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Everything posted by Adawn47

  1. Remembering the 'good old days' I clearly remember the frost ferns on the inside of my bedroom window and snuggling back under the heavy blankets topped with coats, and the cold lino under my feet when I got out of bed. The worst for me though was the outside toilet. Dad always hung a Tilley lamp on the cistern to stop the water freezing up. It usually worked....... but sometimes it didn't🥴 The height of luxury for me was when we finally had a bathroom. The frost ferns and cold lino was part of winter, but to be able to flush a toilet without the risk of a cold shower was pure heaven. I think experiencing what we did then, makes us all appreciate what we have now, and to not take things for granted. Or to use the Yorkshire expression 'Eeh lad, tha' dun't know tha' born'😁 Avril
  2. That paragraph bought a smile to my face. I have very fond memories of the liberty bodice and it's sticky rubber buttons😬. Avril
  3. If that was the smaller portion, the larger portion must be enough to feed a family😲 Avril
  4. Have you had a word with the doctor about your cough Sarah? You may need some antibiotics. It's worth a quick phone call just in case. Better safe than sorry. It'll put my mind at rest as well😉 Take care.x Avril
  5. Depending on how cold it gets, about 4 to 6 or 7 weeks. The best thing about solid fuel is that it also heats the walls where the boiler is, and also the upstairs floors where the hot water pipes run underneath. So even when the fire is out the walls and floors are still warm for hours. Avril
  6. That's quite some time ago kalos. Solid fuel for our central heating is now £210 ton, and Frank is still telling the grandson to ''put wood int'oil''😁 Avril
  7. Morning everyone. I hope you are all feeling bright-eyed and bushy-tailed this morning😊 I have a yearly delivery pass with Asda, and like kalos, get an email when priority christmas slots are open, usually end of October or early November. Josy, have a calm day at the food bank, and if you get a stroppy customer politely direct them to the nearest supermarket, where the range of goods on offer and customer service might be more to their liking😇 Have a good day everyone, whatever you have planned.x Avril
  8. I have to own up to being another regular daily reader, but I don't seem to post as often as I did, however I do respond to many posts. I shall begin to post more regularly, as Mrsgoggins says, we don't want to lose this thread. Avril
  9. A wise decision Josy. We are often given friendly and well meaning advice, but ultimately, only you know what is the right choice for your own well being. You've done more than your fair share over the past 2 years and deserve to think about your own health and family first.x Avril
  10. Ok then.....Becket because the old Barnsley hospital was named Becketts and Jane worked for the NHS. Emma because I have neice called Emma who has a little dacshie and Andy, well who can forget Andy😉 It's a little trick I use to try and remember names. It only works if I can think of something to connect them with, so not that clever, but it can help. Avril
  11. I think you mean Becket (Jane).The last time we heard she was ill, and another poster on here who must have had some contact with her, said she would post again when she was feeling better. It is worrying. The lady with daschies is Emma (cpm)? and Andy doesn't post often now because he's busy with his business. At least I hope that's the reason. I hope they are all well. Avril
  12. Have a safe journey home bro. Leave your thermals in easy reach, you'll need them😉 Sis
  13. Our home has no gas and is fully electric, so only one bill, and at the moment we're averaging £4.50 a day. Come tomorrow who knows, but that's when the £60+ off the monthly bills kicks in so a little help for us there. The central heating is solid fuel and is, for now, still £210 a ton 🤞 I know how difficult it can be to try and find a positive side to things, especially since 2020, but somehow we do. We have this thread, which I find invaluable in keeping my spirits up, and when I''m at a low ebb or if I can't sleep. I log in and reread some past posts which helps take my mind off things. I often pop over to the 'let's smile' thread too and that also cheers me up. We are much stronger than we realise, and if all else fails there's always....🥃🍷😉 Avril
  14. I would'nt say 'admiral calibre' Harry, I'm simply not a sheep and won't be told what to think. I have my own mind and know how use it, however, thank you for the compliment🙂 We're both fairly well at the moment and ready for the cruise. 3 years since our last one and we're chomping at the bit now. I wouldn't worry about the little boy Harry, I'm sure he won't be lonely for long. Avril
  15. I can only speak of our own experiences, and our GP's practice is wonderful. Even in 2020 when Frank had an inner ear infection and couldn't get to the doctor, he came out and treated him, he even came back 3 days later to see how he was. However only negative stories are newsworthy nowadays, and as you say, also those with an agenda to push. The way I read news is disbelieve half or it, take the other 50% with a large grain of salt and then make up my own mind. Avril
  16. I shall look forward to it Sandra😊 Another reason to hope P&O improve their product, and that Aurora is still in the fleet. It's been a long time since our last cruise, November 2019. Avril
  17. No not at all John. They work the same way as the kind the doctors use. Just fasten the monitor on your wrist with the velcro strap and press a button. When the strap loosens, after about 1min, read your blood pressure and heart rate. Simple. Full instructions come with the monitor. If I can do it anybody can. Avril
  18. I have an 'Omron' wrist monitor, it was recomended by the doctor as one of most accurate. I bought mine years ago from Boot's, but you can buy them now from Amazon and they are a good price too. Avril
  19. Some doctors say there is no such thing as white coat syndrome. Luckily for me my doctor is also a sufferer, strange I know. I use a wrist monitor, it's much more comfortable. My doctor told me to take my blood pressure weekly and if it is high and stays consistently high for 4 weeks to contact her, fortunately I've not have to do it, and once a year I send in my readings. It works well for me as it's more comfortable and less stressful at home. Avril
  20. Good reading kalos, excellent in fact. I have white coat syndrome and I do my readings at home and register then at the surgery for that reason. at the surgery my readings are around 203/114😲. At home an average of 148/80, I know it's not too good, but it's as good as it gets even on medication. Avril Just taken it now. 134/72. Must be a good day😊
  21. I agree Jean. I'll keep reading all the reviews on P&O forum until the balance is due and decide one way or the other then. It's worth losing the deposit rather than have a disappointng cruise or maybe come back with something I never went with. Avril
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