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Everything posted by jonthomas

  1. I also did not notice that it ends in Barcelona but O cant get the ship in there so they have substituted Tarragona ...200 miles south....unless O will provide transportation ...this itinerary has become too complex. Too bad, its a good one. in case anyone wants to see the itin it is Sept 17, to Sept 29, 2023, London to Bar, 12 days on the Marina....
  2. and would stay in hotel one night in Portsmouth...so taxi to ship from hotel... ah...we really loved southampton, would walk to the ship from the hotel...very easy.... now complicated, like everything else... thank you everyone....
  3. We booked the continental palacette...only $144 per night. What is the rate for the Apolo?
  4. Best/shortest/cheapest way to get from Heathrow to Portsmouth to board ship. We were really disappointed that Portsmouth has been substituted instead of Southampton. Have been to Southampton many times but not P. Any advice? Will be travelling with carry on, so no luggage to worry about.
  5. A cruise I am interested in, has changed arrival ports from Southampton to Portsmouth. Has anyone done the transfer from Heathrow to Portsmouth? Would not want to do a private car. Train or Bus? It is further than to get to Southampton. Too bad they did the switch. If it is too complicated I may lose interest in the cruise.
  6. We love Oceania. Just wish we had sailed with them sooner. Did a couple with Viking, but O is still a better fit for us. Just hope NCL stays solvent.
  7. Lets pray some more....their debt load is substantial.
  8. Yes I am sure it insults them just as witnessing it on the ship insulted me. Things have changed since they introduced the class system, those in Suites and those in "steerage". I remember being on the ship when they were building a wall in the dining room to separate the two. When the food for suites and those for the rest became inedible for us, that was the end of Celebrity for us. If I want to pay Suite prices I might as well sail O and not have the class division thrown in my face. Oh and talk about rude, dont get me started on what we experienced with parents bringing kids on Celeb over the years. Sure dont miss that.
  9. Because after 50 cruises with Celebrity, I have witnessed all of them. Of course what one may think is low class and very crude, someone else will say "it is a lot of fun". To each his own. But you asked, I answered.
  10. thats great for both of you.... we have only done 3 O cruises and need to get to 5 to get any OBCs from O as part of loyalty... the real perks kick in at 10 and 15..... wasted a lot of time on Celeb....elite plus....and yes have RCI stock that I should sell....
  11. Still waiting for ours...thank you for all the comments...very helpful.
  12. We want to use it for a 15 day TA this November. Hope they dont say TAs are not eligible.
  13. Thank you. We have never had it sent to the agent. Always came directly to us. Maybe things are different with NCL.
  14. Its been two weeks since I sent in my information for the newly purchased 100 shares. Have not heard back from them. RCI would respond with the credit in two days. Any experience with this out there?
  15. Both ships will go into drydock for the retrofit, Riviera in Genoa for 20 days beginning November 17; Marina in Marseilles for 22 days beginning on Oct. 22, 2022. Riviera will debut its new look on December 7, 2022; Marina on November 13, 2022. https://www.cruisecritic.com/articles.cfm?ID=6896 please correct this if you have more recent information.....
  16. Awful accident but you handled it like a trooper. The little bakery off Baristas is disappointing. Seems very limited... I was hoping for something like Cafe El Bachio on Celebrity. Not that I need all those cakes, muffins, pies, pastries, doughnuts, cookies. We are on the Vista in 2024, 3 times. Sure hope they can come up to the well known "best food at sea". That is our main reason for sailing O, that and the fact that there is little class distinction, love all the activities and the way they are run
  17. I reacted to this. Trivia and name that tune for this person is for those younger than 67.
  18. Carnival, Celebrity may have belly flop contests, horse racing by the pool, loud music all day long by the pool, Newly wed games. I avoid them like the plague, but it may be wonderful for those who think they are too young for Trivia and name that tune.
  19. and I find the opposite, those with criticisms are often attacked for their opinions and therefore few have the fortitude to say anything negative....
  20. and dont let anyone tell you that is all a figment of your imagination or overblown by the press.....
  21. Out of our Trivia team of 8, only the two of us were ok. Two quarantined for a week, one taken to hosp in Marseille, one quarantined at the last 3 days, two tested pos when they got home.... We did not wear masks anywhere. Most of them did. All were fully vaxed to get on ship. This was in March/April Not sure what I take away from all this. Not sure what science says about it.
  22. yeah but be ready to pay 30 % income tax, 13 % or more provincial tax... and many procedures not covered by health plan.... also be ready to wait a very long time for any specialist.... sorry this is off topic...but could not resist.... could have said much more but have been threatened to be kicked off too many times...lol.....
  23. Just checked, it is twice the price of the palacette.
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