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Everything posted by highplanesdrifters

  1. Wow, thank you for sharing. That was excellent. Going to put it on the big screen to start cocktail hour. Besides the amazing voices I really enjoyed all the different strings. We have been lucky enough to see Ringo Stars All Star band. Worth seeking out. A bit of rock n roll trivia, lovie is an expert😉. The producer Sebastian Robertson is the son of Robbie Robertson The Bands co-founder.
  2. Thanks for the excellent recap. Still trying to slip a Ponant cruise into the agenda.
  3. Great list Miss M. I'm going to merge it with my own. I wasn't familiar with Gravlo, thanks. I also include Pepto Bismol tablets. My microbiologist neighbor recommends them. She suggests popping one or two before eating or drinking in areas you might encounter less than ideal conditions. Think street markets and roadside eateries. She said they coat the stomach and prevent cootie absorption. Is there a Doctor in the house that can confirm this? 😃
  4. Not at all, I'm good friends with the Aliens that live next door. And by Aliens I mean guys from outer space...oh hell ...nevermind.😀
  5. Reine, Lofoton, Norway. Considered the most scenic part. But it's all pretty spectacular to me.
  6. Very interesting. It makes sense as expeditions trips appeal to a much wider demographic. You see Seabourn and Silversea marketing going after this segment. Lots of "influencers" being hired to report on social media. But the WFH crowd will have to stick to their Zoom towns with wifi on ships being what it is. Even Starlink will not be enough. Whew!
  7. That's because they realise they are beets once they taste them.
  8. It was Yellen that tanked the market. The U.S. government is ready to protect deposits in mid-size and smaller banks if necessary to prevent financial contagion, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said in a speech yesterday. Today Nevermind I'm guessing she got a call to remind her that Congress holds the purse strings.
  9. Well perhaps if your garden needs a turnover it might be an enticement. 🤣 Crypto - I'm not getting on the boat either. Besides I've got most of my money in these great high yielding AT1s. What could go wrong?
  10. Bitcoin, you asked for it. Now these charts gives me a Headache! I just follow Crypto on the surface, but did read something last month about the start of this move up from $17k being manipulated by whales. If so, they did a great job of supporting the market and getting the new round of buyers in. Safe haven....not for me! I'd rather have my money in a cruise deposit, earning nothing but the thought of traveling again. Well maybe a hedge against price hikes. Does Silversea accept Crypto?🤣 🤣
  11. My charts of the week. Goldman Sachs Commodity index. Will the FED look at this and other dropping inflation numbers this week? Will dropping inflation numbers help the cruise lines supply chain issues? Quadrupple bottom? Or serious collapse next week. Nothing or 25bps? Did banks spend the weekend assessing their duration risk and will they hit the hedge button on Monday? Do they even know how to hit the hedge button. CRIKEY, what a corelated move this week.
  12. We have the regulators and the structure in place for them to do their jobs. Unfortunately they did not do the job they were hired to do. But I suspect you already know that. 😉😁
  13. The key to surviving the roller coaster ride is not getting off in the middle.😁
  14. FWIW, I believe the direct UA ORD KEF flights don't start until May.
  15. Aw curses. I wrote a response to this about Duration Risk. It's gone. Short version.... SVB - no risk manager for 8 months. FTX- no risk manager. Gee, is there a theme? Black Swan, or incompetent swan? Thanks for kudos on island reversal. S&P head and shoulders, not so much.🤣
  16. One more post for entertainment value. Lovie and I usually check markets before we go to sleep. This bloke popped up with what we are calling the Barclay's shower curtain behind him. It's still giving us a laugh.
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