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Everything posted by Adawn47

  1. Morning Wide-awake-club members. I've been awake since 4.10am. I've a streaming cold and can't rest so decided to get up so as not to disturb Frank. Begining to build up my natural immune system at last. It's very peaceful here at the moment, so I'm scouring through my piles of cookery books to find some interesting, healthy, tasty, low salt recipes. Well, I'll let you all snooze and go and make myself another coffee. Keep warm.😊 Avril
  2. Were you one of the ladies sledging on that christmas ad?🛷 I hope you get the snow you're waiting for, but please keep it up there with you. Brrr🥶 Avril
  3. We cruised on her when she was Adonia, we thought he was a beautiful little ship. Avril
  4. Me too. Winter time is hibernation time in my lttle corner🥶 Avril
  5. Try logging out and back in again, or the refresh button if on a computer/ laptop. Avril
  6. Thank you, but they've doubled up on his Omeprazole. He's had those iron tablets before, but not such a high strength. The only problem it causes him is constipation. Avril
  7. Ramble away Sarah, we're all here for you😉 Avril.
  8. Thanks bro, so kind of you, but if you don't mind I'll pass, and look further🥴 Sis
  9. Frank's certainly resting. He's sleeping like a baby😴 Avril
  10. This is not what you need on the run up to your cruise. Try not to see the whole picture, take a breath and try to deal with one thing at a time. I know it's difficult, but it works for me. I hope you soon get things sorted and you have a wonderful cruise. Avril
  11. A very good evening😊 A very good result from today's procedure and Frank is back home where he belongs. After 15 days of worry he has had his bp tablets and his statin removed, and 1 added. Believe it or not, an iron tablet. He had another echo scan and they have decided against the need for a heart tablet, however regular gentle exercise which is no problem as he's always active, a low salt diet, moderate fluids, an echo scan in 6 months and yearly after that. We cannot believe how close we came to losing him and to come home with only an iron tablet. Avril xx I want to thank all the wonderful people who have sent me best wishes and prayers via Av. She has read me every one and I am overwhelmed by the kindness, help and advice from people we have never met. I am grateful for all the support you gave Av because I know it kept her going when things got a bit 'hairy' You're a great bunch. Frank
  12. One positive sign is his hb levels, although not as high as they would like, are stable and not falling. On the traffic light system, I understand the red - absolutely never, green - no restrictions, but I'm unsure about the amber when on a low sodium diet. Could you make that clearer for for me please. Avril
  13. If he wants his vape he'll have to rummage through the bin for it😁 Seriously josy, I believe him. I have never seen him so frightened and emotional when I left him that first night in hospital. It was the hardest thing I have ever done, to have to leave him when he needed me so much. Avril
  14. Frank's procedure is booked for 10am tomorrow. One step closer to finding any problems.🤞 They began giving him the dreaded drink at 1.30pm and so I came home early to give him his privacy, I'm sure the last thing he wanted was to chat. I've taken advantage of my early release😉, and changed and washed the bedding and completely bottomed the bedroom. I've also sorted out the fridge, freezer and pantry and threw out everything that's high in salt. The best thing to go is his vape and all the liquid, his decision. He admitted to me today that he thought when he left the house he wouldn't be back, and it was the first time he had felt real fear. Me too. I feel a little better now, the work was very therapeutic and now it's time to find find something for my dinner. Take care everyone. x Avril
  15. That's what I keep telling myself. If it was something serious they would have got him in earlier. He' s been in a fortnight already. Avril
  16. Well a few more days we're told because they're waiting to book him in for his test as it's very busy🙄, so the wait and worry continues. Thank you all for your support it helps and keeps me to keep moving forward. x Avril
  17. Good morning everyone. Dull, damp and overcast this morning and 3c. @lincslady I hope you're alright after your fall. As a regular 'tripper upper', I know wnat a shock it can be. Good that they changed your meds as that was some of my problem. There's no tablets for clumsiness though. Frank is still in hospital and waiting for the colonoscopy to try to find the reason for his low hb levels. It could be this morning as they stopped one of his tablets yesterday because of the test🤞 He's still cheerful and eating well, he just wants his own bed. I wish I could be the same. I've been putting on a cheerful front for everyone, but inside I;m quietly falling apart. At least I can be myself on here with my cc friends. Take care everyone and enjoy your day x Avril
  18. Good evening everyone. Well another fews days more we're told. His hb levels still are't high enough yet so he's booked in for a colonoscopy. Now i'm back to nattering again as to what the problem is. They keep mentioning this ruddy 'leak' and it's frustrating, I wish Frank had asked him. On the plus side he's still eating well and has gained a little weight and best of all, he's not on the heart monitor. I hope all the test results being waited for are back soon with a positive result and @Josy1953I also agree with Benecol drinks and also Benecol spread. they were recommend by our doctor and do help in lowering cholesterol. Avril
  19. Morning all. Feeling a little anxious today. As kalos says, the doctor will be discussing the results, treatment and hopefully his discharge. I'm sure we had the worst diagnosis with heart failure, so we're on the home stretch. @Josy1953 I hope your test results are good and that @lincslady you have a satisfactory discussion with your doctor tomorrow. Keep us updated. x The washer's just finished, so i'll deal with that and get ready for what kalos fondly calls the 'hozzie'😁 It's bloomin' cold out there this morning so wrap up well if you're out and about and take care. x Avril
  20. Morning. Dull and damp here too and a very pleasant 2c😬 Just having a quiet coffee before the taxi comes at 10.40am and I stay until 6pm. Long days I know, but we are missing each other so much. The visiting hours are 9am - 9pm so they don't mind. I get a coffee and a sandwich from Costa downstairs and then sit and have lunch together. We probably won't learn anything about test results, treatment, discharge etc until tomorrow so have to be patient. Frank's looking and feeling better(and slimmer) so everything crossed🤞 I've lost 12lb over the last 10 days, I know I wanted to lose some weight but there are better ways🙄 Have a good day everyone and keep warm. x Avril
  21. Good evening. Quick update . After Frank's endoscopy it appears he also has a hiatus hernia which were told is common, nothing to worry about and treated with meds, so thats one out of the way. Now just to see about treatment for his heart and hb levels🤞 Blimey, that man of mine won't do anything by half. His first time in hospital and he's making sure he gets his money's worth😊 @lincslady I hope your feeling well today and your treatment begins soon. Take care everyone and have a good evening.x Avril
  22. We always book our cruises in the colder months for some extra sunshine and warmth, so those of us who are still here would appreciate a bottle of sunshine on your return🌞 Have a wonderful cruise Bob. Avril
  23. Thank you. Frank has never had any heart issues before and has always been told, after his doctor's medical reviews, that he has a strong steady heartbeat, which is why it came as such a shock. We were only told he had suffered a heart failure. he had a echo scan yesterday and is still waiting for the cameras. After that things should be a little clearer. Other than that he's still eating like a horse and is begining to settle more into the hospital enviroment. I'm sure all will be well for you LL. Our NHS medical staff are amazing and aren't given the credit that everyone, from domestics to consultants deserve. I wish you a speedy recovery. Take care. x Avril
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