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Everything posted by Bgwest

  1. I found a handy way to address the issue of trays in the hallway. When I see one, I slide it back directly in front of the offender’s door. Given that the cabin doors all have a slightly recessed entry area, it gets it out of the hallway, and hopefully makes a point to the offender. I’d like to take credit for the idea but someone here on cc posted this idea some time back.
  2. There are other lengthy threads here on that very subject.
  3. Any idea when this is supposed to happen?
  4. Just this minute ordered an adapter cable. Thanks!!!
  5. Seems like the perfect place to insert Dress CODE = Dress SUGGESTION. Abide by said Suggestion if you wish, disregard if you wish. For those who desperately cling to some antiquated Code, there is always Cunard, etc. Enjoy your Cruise!!
  6. I don't have any investment in the flights being discussed but just wanted to add a note of appreciation for the insight you've provided (as you always do) and all of time you spent laying all of this out. High five, my man!!
  7. I wondered the same thing. Wonder why the “thread reviver” didn’t simply start a new thread that was more attuned to his question? Seems that doing so would have captured a more profound sense of urgency. To each his own. 🤷🏼‍♂️
  8. Great idea. I’ve been seeking the information you posted for some time now but didn’t know where to look. We are at the Holiday Inn adjacent to the port so your information is perfect. Thank you again.
  9. Bgwest


    I miss the Landmark Sale.
  10. How about you do you and I’ll do me. LIMITED CAPS for emphasis is commonly perceived as perfectly acceptable.
  11. Exactly the information I was seeking. Thank you. BTW - no "yelling" was involved. 5 capitalized words for clarification. I should have said Downtown Miami in the first place rather than Miami Beach. (Brain fart!) If I were "yelling", the entire post would have been in caps.
  12. We've done exactly what @Mike45LC suggests. I always prefer to keep 100% control of our stuff. Alternatively, the crew will move everything for you from one cabin to another. They just ask that you do a bit of organizing of your stuff. I never heard of any issues with doing it this way but unless we are planning to be off the ship on turn around day, we will continue to do it ourselves.
  13. Let me try again….. can a person walk from THE ENTRANCE OF THE PORT to a specific terminal?
  14. OP, despite what others will try to have you believe, there simply is no dress code. Dress CODE = Dress SUGGESTION Yes, yes I know, the Princess website is peppered with suggestions that may sound like rules, but these suggestions are far from rules or codes of any description. Decide upon your own dress level of comfort and go for it.
  15. Yes it will be. Nevertheless, still seeking a response.
  16. Be comfortable. Whatever you deem that to be.
  17. Seems that from many of the reports here this tactic has indeed worked in the past. Perhaps the staff reaction in this particular situation is a harbinger of things to come. We can only wait and hope. Morph, please keep us apprised of any future incidents you observe. Happy Sailing!!!🌟
  18. Is it possible to walk to the designated MSC terminal (whichever one it may be) from the local Miami Beach hotels? Or is walking prohibited once inside the port area?
  19. Oh, I get that part. To be sure. My question remains. What purpose is to be served by exacerbating the situation and only pouring more "egg" on the fire and onto the face of this louse. There comes a time when retreat is the best option and as in this case, the only option.
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