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Everything posted by julig22

  1. FYI - the latitudes discounts are never automatically applied onboard. They are manually applied and you have to ask for them. The only time they are automatically applied are if you book excursions online before boarding.
  2. Not true. Every situation is different. We got about $25 back when missing Stanley in February. In short, as has been said many times, port fees/taxes are estimated and pooled. So sometimes there is an excess, sometimes a deficit. No refunds if there is a deficit.
  3. Your assumption that you only need 1 hotel night is incorrect. You will ARRIVE sometime during the day, 2 days before your cruise. That's the only answer anyone can give you. You will get your flight info 30-60 days before your cruise. The time you arrive will depend on the flights - you might arrive in the morning, you might arrive in the evening. You will need 2 nights in the hotel. When you leave depends on your location. And the flights you are given. With an approximate flight time of 12 hours you might fly and arrive the same day if there is an early morning non-stop. No deviation - arrive the day of your cruise 1 day deviation - arrive the day before your cruise 2 day deviation - arrive 2 days before your cruise.
  4. I put the tip on the receipt because I want it to go to all the people involved in preparing/delivering my meal. But just like many restaurants, it's hard to know what ultimately happens with tips, cash or added to the receipt.
  5. You will arrive in Rome 2 days prior to your cruise - that is the definition of 2-day deviation.
  6. Yea, kinda what I was expecting/hoping. But the excursion time didn't mesh with when we were scheduled for the glacier. But it's been cancelled now.
  7. So I called and they didn't have anything different...but my call may have triggered an update. And the news isn't good. Cancelled for operational needs, my refund is in the mail.😒 I booked this particular itinerary with this excursion in mind (it got cancelled last year). But I got such a good deal on the cruise that I'll probably still go...
  8. If by we you mean 2 people with the platinum laundry perk, that gives you at least 4. Perk is per person - you don't need a ticket, just write on the bag your latitudes status. And you get 2 per person on a 14 day.
  9. I usually get a reminder a day or 2 later. But best to keep track, just in case.
  10. Where do you live? I'm going the opposite direction so will fly to Anchorage - but I actually chose the Seward to Vancouver route after factoring in the transportation logistics. I fly from Eugene - and it looks like there may be better flight possibilities from there if Eugene is an option for you.
  11. You can't use the BOGO airfare but NCL also has a premium air service where they will book your air based on your preferences.
  12. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2914183-swimming-with-pigs/#comment-64795502
  13. I had used 2 on a cruise but when they repriced it, they took off the 2nd one (not sure if this happens if you price through a PCC but it does happen if you reprice onboard). So I just waited a few weeks for the special to come back and reapplied it.... Just a silly part of the game!
  14. LOL - almost the same as my cruise to Antarctica the month before! We lost the TV signal a few days into the cruise, sad that they didn't get that issue resolved. Even had the same officers for my DWTO!
  15. Took the Summer Solstice cruise in 2019 - RT from London, farthest north we went was Honningsvag, did not go to Spitsbergen. Definitely no northern lights, the sun never set, fascinating to watch. The trip was wonderful but my best memory was in Hammerfest because at the time there was a rogue Beluga whale in the harbor - they named him Hvaldimir. His actual history is only speculation but he showed up with a harness that said St. Petersburg and responds to hand signals and interacts with people. Apparently he's now moved on somewhat (the city didn't really want him to stay) but it was an amazing experience. My question would be about the likelihood of seeing polar bears in Spitsbergen?
  16. Another option would be to look at the expiration dates for your points and just cash in those that are due to expire soon - as a statement credit. Might not be the best way but at least you won't lose them. IMHO, a double Meta isn't always the best use, as the difference between inside and OV isn't always that much. I always go for OV to balcony.
  17. FYI - you don't need a voucher for laundry, you just put the info on the bag and laundry list. And yes, I realize they give you something that looks like a ticket but if you read the fine print it says nothing about including it (which I've never done). Every CN manager I've asked has said that you get 2 bags on a 2 week cruise.
  18. Been on the Star 3 times in the last 8 months. Can't really help you much with respect to the ship because I book this specific ship for the itinerary. The ship got me to my destinations, my balcony was a standard NCL room, I never went hungry, entertainment was OK. I had no complaints.
  19. Nothing other than for the MDR. Officers were in uniform when I went, business casual should be fine.
  20. Gosh, what are the odds that I always get the same color....
  21. Color only identifies the ship so unless there are multiple NCL ships leaving from the same port on the same day, the only tag info that's necessary is the room info.
  22. Same itinerary, other than starting point? I chose Boston because I wanted to end in Quebec.
  23. Had my first DWTO last month, it was also the first offered on that ship, post startup. CN manager & head of Security. CN manager was quite the host, very talkative and informative. Kicking myself for not asking Security about how they handle pier runners that don't make it back on the ship. But he did tell us about the jail... I think there were 4 couples, 2 solos. And there were at least 2 different dinners to accommodate the interest. But no pictures or follow up treats. I will continue to sign up... I'm always up to meeting new people!
  24. LOL. Kinda the point of the original comment. It's not a simple task to simply bundle it into the cruise fare without affecting the fare differently. Of course NCL can just add a separate charge - just like they currently do. And people would complain, just like they currently do.
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