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Everything posted by highplanesdrifters

  1. Thanks @cruiseej You are the tops in CC Intelligencia!
  2. Machala, Ecuador Happy Fruit Farm Our tour started with a Police Escort from the port. There is a major drug cartel battle going on in a few of the Ecuadorian port towns which has escalated in the last weeks. We believe the escort was for show, or at least hoped thats all itbwas. We did get to run all the red lights. Yippee. Tours in Guyaguil have been canceled. The Happy Fruit Farm was a HAPPY place. Started with fresh Pineapple and mint. Next, amazing 4 course tasting, all organic and made on site. Followed by tour of farm and Fruit tasting. Then followed by a chocolate making lesson. Followed by another tasting of the best Chocolate we have ever eaten. Five star tour. The tea was a creative blend of dried fruit rinds, cocoa, and classic tea. What a blend. Each chocolate piece was infused with some interesting bits. Fruit tasting in the field. Breadfruit, now I know how it's supposed to taste. Cacao pods. They use several different varieties. Their chocolate is 80% with zero bitterness. We tasted the cacao at all points in the process, raw, dried, roasted and ground. The flavor transition so very distinct. The final tasting. We got to play with the different flavors ourselves. Quite the imersive experience. Dried mango and golden berries took top honors. Classic honey and sea salt a close second. The runners up were equally tasty. The farm is staffed by an international group. Some paid, some volunteers. It is a way of life for many. Traveling the globe working and learning different organic farming practices . We were glad to be the recipients of the fruits of their labor, literally.
  3. We had problems with the IC in Papeete. Between the Costco discount drinking crowd, locals throwing parties, and tired rooms we are thrilled the Hilton opened. Will be there in January, and glad there is now another option for an arrival and departure hotel close to the airport! Give NZ another chance, it's not the country, it's the type of traveler that comes from everywhere.
  4. I wasn't asking about Cairns but luckily we will be there! Thanks for the great suggestion!
  5. Wow, that's a bummer. How did you find out? We are also AA Biz class.
  6. Wowza, nice gift, wine and chocolate too. Are those days over?😉
  7. Puerto Lopez, Ecuador Part 3 We completed the day with a Panama Hat making demonstration. Turns out the real Panama hat is made in Ecuador. Who knew! It was Teddy Roosevelt who popularized the name when he wore it during the Panama Canal construction. Most are made by machines now. There are a few people left who still make them by hand. Quite the process. There were hats available for purchase. The scrum to do this put the Terazza scrum to shame. 🤣 Boiling the palm leaves. Multiple weaving processes. The final iron. Beach and street scenes below. Silversea guests did their job and contributed nicely to the local economy. We were once again cheered as we headed back to the ship. 😃
  8. Puerto Lopez Part 2 Agua Blanca is a traditional village which has and archeology site, museum, craft stand and sulfer springs. The descendents of the Mantena culture live there and the ruins are pre Columbian. They are hoping to find professional archeologists and funding to help them continue excavation. The tribe buried their people in urns. We were all curious about how they accomplished this. They were much smaller people, bodies were put in fetal positions and they popped another urn on top. After a trip with Chef Pia, I'm gonna need a bigger urn. Snakes. In jars where they belong. The chair of power. Only the Chief sat here. A few of us ditched the hike to the sulfer springs and went back to explore the village. Warm and friendly people. The kids were returning from school and headed to the church for choir practice. As they did their dogs greeted them and followed the to choir practice. The sulpher springs.
  9. I believe it needs lapels. The larger the better.😀
  10. I love this thread! So many witty people on CC that can take a challenging and controversial cruise into entertainment! Just what the doctor ordered.
  11. Go to reception and ask to meet with HD & or CD. Yes. That is why so many up in arms. He purposely chooses to annoy. When the notice was put up that no cigar smoking was allowed during dinning hours at the pool he would sit there puffing until the exact minute, and then return at the exact minute lunch was over. There are a number of other cigar smokers on board who are all lovely and do smoke inside in the corner. It a shame he gives them a bad name.
  12. From the brass. They were not happy.
  13. You're cracking me up! Silver sewage, good one. In Machala, Ecuador today. We had a Police Escort to The Happy Fruit Farm. But no escort on the return. I'm serious. You can't make this up.🤣🤣🤣 From the Guardian. The week began with the discovery of two headless bodies, left dangling from a pedestrian bridge. Then prison guards were taken hostage by inmates, nine car bombs detonated in two coastal cities and five police officers were shot dead. Ecuador – which sits between Colombia and Peru, the world’s two largest cocaine-producing countries – is a strategic smuggling route due to its long Pacific coastline and large shipping and fishing fleets. Analysts say the spike in violence started when local criminal gangs began vying to work with the rival Mexican Sinaloa and Jalisco New Generation drug cartels.
  14. The Corporate Mother Ship has Spoken! The blurb in the Chronicle was a mistake and is incorrect. Cigar smoking is allowed in ALL designated smoking areas. Including during lunch and dinning times. So if you find this offensive, time to vote with your feet. Perhaps I can clarify some of the issues everyone has been discussing. I do not mind an occasional whiff of cigar smoke. But to smell it constantly is for me nauseating. Especially when I am eating, trying to enjoy a fine glass of wine, or just breathing. I feel the same way about smelling strong cologne and mutton. But those are not things one smells all day. For those who do not understand the cigar smoker who has infuriated everyone puffs ALL day. So there is no break, it is nearly constant. He has made it clear to staff and guests that he takes great pleasure in doing this to annoy everyone. Being a smaller ship there are less options to escape the odor. For example: with pool and Panorama out, there is no public outdoor option. With Panorama out, there is no public indoor option with a bar and view. Everytime the door opens from Connoisseurs Corner the air fills Panorama. That combined with the cigar smoke from outside when the door opens creates a vortex. Therein lies the rub.
  15. Puerto Lopez, Ecuador Quite a climate change from hot and steamy to dry and cooler. Rainforest to semi arid. Mama humpback and baby whale show on the trip south. Lots of fin twirls and dozens of tail slaps. What a treat. An emotional arrival into Puerto Lopez. SS Wind is the first post pandemic ship in Port. We were greeted with cheers and smiles and felt like celebrities. A power packed afternoon. I'll start with a few videos of our bus ride through town with more to come. Zoom in and check out the local characters and street scenes. 20221105_174159.mp4 20221105_173941.mp4 20221105_173355.mp4 20221105_175144.mp4
  16. You are so very kind. I have to admit there have been some challenging moments. My general mantra is: If you're not happy, you're not happy. We will see if Silversea does the right thing.😉
  17. Gorgona Island, Columbia Our snorkeling trip was canceled and replaced with a tour of an abandoned penal colony in a poisonous snake infested jungle. Eerie, hot, steamy, buggy, but oh so fascinating. Not a snake to be seen. Apparently we were on the deluxe tour where they beat the bushes first. I'm glad we got to experience this place. There were friendly guards all over the place in different uniforms. Our bags were searched before the tour. I never did find out why they were there and who they were protecting. The creepiest part was the solitary confinement. There was a strange beauty to the dinning area and fountains for drinking and washing. The jungle reclaiming the oven for baking bread. VID_24831108_090214_385.mp4
  18. Let's focus on the POSITIVE today. Silversea staff and crew have been excellent, especially given some challenging circumstances creating a large crop of grumpy guests. Service and good spirits prevail! The little anticipatory touches are there. Chef Pia and the always charming Emmerson dishing up fun and German delicacies. Oops I forgot chefs name. He delivers some excellent native Indian dishes. And two pigs today. How does he do it? Does Chef Pia pack those German sausages in her suitcase? Andres dishes up any cocktail you can think of, and some you've never heard of, along with a smile and positive vibes. Our go to guy. Oscar contemplating the poisonous snakes behind him.🤣 20221103_124922.mp4 Chef Pia and Alfredo. Can it get any better? My dream team posts to be continued.
  19. Thanks for taking us along. Rubin sandwich, a staple in my diet. 😁
  20. Hey Fizook, we moved to the pool bar pre dinner. And, Andres is the best bartender on the ship. Word is cancer man is getting of in Guyaquil.
  21. All so true! Even though there have been some less than ideal, and frustrating conditions on this trip, I still count my lucky stars. To be among the few who get to experience these things in such special ways is beyond fortunate.😁
  22. Utria National Park, Columbia We were here for two days. Our options were: 1. Rainforest hike, described as the "Rambo" hike. 2. Mangrove Boardwalk walk. 3. White Beach swimming. I was told the beach was actually tan/brown and had a bit of garbage. I am not "Rambo", nor do I aspire to be. Garbage beach, not so much. So Rainforest Boardwalk it is. Day one was nice albeit a bit crowded. Day two; due to the changing of the suite chaos I got on the " Rambo" boat. Halfway there I realized my error and sheepishly confessed. No problem, they just dropped me at the Boardwalk. Whew. This meant I had the Boardwalk to myself. Ahhhh, can my luck be changing? It was a delight. Quiet, serene, birds singing, monkies howling, tide gently flowing, a Zen like 1 1/2 miles all to myself. 20221103_094324.mp4 Near the end of my walk I came across a few guides who were surprised to find me wandering. This is the Bodega you can rent. Hmmm.
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