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Everything posted by TigerB

  1. Now that is creepy!😯 I've had cheese tonight, so I can guess what will now feature in my dreams later!😵‍💫
  2. On Arvia in January, we had a great pair who worked really well together, and could anticipate each other's actions. The head waiter went off sick with Covid four days in, and was replaced by one of those waiters that walk the floor; I'm not sure what they are called. He was a right miserable sod from the start; perhaps he saw it as a demotion. It took about seven days for him to warm up; that was probably with us engaging him in chat about his family. He then talked about his son, who had recently started with NCL. Anyway, we were back on Arvia in April and, although we're weren't in his section, he made a point of coming and talking with us.
  3. No pole in our allocated cabin this trip, MB. You never know, we may get an upgrade; I'll go to Guest Services when we board and ask if there are any cabins with poles going spare. Failing that, I'll go on the hunt for pineapples on doors; one of those cabins may have a pole.🤭
  4. Our lass: "You're not going to have that sodding tablet in your hands this entire cruise, are you"? 33 years married this year, and I'd quite to make it to 35! 😉 To be fair, two of our kids are away in different parts of the world at the same time as us, so any online time will be spent chatting with them.
  5. We will. That bottleneck as you turn onto Central Road from Platform Road is always a nightmare; I don't know why they haven't sorted it out yet. On our last trip it took us 20 minutes just from that junction to bag drop!🙄
  6. We are doing the same itinerary in February on Iona, but she isn't stopping at La Palma; we do though get an overnighter in Lisbon.
  7. We are actually cruising tomorrow too, but on Iona - Spain and Portugal. I won't do a 'live from' this time as I don't want to be in direct competition with you, @Selbourne; in the quest for readers, you'll win hands down! Anyway, I'm going to try and detox from t'interweb these next two weeks. I may bob on now and again to see how yours is going, and if anyone is doing one on ours. I'll still take photos, especially of food, and post a review when we get home. We are currently in Andover, so it's only going to be a short trip in the morning. I hope you and your good lady have a great cruise.🚢😎
  8. Thanks Dave! 👍 I thought I had read it somewhere, but couldn't find it. Embarrassingly, in was on a thread on which I had commented!🤫
  9. Have I dreamt this, or does Olive Grove on Arvia change to a formal dining venue on those relevant nights, to assist the MDRs with capacity? (I tried searching but couldn't find a relevant thread)
  10. I recall a couple of years ago, a fella with Cerebral Palsy from Hull, was getting help in developing a Yorkshire accent for his speaking computer.
  11. We decanted into bottles on a recent one week cruise, where we only needed 500ml each, gin for me, vodka for our lass. It saved bringing back part full glass bottles.
  12. Bugger! Something else I have to return 🙄
  13. The same can be said for America, I have witnessed folk at WDW, for example, using scooters due to, as I wrote, out of sheer laziness, or seeking to obtain an advantage. I recall something that happened to us a few years ago when we we in the US. A fella, who appeared to be fairly fit, well, he was walking well enough, upon seeing our lass in her power chair, called out, "I've gotta get one of those". Our lass, sharp as a tack, shouted back at him, "You can have this one pal, it comes with a free life-limiting disability". No response! She then muttered something under her breath, questioning his parentage and vigour.
  14. I recall the fire now, and read articles about it at the time. I have today looked for other articles about it and in none of the articles, then or now, does it say the cause of the fire was due to untested batteries from China or anywhere else. I read with interest the reasoned response from @Megabear2 in post #55, and agree about folk buying cheap mobility scooters for, in my opinion, no legitimate medical reason, but just out of sheer laziness, or seeking to obtain an advantage.
  15. You've mis-quoted me; I did not use the word 'no-one'. The phrases I used were... [A user] is almost certainly going to make sure they have done their research... and I would also expect that they.... and No sane person... That said, if someone was to buy such an important piece of equipment second-hand, without completing due diligence, they are, in my opinion, a fool, and are taking a risk.
  16. Perhaps at a location more appropriate than this one!🙄...
  17. What's the name of that company?
  18. There has been mention on this thread about media attention to e-scooter fires. Such fires are of no real surprise, given that, in the last few years the UK market has been flooded with unregulated scooters that are illegal to use in this country, many of which would probably have been charged incorrectly. In my opinion, lithium powered wheelchairs are a different kettle of fish. A user, when paying several thousand pounds for something that is essential to their mobility and quality of life, something that they expect will serve them them for a few years, is almost certainly going to make sure they have done their research, and will buy a chair manufactured from a reputable company, and from a reputable dealer. I would also expect that they will also make sure they use recommended batteries and an appropriate charger, and correctly. No sane person is going to have such a laissez-faire attitude as the idiot parent who buys an e-scooter for their child to ride illegally down the high street. To call for an immediate ban of lithium battery powered wheelchairs on ships, aeroplanes, and other modes of transport, is a knee-jerk reaction, and I am reassured by the response of @molecrochip that P&O have procedures in place, and it is not warranted at this time. Further to the above, as the husband and carer of a user of a lithium battery powered wheelchair, I would welcome additional checks by P&O, to mitigate risk to all their passengers and crew. I don't know how they could do that. Perhaps, when submitting the special assistance form, the passenger also submits proof that the wheelchair chair was purchased from a reputable dealer, has been serviced annually, uses batteries that are suitable and recommended by the manufacturer, and has an appropriate charger. When boarding, the documents could be checked against the wheelchair and accessories referred to. No match = no boarding.
  19. On post #130 on the main Maleth thread, there is a list of their flights. The thread is here...
  20. Are those Spanish words? What's the translation?🤔
  21. I didn't know you could turn that off. Right, I'm on it now! #Yorkshire😉
  22. I've always thought that, as we also have a combi boiler, that the mains supply needed to be kept on. But, a plumber I am not! 🙄
  23. Don't forget to take extra detergent and fabric conditioner, as you'll be spending more time in the laundry.😉
  24. You're just rubbing it in now!🙄😂 BTW - can you pick our lottery numbers for this weekend?😉
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