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Everything posted by LittleJoefromKokomo

  1. I think you don't even have to marry, just find a friend (regardless of sex) that are Diamond and state that that person is your significant other.. 😉
  2. Because I feel that 1$ a drink in tips isn't very motivating for the bartender to give me a free drink or for the waitress to be bringing me another round as often as I prefer.. I dont tip this much on every round, but usually once every visit and it has payed off for me. I am not prime or have the drink package so I pay for my drinks.
  3. Same here, always prepaid tips. This is me tipping extra in the MDR if the service is good.
  4. Exactly, several times the bartender "forgot" to charge for coke, mineral water or other non alcoholic drinks for my wife when I tipped a $5 each time when ordering beer for myself. I have also been given a free beer in the casino bar when tipping $5 or $10 on my precious order. Not always but it happens sometimes.
  5. Depending on service I usually tip the waitor and assistant waitor a $20 each a few times during the cruise. Not every night but atleast 2-3 times in a 7 day cruise. If service was really bad I don't tip extra outside the prepaid tips.
  6. Not just until September, our already booked Nov 6 cruise from Athens to Barcelona is also gone, I hope they don't cancel it. Just when we convinced our friends to join us on this one 😞
  7. It depends, if the following day is a seaday and I can sleep to 10 am then I am up until atleast 2 am. usually in the casino. If I need to be up at 7 because of a port day excursion I am in bed no later than 12 and don't drink much that evening.
  8. I never saw any family bathrooms either in June. There were several stalls that were bigger than normal inside the different bathrooms that could fit wheelchairs but I never saw any family bathrooms.
  9. I don't know about Independence but Voyager of the Seas pools were heated on our June Baltic Cruise. I asked the lifeguard and he said that they were heated to 26 c / 78.8 fahrenheit.
  10. We saw a guy being required to take a test before going off the ship on a port day during our Baltic cruise two weeks ago. At the time I didn't understand what the fuss was about since the countries we visited all have ended covid restrictions but he had to take a test on ship before being let of the ship in one of the ports (unfortunately I don't remember which och the ports it was) They stopped him at the gangway when he tried to get off, he had to pay some 50 dollars or so for the test also.
  11. Easy, just following these steps: 1. Bring one or two empty large suitcase when boarding. 2. Order lots of Redbull cans and don't open them, order at least 10 a day and pack them into suitcase for consumption at home.. 3. Order the most expensive beer (probably an IPA) several times in different bars and don't open them, pack them as well to your suitcases for bringing home and drink later.. 4. Order several shots of Chivas or some other Whisky straight up, no ice or water (I prefer Gentlemen Jack) and pur them into an empty water bottle. Bring home for future consumption... 5. Drink so much that you crash into bed every night (and the sunbeds on deck for a nap every time before lunch) I have faith in you! I really think that by following these easy steps that you will get the most out of your drink package 😀
  12. Controversial question here... Personally, as a 50 year old that has never smoked a cigarette in my life (but has gambled since I was 16) smoke is something that I personally don't like, it's a minor nuisance for me but it would never keep me away from the Casino. I just take a shower before I go to bed and remember the early 90:s when smoking was everywhere. On the other hand, my wife almost always refuse to make me company in the casino due to the smoke. If the casinos were smoke free I am sure she would spend more time there. For me it doesn't really matter. I personally don't mind gambling alone but I wouldn't mind if the casinos were made smoke free either. I guess they will be in 5-10 years from now anyway. For now I will continue gambling, smoking allowed or not 🙂
  13. I boarded the Voyager in Copenhagen and did the tests the day before just as Royal Caribbean demanded (Denmark doesn't have any restrictions at all anymore) and they didn't even check it when we were checking in at the cruise terminal. Only vaccination status. Could have saved about 80$ for the two of us if I knew that but then they would probably have asked for it..
  14. I just came back from a Baltic Cruise on Voyager. Everything went fine but one thing that surprised both me and the company we were travelling with was that the checkin agent in Copenhagen when we boarded never even wanted to see our antigen test results from the day before! We had done all the prerequired checkin and uploaded our vaccine records in the app but when we were boarding they never cared about the test results at all. All she wanted to see was the date of our third vaccine shot and the first. This was little hard to remember since on our vaccine certificate it only speciefies the last date of the third shot. Since we couldn't remember the exact date we just gave her a date 6 month before and it was fine. I found this a bit strange.
  15. Just came back from an 11 night Baltic Cruise, in every port we bought a large bottle of water and some smaller ones and security never once even looked at them. We carried it in both our backpack and in shopping bags. They never watched my wifes sporting plastic bottle she always carries either. It might or might not have been an accident later in our cabin when my wife got a mouthful of Jack Daniels instead of water when she drank directly from the bottle... 😎
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