets credit IF they also booked the cruise you are on. I've had several over the years, some moved on, one got promoted, and I fired one. Just off of a cruise I had booked long ago and booked another cruise. My PCC did NOT get credit for the new booking.
  6. Onboard gives you an upgraded stateroom within inside, ov or balcony. And of course they will sell you CruiseNext certificates and apply them. They haven't had any other onboard deals for over a year - not needed since ships are sailing at near capacity. As with any service, some CN reps are better/more knowledgeable than others. If you do book onboard, the sale credit goes to the person that booked the cruise you are on, not your current PCC if you have one. In the past, if you had something booked, they would work with you to apply any onboard promos but I've also run into teams that wouldn't touch an existing reservation unless you bought CNs and/or there was a price change.
  7. Current promo is only for a week (ends November 15). But they also ran it at the end of the year last year so there's probably a good chance it will repeat.
  8. Do you have insurance through NCL? Cost of insurance increases when the value of the trip increases.
  9. So, now that it's officially listed as a BF sale, there's another $40/p reduction. So getting better, probably worth a phone call now. Also, Triple up is now in effect, balcony and above. Through November 15.
  10. I have been checking. 3 bookings (35%), each went down about $10/p. 1 is a fairly new booking but had a big price drop just before I booked. The others went down about $200 about a month ago. So no big sale on mine anyway
  11. My point was that an unusual offer from NCL, such as OBC, is something that would normally have been mentioned on social media, CC or otherwise. But OBC from TAs is quite common.
  12. I think it's more a matter of the steward, not when they make up your room, etc. Although it is probably easier for them to remember special requests when they are making up your room. On my last cruise I had the best steward ever, I'm sure that if I'd have asked him to deliver ice precisely at 3:42 in the afternoon, that's when it would have been delivered! But a month earlier, my steward was at the other end of the scale, never met her until the very end and only because I had to chase her down to get a copy of the "You'll be leaving soon" - and she basically said she was sure she'd given me one, didn't have any extras, so too bad, so sad! But every day I found a hero card and her name card in the middle of my bed. The stewards are working more or less 9-5 from what I've seen. So probably wouldn't get anything in the evening but you could ask for an afternoon "delivery".
  13. Boy, I missed that one - unless it was something that was sent to select people, not an across the board promo. How is it that everyone on CC failed to mention this promo?? 😊
  14. Mine shows in my summary as on board spending, as a vacation add-on, and there is a note on the payment tab saying my booking includes a $100 onboard credit. However, in the past if I had additional OBC, sometimes it didn't all show. I have always gotten a "noreply" confirmation of my request, I usually get an email confirming that it's been applied, I sometimes get an updated amenity confirmation, I've never gotten an updated statement. If you make a change to your reservation, you should see the NCLHBENE promo code and the OBC should also be listed on the updated confirmation from NCL.
  15. They'll either adjust the excursion time or just wait for you. I've been on plenty of excursions that got back after all-aboard. As long as it's a NCL excursion, you'll be fine. Unfortunately, they sometimes adjust the start time which can be a problem if you've booked back to back excursions.
  16. Uh, OK. Interesting reply, I wasn't addressing you, didn't say anything about the rule being obvious, decorations being obnoxious or telling you to read the T&Cs. Just reiterated that there is a rule and why.
  17. Your TA is correct in that if you reprice you get the current promos and lose any that you had. Basically, you get a new reservation but keep your existing state room, payments, booked excursions, etc. However, I suspect that the OBC is something offered through your TA, not NCL. AFAIK, NCL hasn't offered OBC as a promo for quite some time. And so those terms would be up to your TA. Also note that NCL can't touch your reservation since you booked with a TA.
  18. Correct. Things like crepe paper streamers are a fire hazard. And if people use tape, it can leave marks/remove paint. So easier to just say no decorations instead of posting lists of what's acceptable/not acceptable. Could you imagine the CC discussions then... I want to put xyz on my door. It's not on the list, should I bring it? So no decorations, just not heavily enforced if not hazardous or harmful.
  19. While it's true they only service cabins once a day, they can't do them all in the morning - so are working all day. No reason you couldn't request ice later in the day. They work an 9-5 day, more or less
  20. I have multiple cruises booked at 35/70%. I check prices periodically so take advantage of price drops as they occur, regardless of the "sale". Prices went down a full $10/person with the current 50%sale.
  21. Curious if anyone has actually been sent to the bottom of the wait list - or just speculating. When I've been on a waiting list, it was always on a sign-up sheet, so replacements were done manually
  22. Or maybe the certificates are in danger of running afoul of the "no expiration date" laws that are cropping up in more and more states.
  23. Booked that as well, but having issues with the website, it won't let me access the cruise and even though it's listed on the November select sailings, there's no mention of the extra points. I'll wait a bit to see if the prices do go down (hoping for a reduced solo supplement). Not that the points make that much difference to me any more. Just made Diamond, a reallllly long way to Ambassador! Past Guest offer page always gives me no results - and yes, I'm logged in.
  24. I've not taken anything back to my room except from the buffet but AFAIK, there isn't an issue with taking food from any place except the Local/O'Sheehans. Why there I don't know but I've seen signs saying you can't.
  25. Not only are they probably still trying to recoup pandemic losses, the cost of everything has gone up, especially food.
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