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Everything posted by Fionboard

  1. Like these cabins but cannot see the TVs without my long distance specs! Wonder when they are going to upgrade them?!
  2. New sun loungers for pool came on last month.
  3. MDR dinner menus are usually fine for me, but the veggie options are often horrible and the vegan desserts are tasteless. However, the chips (with mayo) are always an alternative as they are very good on P&O. I find the MDR lunch menu nicer.
  4. In my experience, Peninsular Club lunch is for Caribbean, Baltic and Ligurian. Last cruise on Aurora they had to have 4 lunches as so many in these tiers, but that is not unusual for Aurora.
  5. Some balcony furniture has already been renewed.
  6. The other Freedom is Saffron and the MDR is BayTree.
  7. Certainly did. It was very busy and noisy. Maybe space on Britannia better used.
  8. Did Britannia and Royal Princess in 2015. Same ship but chalk and cheese. Love Britannia but did not like Royal. The latter had more cabins (more crowded), no Crows Nest or Sunset Bar. Not sailed Princess since.
  9. Sure you will be ok. Have a great time. By the way, one of the Freedom restaurants on Ventura is called Cinnamon!
  10. Actually, the bags your slippers come in are perfect for a bottle!
  11. If you get Freedom see the Maitre D on board and change to a sharing table in Club. However as a solo you will probably get sharing in Club anyway.
  12. They do not keep bottles for you now. People look like winos walking around the ships with bottles!
  13. Savers often get Freedom dining. If you get freedom you should be able to change it to club on board. Have done this a few times. 2nd sitting is the least popular so easiest to get, especially if you are wiling to share.
  14. Fabulous place. Just get shuttle and wander around.
  15. For heavens sake. You obviously have not cruised as much as you make out. Select allows you to choose fixed (first or second) or freedom and table size. Saver does not but you can almost always change what you get if not what you want once on board. I speak from experience. Sorry if this is disrepectful but your labouring of your points is getting a bit tedious!
  16. No because everything works well the way it is. If it ain't broke don't fix it. If downstairs is quiet, waiters can easily be moved upstairs.
  17. By the way, on Arcadia last month the fixed dining room was very busy and the freedom one looked pretty empty.
  18. Larger MDR for Freedom, smaller one for Fixed. Only queues are those couples who want tables for two in Freedom and want to dine at 6.00. They start queueing at 5.30. That's tea time for me!
  19. Exhausting, yes. Let's all agree that we have different likes, dislikes, budgets, and needs. Thank goodness there are plenty of ships and cruising styles to choose from - at present!
  20. Or neither and eat elsewhere or, in my case, a good lunch ashore or in the MDR leaving the evening free.
  21. Wrong again. As a previous poster said, on the smaller ships you are likely to just turn up and get a table or at least book a table at short notice as availability is more plentiful. Glasshouse in particular is easy to get in.
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