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Everything posted by julig22

  1. Sorry this happened but it's the way it works. The only modification you can make at 75 days is with respect to the deviation. You already had a 2-day deviation, which is the maximum you can request without using NCL for hotel reservations as well. So there was nothing to modify, they don't modify flights just because you don't like what you got. Had this happen to me going to Stockholm. But I was only flying in the day before. Turned out to be a moot point anyway because the original flight was cancelled due to SAS going on strike and I got rerouted at the last minute, had to overnight in Munich (hooray for airport sleeping pods!), arrived the morning of my cruise.
  2. I have a cruise in Australia booked for December 2024 and there are no excursions listed yet, but not surprising. I scanned the list of excursions from my December 2019 cruise, not sure how helpful that is - and I'm pretty sure the costs aren't even close anymore! excursions.pdf
  3. 60,000 points are worth $600 so if the difference is less than that, a statement credit is the better value.
  4. You are at the mercy of the person scanning your luggage. Might be ok, might not. If you walk up to security with a pizza in hand they'll probably make you dump it. In your bag, luck of the draw.
  5. Based on how this was worded, I suspect this is about a CruiseFirst certificate, not CruiseNext. If that is the case, you lose the "match" if you actually cancel and rebook the same cruise. But hard to say if a reprice/adjustment of the same cruise is treated as a cancel/rebook as far as CruiseFirst is concerned.
  6. I'm of the opinion that there ain't no such thing as a bad balcony... Since both options are GTY, take the upgrade if you can (not sure you could that in the US), since there is no guarantee your bid would be accepted.
  7. Shouldn't be a problem if you have proof that you were charged incorrectly. I always receive a notification of my bid, with the amount, at the time I make it - and anytime I make a modification. Then I receive a notification of the amount when the bid is awarded. If there had been an issue, I would have contacted NCL immediately. You can always file a complaint with the CC if the amount charged is different than the amount on the award letter. If the amount on the award letter is different than what you thought you had bid, you would have to take that up with NCL. Refunds- and the investigation- can take time. Keep in mind that a bid will be 2x your bid amount plus any increase in insurance, if you bought insurance through the cruise line.
  8. I looked at the info from my trip last summer - the NCL bus from the port to the airport (my cruise ended in Copenhagen) was $37.50. Solo senior as well. I do know that they charge double when you are using the hotel package, even though you are solo. And although I've never used them for the hotel package, when I've asked about it they've never quoted the pieces, just the total. I usually book my own hotel near the airport, one that has an airport shuttle. Then go back to the airport the following day and take the NCL shuttle to the port. On my last trip however they notified me just prior to my cruise that I couldn't do it that way because of some restrictions at the airport. Not a happy camper but I was able to change hotels to something with a shuttle but near the port, then the hotel called me a cab and it all worked out. I'd call back, something doesn't seem right.
  9. Of course there aren't many flights that arrive the same day you leave from Florida, if that's what you meant - that's not how it works when you are flying clear across the country!! Even with the 3 hour time difference in your favor, at least flying to Alaska (not in your favor flying home). And assuming you mean Anchorage (Alaska is pretty big), you are looking at about 12 hours of flight time. Premium air is not the same as BOGO. Premium air will work with you on your reservation but you don't get the BOGO discount. If you choose BOGO your only "request" is what airport and what day you want to arrive (day you cruise, 1 day before, 2 days before) - and the reverse for your trip home. Missing connections/flight cancellations are a big problem these days, which is why it is recommended to fly the day before and stay in a hotel for 1 night prior to your cruise. If you miss your connection, it is up to you to work with the airline to get rebooked. If you can still make the ship, great. Otherwise, you need to coordinate with the ship/NCL to possibly board at the next port. And then deal with your insurance to cover your added expenses, missed port compensation (if included in your policy).
  10. I believe there are some stipulations like that around CruiseFirst if you cancel and rebook the same cruise, although I don't know if a price adjustment would trigger that stipulation.
  11. I don't see any reason why you couldn't do an inside to OV then OV to Balcony later but don't have any actual experience. I feel the maximum benefit, for me anyway, is usually a single OV to balcony upgrade. But I do usually wait until final payment just to avoid any problems with price adjustments. For most cruises I book the cheapest OV initially, then use the onboard upgrade perk to upgrade to an OV picture window so I'm in a room I can certainly live with in the event that I can't get an upgrade (hasn't happened yet). For me the risk of waiting is worth it. But I'm sailing solo and a reduction in the supplement sometimes happens before final payment and I'm not at all picky about my cabin - a balcony is a balcony in my opinion, so the fact that my upgrade is from the lowest OV (what I paid for) doesn't matter.
  12. FCC is something totally different than CruiseNext. And yes, the terms change often.
  13. Unless this is something brand new, what you were told is absolutely false. Are you working with a TA that doesn't want to bother? Here's the thing - in the US you have the ability to cancel your cruise without penalty at any time prior to final payment. If the price goes down, you have the option of cancelling and then rebooking, as many times as you wish. So why in the world would they tell you it's a one-time deal? The one-time price adjustment (or paid upgrade) applies after final payment.
  14. Depends on if it's an upgrade after final payment or a price adjustment prior to final payment. The gist of the statement you replied to seems to be referring to pricing before final payment. Prior to final payment, you can basically do anything you want with your reservation, simply because you can always cancel and rebook at that point so there would be no reason for NCL to deny any changes you want to make (US bookings). The $1 more refers to a courtesy upgrade after final payment.
  15. Doubtful. And the issue is qualified, not qualify as you are now past final payment. So you would only have qualified if you had booked or repriced an eligible cruise prior to final payment and during the promo. From Feb1 through Mar 31, Dawn, Gem, Getaway and Star in Europe, Jewel and Spirit in Alaska were eligible
  16. I'm going the other direction this time, my cruise starts in Seward. But seriously looking at spending a day in Seward, specifically for Kenai. Saw some serious calving at Hubbard a few years ago, on my first Alaska trip. Have trips 5 & 6 booked this summer, doing the transpacific from Tokyo next year. Can't get enough!!
  17. I'm not quite understanding??? You don't book through WP if you are doing an upgrade. You book through normal means, then apply the points to upgrade at a later date. So I just book my cruise and then wait until final payment, sometimes after, before doing any upgrades using points.
  18. Tenders are always prioritized in my experience. Shore excursions, Haven, higher latitudes status, paid priority access will always have priority, followed by tender ticket holders...
  19. Sorry, my comments were with respect to US bookings. I believe there maybe penalties for changing reservations in your case. I have no idea how CN vouchers affect your bookings, they don't have any effect, other than as a payment, in the US, so can't say why your price may have changed. Yes, the DSC has changed and that is one reason to keep notice of the booking date. The excursion credit has been per excursion for a number of years - I know that I got multiple excursions/port clear back in 2019 (I thought they'd made a mistake at the time). But they have changed the verbage to clarify how it works. If you request a price adjustment now it will most likely affect both the dining credits and wifi minutes.
  20. It's technically a rebook (transparent to you) in that your price and any perks/promos are modified. But you retain your reservation information, booking date and payment information. Note - you can also move a reservation in the same way if you want to change to a different date for example. So you don't have to wait for refunds etc. And in some cases, the booking date does become important with respect to price increases for DSC, meal plans, etc.
  21. Hard to say. I once got a bid awarded shortly after final payment date, more than 3 months out. I had a prime cabin they wanted for resale (category had already sold out). But they sometimes (not very often) also lower the minimum bid rate.
  22. I'm still wrestling with taking the NCL train in the afternoon or the morning train so I can spend some time in Seward. Or going to Seward a day early... I have a few months to decide and already have refundable hotel reservations in both Anchorage and Seward but so many different options to consider! Plus looking into staying over in Vancouver after the cruise as well.
  23. No way to waitlist until onboard. But keep checking back, people cancel all the time. Be advised that if you book something else in the meantime and it conflicts, it won't show as available - but you can always call and ask.
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