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Everything posted by highplanesdrifters

  1. I know each case is different. I have two positive stories for you. For context, we are fully boosted and have had Covid at least once. Last August cruising on the Venture, 2 of our travel companions caught Covid, we did not test positive or have symptoms. Last week at a trade show a business associate caught Covid. Several of us who had regular contact with him at the show, along with drinks/dinner did not test positive for Covid or have symptoms. Do I feel bulletproof, NO. Will I continue to be careful, YES.
  2. @RetiredandTravel So many well written great points and comments. There are dozens of viable analysis of the next move in the market that all make perfect sense. I know enough to know that if I'm right, it's because I'm lucky and the market Gods have chosen my point of view.😀 Nice article from 2018. Interesting that we're trying to get back to 2% inflation from a completely different direction. "The rise in productivity because of technological advancements was a key driver of the low inflation. Will these advancements continue and are there any other potential negative drivers." There are not many people that are talking about this, much less understand it's importance and impact on the economy. "This isn't a political statement but the US still doesn't have what I would consider a viable long term energy transition policy from either party." It's hard to talk about energy transition without folks making it political. I don't believe anyone has a viable transition policy. Tongue bitten. 😉 "Not luxury IMO in many cases" As for luxury travel, I suspect it's out there. In the seven "luxury" trips we have taken since Covid, luxury has been almost non existent*. The trips have been with Seabourn, Silversea, and numerous resorts. I am increasingly reluctant to plop down large amounts of cash only to be disappointed and feel as if I have been had. *The exceptions were The Retreat at the Blue Lagoon, Iceland. Pricey, but amazingly perfect. And the Mandarin Oriental in Santiago, not amazing but great product and great price. As a side note, on a recent road trip, Lovie and I listened to "The Big Short" by Michael Lewis. We read it when it came out. Fascinating to revisit the details of sub prime debacle. @TLCOhio we just booked the Ava in Athens on your recommendation. I'm forgoing the 5* hotels for something that looks more realistic, as opposed to the luxury fantasy.
  3. Thanks everyone so very much for your suggestions. I started this query after looking at the pricing of St. Regis and Gritti. @RetiredandTravel is right about the pricey part. Closet size rooms starting at $1,200, yikes. If you would like enough room between the bed and wall to walk it will cost you $1,700. Looks like I'll be putting those Amex point to work. Yes the Bauer is closed for renovations. @Port Powerdid you mean the Ai Mori D`Oriente hotel?
  4. Starting in Venice for an Eastern Med trip next fall. Would love to hear from CC Intelligentsia regarding their favorite hotels. Thanks!
  5. Pong, of course! I wrote Pac Man but was thinking Pong. Thanks @RetiredandTravel Agree, all eyes are on inflation and employment numbers. But it's looking more and more like a soft landing. As you mentioned, market seems comfortable and/or has slightly decoupled with interest rates at these levels give or take 50bps. We are still at historically low rates, will post chart. Trillions of stimi still sloshing around looking for a home. I'm in the trading range/ bullish camp with finger on the hedge button*, ha ha. There is a Head and Shoulders pattern that puts S&P at 4748. Wouldn't that be dreamy! The real question is....what does this mean for the cruise lines? Will pent up demand ease up? Will service and food on the ships improve? Will some of the eye-watering prices back off? *FYI, I could write a treatise for the Bear case.
  6. Well....the FED did a heck of a job of verbal intervention today. It's their own little Pac man game. Thoughts?
  7. I've booked excursions for a trip in November. I'll return monthly to see what has changed. Things are still crazy out there. It's the new travel paradigm.
  8. Hope you don't mind this little Amazon related sidetrack. I was so blown away and wanted to share. I'm at a trade show and stumbled across this both showing a recent discovery near the Amazon basin (Black river) found near Barcelos. The local tribe found it and is working with these Brazilians to sell it. The highlights are fossilized footprints and shells containing Vivianite and Ludlamite crystals.
  9. Thanks for the tips. Will be in Fiji in April. Another thumbs up for the Moorea Hilton OWBs. Ferry makes it easy peasy.
  10. I have a 21 day in Oct/Nov. It's gone from a general search too, but still shows up in My Bookings.. I've noticed that this happens in the past, and then they reappear at some point.
  11. What a story. Glad you got a happy sauternes ending! Enjoy the R&R.
  12. In the interest of changing my mind about the northwest passage, can you expand on why you liked this trip so much.
  13. @Daveywavey70Wow, wow, wow. Thanks again for taking us on your fabulous journey.
  14. For convenience, and if you don't mind paying a few extra bucks you can usually change at the hotel front desk. I try to tip in local currency, but sometimes find that USD (or EU/GBP) are preferred. I always travel with a stash of $5s & $1s. The ship will usually tell you if local currency is necessary when you head ashore. But it's often the case that even at the little stands at the port other currencies are accepted.
  15. Thank you for posting your itinary and thoughtful comments. Amazing trip and experience.
  16. DW - What an amazing trip. Thank you for sharing. By any chance do you have an itinary that you could post?
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