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helen haywood

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Posts posted by helen haywood

  1. 1 hour ago, BonTexasNY said:

    Stay positive and motivated.  That movement will show up before you know it.  George just might be wrong. For my PT, in the beginning, I was advised to take pain meds 30 minutes before each session.

    I’m definitely positive and motivated!!!!  George has actually been wrong before!  (Not sure he remembers…)  I took some OTC pain med before the appointment but I don’t think it was necessary.  So far…feels like trying to stretch a stiff limb.

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  2. Had my first PT appointment this afternoon.  Really nice young man…wearing a bracelet his four year old daughter had made for him.  It wasn’t as bad/painful as I’d feared.  George, Mr. Cheerful, said it probably would get worse later.  😉  Just depressing how little movement in any direction I’m capable of right now.  But I’m a motivated patient.



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  3. @BonTexasNY I remember vividly reading about your rehab two years ago!  I remember thinking how cheerful you seemed in what sounded to me like a dreadful situation.  

    @dani negreanu While certainly not in your shoes, I can understand how devastating is a scenario that has no hope.  Please take some comfort from knowing how many people you have helped with your kindness and generosity.

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  4. 2 minutes ago, dani negreanu said:

    @helen haywood


    Marian, how are you doing?




    Gosh, Dani, that’s so nice of you to think of me!  I’m OK.  In three weeks I’ve only left the house four times.  So the days drag…but I know it certainly could be worse.  George has been wonderful doing everything for me…hasn’t left me except to go shopping…which makes me feel terribly guilty that his life has been so affected…sigh.  I have my first PT appointment on Thursday so hopefully that will feel like I’ve turned a corner.  And I count down the days until I finish the six weeks non weight bearing…22 days more to go!


    But much more importantly, how are you and your family doing?

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  5. Tonight we went out to dinner for the first time since May 12.  I’ve been in the wheelchair since then and was reluctant to go…. Good thing we started small…with our local favorite Mexican restaurant.  There are two handicapped spaces in front; they were taken.  I’d never paid attention to where the handicapped ramp was before…why would I?  Sigh.  If you can’t park in front of the restaurant then you need to park in the grocery store lot next door and use their ramp to get up on the sidewalk.  Luckily the staff were as friendly and accommodating as possible and we enjoyed our dinner.


    I have such a new understanding of what being mobility challenged means to everyday life.


    Want to make sure I give Nurse Minnie her credit as well as Diana.




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  6. Was looking forward to a shower…but the AC guy called and is coming out in 30 minutes.  That trumps shower!!  He said he was here two years ago for a refrigerant leak and had George done anything about that.  Nope, that would have been the previous owner.  So I’m sure it will be pricey…but AC is a necessity in Florida!!!  (As long ago DeSoto referred to Florida as “an uninhabitable sand spit.”)

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  7. @bobmacliberty Thanks for the Reddit suggestion.  I’ll check that out.  Re the AC, George had already cleared the condensation line and been advised to do the bleach/vinegar application when changing the filter.  He’s pretty handy so this must be something else…will report after service.  At least he called the company instead of continuing to fiddle with it himself…especially as we are heading into a three day weekend…. Why do all appliances and pets develop issues at 5 pm on a Friday?

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    • Haha 4
  8. 57 minutes ago, Ocean Boy said:

    It should start to resolve as you start walking around in the boot. When you sit in a chair, or are lying in bed, it also helps to have the leg elevated so gravity can help move fluid out of the leg too.

    I won’t be walking on/with the boot until the six  non weight bearing weeks are up…June 25…. Whether I’m on the couch or in bed the leg is always elevated.


    Called the AC company that installed it and someone is coming out tomorrow afternoon.  🤞


    Thanks for all the well wishes!

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  9. I wish there was a forum for talking about surgery…recovery…etc.  I’d love to find such a thing!  Got my soft cast off today and my stitches removed.  I think my leg looks like a swollen mess…but I’m told everything looks great.  Now I have steri-strips on the incisions…an ace bandage and a boot that must weigh fifty pounds.  Boy…and I thought getting about on one leg with the cast was difficult!  I’m supposed to sleep wearing the boot.  Good thing I’ve had two weeks of trying to learn how to sleep flat on my back with the cast.  Called to schedule PT and in two weeks was the earliest appointment.  Wish they’d given me the number to call 10 days ago when I had the surgery…


    And George just disappeared into the garage to work on the AC.  Sigh.  We’d had a problem with a clog in the drainage pipe that he’d fixed before my ill fated cruise…turns out he thought he’d fixed it then…fixed it again (differently) when we came home.  No idea what today’s issue is…except I’ve had enough for one day…

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  10. @brillohead I’m glad you mentioned not everyone with the runs should automatically take Imodium or the like.  I remember once my MIL had bad runs and I asked my physician father if we should give her some anti diarrhea medicine and he said it was better to let whatever was causing it get out…that making sure she stayed hydrated was the main issue.

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