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Everything posted by Adawn47

  1. Oh my word, they look absolutely delicious😋 Now to find some. Avril
  2. I'm sorrry to hear that lincslady, but it seems to me as though your doctor is covering everything that could be the cause of your symptoms and gradually eliminating them one by one. At least he's on top of it and you'll soon find out what the problem is and on the correct meds. Take care and try not to worry too much. x Avril
  3. As my Mum always said, there's nothing wrong with the food, it's the rubbish they put into it nowadays😏 By the way, I've never even tried an oatcake.😲 I know, I know. I've just been barred from this thread😁😁😉 Avril
  4. We're both fine thank you Sue. Frank had a quick check up on Tuesday and 'everything is satisfactory' (to use the doctor's words), so we're happy with that👍 Avril
  5. Morning. Sowing here at the moment and it's starting to settle too, 0c with a feel of -5c which I can well believe. Brrr🥶. @P&O SUE I'm pleased your mum has settled in well to her new home. Don't worry about the flat, your sister is taking that worry from you so let her. You've had your share of stress and worry, so let someone else help shoulder the burden.x @Josy1953 I hope all goes well with DH treatment.x Have a good day everyone. Keep warm and take care if you're out and about. x Avril
  6. @Snow Hill I'm glad you're getting it sorted quickly. The IV antibiotics do the job much faster than oral. Every time I read a post you're always busy in the garden, so take advantage of your enforced hospital stay and relax a little. Get well soon. Avril
  7. Good afternoon. Another couple of potterers here too. A nice roast pork dinner for us today with close family as it's our 59th wedding anniversary today. Coincedentally, Frank just saw this online --- 'A perfect marriage is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other.' Have a good day everyone, wherever you are and whatever your up to. x Avril
  8. Hello. Frank's doing surprisingly well considering how he was almost a month ago. Sleeping well, eating well (healthily and low salt) and hardly any pain relief needed for his joints, just the occasional paracetamol but not a single dihydrocodeine since 28th December👍 HOWEVER...........much to my annoyance he's begun to vape again🤬 A lower strength and only after a meal but .......🙄 I can only trust his word, which he has kept so far🤞 We have had no storm damage, just a wobbling fence panel and it blew the garden bench over, all quickly dealt with. It seems as though that's the end of the winds and the days are getting longer so we'll be able to get into the garden at last. We're not as hardy as Snow Hill I'm afraid😉 I hope everyone is safe and well, wherever you are in our amazing world. Take care.x Avril
  9. Better not TigerB, there's already a poster on this forum with that name.😁 Avril
  10. Yes you can, depending on the vegetables. Root vegetables are fine in water overnight, but leafy veg can be prepared and covered with a lid or plate. Don't forget to drain and rinse well any that have been left in water overnight. Good luck and try to ignore all waving red rags🐮. Avril
  11. Frank's doing well thank you. He's coming on so much better now he's home and more comfortable. He has an appointment at the hospital Feb 6th to see how things are progressing🤞We both still have this awful cold that he picked up at the hospital and so kindly passed on to me.🙄 I think you have the best idea Sandra, stay in and keep warm, which we fully intend to do😊 Avril
  12. I thought it worth a quick call too as the side effects, if any, shouldn't last longer than a week. That was my GP's advice to me. Frank was on Amlodipine, but they were the first meds they discarded when he was admitted into hospital and noted not be prescribed again. Then again, we all react to meds differently. One size doesn't fit all😉 Avril
  13. I used adsa butter chicken and sometimes the korma, but i stopped them because I thought they were high even though amber.🤫 We loved rich thick gravy, but I found 25% less salt bisto and make a small amount and thinner. Also zero salt Knorr stock pots which are perfect for my risotto. Avril
  14. Having high BP doesn't necessarily mean there is a problem with your heart. I was told by my GP that blood pressure can occur in even the fittest and healthiest of people. As an example he mentioned one 32 year old man fit, healthy and regularly runs in marathons, half marathons etc, but he just happens to have high BP. I'm on an ace inhibitor too mine is Candesartan. I would ave a word with your GP if the lightheadedness is still happening, better safe than sorry. Take care. I just re-read you post and as you've been on them for 2 weeks already I would have a word about the side effects. Avril
  15. Our breakfast every morning has always been fruit juice, 2 weetabix and 70g blueberries and coffee for a while now. Lunch is either a bowl of soup, or a couple of boiled eggs and toast, mackeral on toast, or tuna sandwich etc and followed with a yoghurt. It's the dinner that's the problem, but I'm getting there. Avril
  16. It's the bacon/sausages/ boiled ham/ pork pies he's upset about kalos, not the sauce he put on them.😬 The diets going ok thanks kalos. Still taking some sorting out and I'm reading every label. It's gets a little worrying at times though.......am I doing it right?.........I know the label's amber but is the salt level still ok? I know I'll get used to it and it will become second nature soon.🤞 Frank's worth it, I never want to see him like that again. The low salt diet is good for me too with my high BP👍 Avril
  17. Am I surprised? Nope. Fully paid up members of the 'Can't Happen To Me Brigade'🙄 Avril
  18. Those were days kalos😲 Eee when a' worra bairn........😁 Avril
  19. Morning Phil. Wherever you're jetting off to, have a great holiday.🌞 Avril
  20. Two others on the ward would regularly unhook their heart monitors,(sign something I think?) and go outside for a smoke together. It beggars belief🙄 Avril
  21. A genuine conversation overheard when Frank was in hospital. 'Can you believe the doc thinks 4 cans of lager a day is too much😲. I mean, what bloke doesn't sink 6 pints a' beer everyday after work?' I can only hazard a guess as to why he was on the cardiac ward.🙄 Avril
  22. I agree Jane. If they don't want an honest opinion, they shouldn't hand out the forms. As for approaching Selbourne in the MDR the way he did, that was totally unacceptable, and I'm afraid I would have told him so. Avril
  23. Yes, things are begining to feel a little more positive now and I can see an improvement in Frank every day, apart from a bad cold which he has so kindly passed on to me (sharing is caring)🙄 He's also started planning the garden jobs for spring so all's good👍 Enjoy your cosy read. Snuggled up warm is the best place to be over the next few days. Avril
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