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Everything posted by Homosassa

  1. OP, Excellent use of satire in your list of expectations. I am surprised no one else picked up on it.
  2. MSC is a cruise line that is geared toward family and affinity groups. In the dining room they have large tables that can accommodate large groups. I suggest that you use a travel agent that is familiar with MSC and knows who the contact to set up and link the reservations for the family group. A suggestion is that dinner be your focus for a meal that all will share. Lunch may not be as easy as many may have different plans for spending their time during the day.
  3. Could be added to the already obvious recommendations of a swimwear and sun screen. Might as well add use the toilet before getting dressed....
  4. I didn't say the items were petty or vindictive. I was explaining the evaluation process where the reviewer will group the similar items together by similarities; i.e.; dirty food contact areas #1, #2, #3; food out of temp #1, #2, #3. It helps to see the pattern and sometimes can lead to suggestions that will help.
  5. Some passengers book a shore excursion with the intent of using the excursion as transportation and leaving the tour permanently to do their own plans. Unfortunately, they do not tell anyone that they are leaving and the group ends up waiting for them. There are also those who feel that their needs should be met above anyone else's needs and assume that the tour will wait for them.
  6. OP, For the love of God, do not ask him to explain his statement! Your fellow Cruise Critic members will thank you....
  7. Cruises from Buffalo can be problematic if the pier used is not below the falls. I thought he was referring to Albany (long cruise down river to the ocean) or Plattsburgh (a lake circle cruise).
  8. Not really. Score is based on if the violation is a critical compliance item or a non critical compliance item, and the number of occurrences of each violation. That is why if one looks at the inspection report, there can be a good number of violations of non critical compliance items but the score for the inspection still show as in the nineties.
  9. Hence my post about reporting in this inspection. It can take a while to develop the commonsense known as regulatory discretion.
  10. As someone who spent years reviewing field reports from field inspectors, I would be recommending that perhaps the (PHS officer?) inspector needs some training on how to report the observations made on the ship. Many of the violations are reported several different ways (I'll get you, my Pretty, and your little dog, too" style of reporting) and could have appeared only once. There is probably some phone lines buzzing between the headquarter reviewing office, the field office and MSC. Seaside will continue sailing.
  11. Nothing like the nice smooth rocks left by a glacial moraine.... The LI Sound beaches made a nice change were we wanted something different from the Great South Bay or Atlantic Ocean.
  12. Just find some drunks fighting in one of the ship's lounges. Maybe a hockey game will break out....
  13. You obviously have never been to the rocky beaches of the north shore of Long Island, NY.
  14. Seriously? Did you not read the answers previously given to you about live review that was going to be written and as I now type, was the thread immediately below your thread in this forum?
  15. Medical met her shore side, evaluated and determined she needed to go to a hospital for the care she needed. I doubt the medical person left her by herself on the pier until the ambulance arrived. It would also be easier to get her in an ambulance from the pier that ambulance personnel needing to bring a stretcher or wheelchair on board and bringing her out through the gangway.
  16. If it was the same Road Side Rest Stop that we were taken to on our excursion, "limited" is being kind.
  17. There would be a problem if for some reason the excursion was delayed returning to the ship and the ship had to leave. If the names of the passengers on the excursion list were not correct, then there would be a problem for passports or other documents collected from the cabins to allow the shore agent to make arrangements for the passengers to travel to meet the ship.
  18. NYC style is Neapolitan pizza. MSC's pizza meets the standards of the Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana.
  19. Sometimes the passenger needs to bring poor hygiene to the crew's attention. We were in the buffet on the Divina. Our table happen to be one of the tables next to the window. We watched in dismay as a woman walked over to the empty table next to us with a baby, place the baby on the table, and changed a poopy diaper. We didn't say anything because of a language barrier. As soon as she left, I jumped up, tilted the chairs up against the table and stood guard while my husband went to find one of the white shirt head waiters Meanwhile, someone else glared at me when I wouldn't let them use the table (I dusted off my game of charades skill and pantomimed what had just happen as there was a language barrier). When my husband returned and the white shirt understood what had occurred, he also stopped people from using the table until staff arrived with gloves and disinfectant and the table and chairs were thoroughly cleaned.
  20. Looks like seat saving to me.
  21. There are several things about t. Lucia that people who have never visited are not aware of. Before visiting, look at a map of St Lucia and notice the road system. There isn't much of one; mainly a single road that circumvents the coast line and cuts over from one coast to the other through the mountains. The road is often narrow, twisty and very slow going. Excursion by road will take a long time. While many are horrified that the OP had to stay on the catamaran to complete the tour instead of being offered the option of returning to the ship, the fact is that returning by road would have taken much longer than sailing back. Also for anyone taking a shore excursion by land, be prepared for no publicly available rests stops. One that is available is not up to the standards (clean, flushable) that many are use to. Bathrooms are available at any tourist stop that involves admission (varying quality of cleanliness). Don't assume that air conditioning will be available on your transportation. Even if a bus is equipped with AC, there is a good chance it will not be used as the bus navigates the grades and curves at slow speed.
  22. Seaweed? Strong current? OMG!! - What is the ocean coming to?
  23. You need to do separate reservations - one for you and your wife; a second reservation for your son and girlfriend.
  24. You start your own topic on this board and on the other board. Use a topic name like "Accessible Cabin on Prima." To start a new topic, look on the top of the index page for the NCL and the other board. There will be a blue square that says "Start New Topic." Click on it and you will get the form to do so. If anyone has the information, they will respond.
  25. While you may receive an answer on this board, I suggest you also try here: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/114-disabled-cruise-travel/
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