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Posts posted by ChutChut

  1. 1 minute ago, mrlevin said:

    Sounds like you should stay off a cruise ship. 😀

    You have misinterpreted my post. I am healthy and understand there is risk in everything I do in life. I've been on thirty cruises and understand the risk of being infected with just about anything. I'm just putting questions/comments out there for people who seem to believe once everyone is vaccinated, there is no/nil risk. We don't know that. 😀

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  2. 2 hours ago, Dolebludger said:

    Yes, thanks for the link. The tests will answer important questions about virus transmission. And let me illustrate my concern. As a fully vaccinated person, I might pick up a virus on the plane, in an airport, or in a port. I then might carry it on to the ship. But if I and all others on board are.vaccinated, it is my understanding that chances of transmission of serious illness on board are nil, even if I test positive as a carrier. And the CDC is recommending allowing indoor gatherings of vaccinated people on land, even without masks. I see nothing different about indoor gatherings indoors at sea.

    i am worried about the test requirement to board (or reboard) in addition to the vaccine requirement, because it might disallow my boarding in some remote areas, forfeiture of my return plane reservations, and the need for me to pay for my trip home. Fish’s we are not willing to take.

    Nil? How many studies have been conducted in a controlled setting like a cruise ship? We don't know the risk. We won't know until we have a full ship of vaccinated people get off at a port and someone encounters a sick person in the city and brings it back on. Lot's of immune-compromised people cruise and with those weakened immune systems overall, who knows what could be the result - even with the vaccination. It's all a risk. 

    • Haha 1
  3. 30 minutes ago, Horizon chaser 1957 said:

    IMHO it will be different this time. March 2020 Covid was new, and scary, and not much was known about it. There were no plans in place, no vaccine, and there were not known treatments. Ports just panicked and left people, even their own citizens, at sea to rot. The ships didn’t have test kits, so they didn’t know who was positive until they became gravely ill.

    Going forward, ships will be required to have protocol agreements with the ports they visit. They will also be equipped with test kits and treatment options we didn’t have then. A single positive case will likely be quarantined immediately and put ashore at the next port with the rest of their party. Even ports that can’t handle a full shipload of people can deal with one or two. There may be specific ports missed, but that has always happened for various reasons.
    A fully, or nearly fully, vaccinated ship will have its own herd immunity, and the odd case will not trigger mass contagion. Being caught falsifying your vaccine status will likely mean expulsion at the next port, just like any other necessary document. 
    I’m not worried about the odd positive case on a long journey. People debark for medical reasons fairly often without affecting the rest of the cruise. It’s a mass outbreak with significant numbers of vulnerable passengers that turn an 80 day cruise into an 8 day one.

    How do you know it won't trigger a mass contagion? There have been no studies at all on the effect of bringing an infected person onto a ship of vaccinated pax. Theoretically, some may get it but have milder symptoms, etc. However, I've had a flu vaccine before and gotten the flu - a horrible case - a month later. I've had years when I wasn't vaccinated, that I didn't get it at all.  It's all an unknown.

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  4. 24 minutes ago, Horizon chaser 1957 said:




    Key word here is "should" be minimal. We don't know how that will play out. If one person gets off the boat at a port and encounters someone with the virus and brings it back - we don't know what will happen or how severe any one person's reaction will be. It's all a risk and all an unknown.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Dinglebert said:

    It is a bank holiday for us but our calls are routed to the states so not a bank holiday for you!  I have had no issues with the other companies refunding to new card or direct to bank account.  Attempting to send to a card I have made them aware no longer exists is pointless and a waste of both our times.

    Totally understand your frustration. Cruise lines are full of rote bureaucracy and even when you inform them of a "wrinkle," they default back to their lock-step procedures.

  6. 6 hours ago, B Midged said:

    Privacy concerns?  Why would you care if someone could potentially find out if you were vaccinated?  

    Try this - how about if I got the HPV vaccination as a young adult? What about if there is an HIV vaccination in the future? It's my private medical information neither you nor anyone else has the right to force me to reveal it. What about HIV status? What if a business mandates everyone be HIV-negative before entering? Or mandates you be vaccinated for tuberculosis? How about mandating everyone be vaccinated for the flu before entering, etc.? Sexually transmitted disease status (Herpes Simplex can be transmitted through a cut finger, etc.? Alcohol rehab status given you could drive drunk and kill someone, etc.? This is a slippery slope.

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  7. 2 hours ago, mscdivina2016 said:

    What exactly is the issue?

    Even whether you vote or not in an election is public record.


    What privacy issue is there exactly?????

    Did John Doe of anywhere USA get a covid shot?  Yes/no


    If you go into a business that states "masks are mandatory" you either wear a mask or don't go in.

    In the future a business may say "Only vaccinated people are allowed to enter" if you don't have a shot you don't go in and that's a right a business can exercise.




    It takes a village but every village has an idiot!

    The issue is very complex - not simple as you seem to think. There are layers of medical record privacy laws in states (I know - HIPPA doesn't apply here) that could prohibit businesses, etc. from asking for/obtaining any medical information from you as a condition of service. Businesses are free to limit/prohibit as they wish as long as no fed OR state laws are violated. States may pass laws that prohibit businesses from discriminating against customers based upon vaccination status. Some businesses provide essential goods/services and prohibiting a percentage of residents from obtaining those essential services due to their vaccination status probably wouldn't withstand judicial scrutiny. This is NOT a simple issue and businesses CANNOT just do what they want.

    • Haha 1
  8. 4 hours ago, Shidah said:

    Not thinking children would die on board, but picture a cruise line allowing 5% unvaccinated children on board.  They all interact in the kids club ( which should be closed until the pandemic is completely over, but let’s say it is not).  A few get sick, covid or even non-covid until testing can confirm and it turns into a nightmare.  Ports will not allow the ship to disembark, salivating media outlets all jump on board the story, everyone gets quarantined to their cabins, and cruising gets shut down again by an over zealous CDC.  No one wants this to happen.  Keep kids off the ships until a vaccine is approved for them, which I predict will happen within 2 -3 months.  

    I get what you're saying but that could happen if one goes into port and gets infected (even having been vaccinated) by someone at a market, church, etc. and comes back on the ship. I just wonder what lines like Disney, etc. will do as their customer base is, basically, children.

  9. 5 hours ago, Radiioman46 said:

    "What if.......", you can play that game the rest of your life. Have fun! 

    I read CI66774's message differently.  I don't think she/he was saying be afraid to go ashore, I just think he/she was saying there always will be risks anywhere one goes in the world and that's part of life. Just my take.

  10. 1 hour ago, cruisingguy007 said:


    The fact is that both will use the same nonexistent verification system. 100% vaccination is simply a slogan or feel good term/intention, it has no teeth in terms of actual practicality. Your odds on any ship will be the same essentially. Good intentions are admirable but simply unrealistic. I still feel the vast majority will be vaccinated and odds very low for those who are fully vaccinated. Even many of the folks who slide by will have some natural immunity as there has been so many cases. Folks should feel confident but don't kid yourself on the 100% vaccination farce and cast your care on the lines. You are ultimately responsible for your risk acceptance or risk aversion. Anyone who is truly afraid or of such poor health that covid maybe life changing, should probably stay home and avoid even "100% vaccine" cruises. It's simply a implication/guarantee bar that no business could live up to.      

    Well put!

  11. On 4/29/2021 at 8:10 PM, Shidah said:

    I disagree on the point that kids can’t get seriously ill.  In Michigan, the latest rise in cases is among children.  Locally, a prom that was held two weeks ago has now resulted in hospitalizations of students and the reclosure of the high school.  In addition, many of those high school kids that were not directly quarantined just went on a senior trip to Virginia, not smart.  My thoughts, keep kids off ships until they can be vaccinated.



    270ish kids 18 and under died of Covid thus far. Any child death is tragic (my sister died very young) but they (18 and younger) have a far greater chance of dying in a car accident on the way to the cruise.

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  12. 5 hours ago, Homosassa said:


    Yes to cruising in July. I am booked on an MSC cruise leaving Miami the last week of July.


    Side note: somewhere else on cruise critic, a poster gave a link to a Miami port statement that Miami port agreements with the cruise lines are expected to be summitted to the CDC by the end of next week.



    Yes, correct. An agreement with the CDC will override any Florida state laws. However, as I explained, both the Executive Order and proposed law has a loophole written into them which allows the enforcement of any federal or state mandate. 

    First, this is a complex legal issue. Much more involved than your comment re: the CDC. Fed, state, and local law all act in concert with respect to cruise line operations in Florida. Your statement with respect to a "loophole" is not quite that. The EO/law reflects no business can require any customer to provide certification of a covid vaccine, etc. However, it doesn't prevent businesses from instituting "screening protocols" in accordance with state AND fed law. That means a business (as long as it complies with state and fed law) may require a customer to take, for example, a covid test prior to entering the business or wear a mask, etc. However, it's clear no certification of vaccine is permitted. Now, it's in Florida's best interest to get the cruise industry up and running. I suspect something with be worked out b/t feds and state to allow operations to ramp up soon.

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