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Everything posted by highplanesdrifters

  1. Sounds like you're off to a rough start! Seriously, wishing you a wonderful voyage and looking forward to more reports.
  2. Hear hear! Rather tired of seeing ads and posts on social media from all the millennial influencers. Thanks for your excellent review.
  3. I'm with you on this one. But lately given the cost of some land based resorts I'm thinking of slipping in a trip on a bigger ship with killer suites and great restaurants like The Nova or Explora 1. Jury is still out. I'm quite turned off by comments that people can't get into the restaurants. What's the point! Or perhaps crossing on Cunard Queens Grill! Anything to avoid Heathrow. 😃 Agree, Gary B does a great job.
  4. Thanks for the link. Just looked and found some reports on the Explora threads. Sounds like a rocky start. Not sure if this large ship thing is in my cards.
  5. I hope the luxury market gets saturated. Terrible web site. All fluff, hard to navigate. No earth shattering itineraries. Nice enough if you want to do a lap. Try this for schedule. https://booking.explorajourneys.com/touchb2c/?searchVoyages={"dateFromVal"%3A{"local"%3A"2023-08-30T00%3A00%3A00.000"}%2C"dateToVal"%3A{"local"%3A"2023-12-31T00%3A00%3A00.000"}%2C"minAvlResultVal"%3A"OK"%2C"minAvlResultCtgVal"%3A"OK"%2C"residency"%3A"US"%2C"resParams"%3A{"agencyIdVal"%3A202%2C"customerCounts"%3A{"adults"%3A2%2C"seniors"%3A0%2C"children"%3A0%2C"infants"%3A0%2C"juniors"%3A0%2C"youths"%3A0}}}#/
  6. Your house or hers?🤣 Seriously, Nova is a beauty. Check out the Explora.
  7. You fold your own underwear?
  8. As for the Cruise lines, they seem to be riding the same tide as everyone else with RCL a cut above the rest. Are we starting to see pricing cracks from all the new luxury competition coming on? I'm seeing some great pricing on Seabourn. The new Explora line just launched, beautiful ship and suites, also some great pricing. A tad larger than I like. But, if we weren't booked up, I'd jump on her in a heartbeat with the thought that the pricing beats some of the 5* resorts out there. Silversea pricing is crazy high. Looking at Japan itineraries the larger suites were double Seabourn. Friends who have been Lindblad regulars have canceled their high priced trips with them and booked Seanourn Venture. I've never understood Lindblad appeal, pay more for the name and get less. More important than ever to shop around.
  9. The debt market was never my strong suit and I've always admired those like yourself who can wade through the plethora of complicated data and make sense of it. But, I could always make something up. 😃 From the Internationl desk: XI has signaled that he's not going to pump for now. Doesn't want his workers getting fat and lazy. Not a big headwind, also not the tailwind the market needs for the next leg up. Perhaps we muck about in this area for a bit. Head & Shoulder Technicals still in place to take us to 4748-4831 area.
  10. Agree! Some great itineraries....finally. At least they shifted her out of the Med. We are booked on Pursuit next September. Guam to Santiago, 40 days, eeek. We just did PNG and Australia on SS Explorer and loved it. Can't wait to go back to the South Pacific on a gem of a ship. The sister ships are so intelligently designed, especially for expedition. Add the food options and a killer obs bar, hard to beat. No matter where you are on her you can be outside in moments to see what nature is dishing up. Outdoor area by Seabourn Square has your name on it. See you on board sometime. 😉
  11. Thanks for the report, always helpful. These zero day options that you mentioned in a previous post seem to have some staying power and may becoming more impactful. Keeping an eye.
  12. I've attached pictures from the Venture her sister ship. There are 3 outdoor venues with seating. You should have no trouble finding a place. Outside the Colonnade . The Captian was very keen on throwing a lot of parties. Outside Seabourn Square Outside the Club - Sky bar
  13. I agre wholeheartedly agree @Tex1 But this is what I asked about. I was hoping folks could comment on their experience with the charter from Puerto Williams to Santiago. We arrive 3 days ahead of charter departing Santiago. The Mandarin has a pool chair with my name on it, and their Asain restaurant is killer. Why take chances and rush things. 😉
  14. If only you could help with the cable company. 🤣
  15. Thanks all. CC Intelligentsia is invaluable. Charter and hotel are included. Put my sister on the Delta 10:30 pm 'same day as charter' flight. I'll tell her to stay away from the Chinese tour groups.😉 They got me in New Zealand. Barely made it home. We contine on the cape to cape. Now I just need to book a safari and get ourselves home from South Africa. 😎 Thank Goodness we have a good TA. Airfare has been all over the place!
  16. @maadimom Thanks, very helpful. Double/tripple check is my norm now. Last summer Silversea told us mid cruise we were supposed to book our own flight because we used a TA, even though it clearly stated on cfn that Charter was included . Took 5 days of fighting with them but they finally admitted they were wrong and we got an apology.....and a flight.
  17. I've attached a few screen shots of Powells open and closing remarks from Jackson Hole. The talking heads felt the remarks were hawkish to slightly hawkish. I disagree, and the market did too. Part of his statement which I feel says it all: "We are prepared to raise rates further if appropriate, and intend to hold policy at a restrictive level until we are confident that inflation is moving sustainably down toward our objective." Unless we get some surprisingly high inflation numbers he is telling us in this statement they are on hold. One could make the case that his statement was hawkish because he didn't mention "cutting" rates next year, but I feel that's just crazy talk! What does it mean for equities? One would think a continuation. The pullback is in concern range but not fear. Gun to my head, up. Who knows what the market will focus on next week. Certainly not me.😄 Curve flattening with a rising 10 year. Bond analysis anyone? @RetiredandTravel
  18. I just ask them to bring out hot fries separately. But I do like the idea of grilled fries.😄
  19. @alithecat Thank you so very much for a perfect answer!
  20. Yes, on the Cloud next February. I had earlier mad the mistake of posting on Seabourn.
  21. Are there special treats, meals, activities. YES, YES, and YES! I found it magical. People decorate their doors and some had special Christmas outfits. Think Reindeer onsies. Crew especially enjoy as they are away from their families. A few pics to whet your whistle. FYI, this was on Seabourn in 2018. I believe Silversea pulls out all the stops. Can't wait to do another. 20171225_150558.mp4
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